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Everything posted by Poeticlaw

  1. Maybin will not be satrting as much as we want our current DE's to be replaced. I am not concerned about rookies starting if you think about it almost every year we have 2 or 3 rookies plus another 1 or 2 unproven guys starting. The team still manges to function pretty well. Especially KO and dontes first season with us they were considered one of the top defensive pairs in the leaugue and they were rookies too bad for KO that his injury has dropped him down the ladder. Even still anything at OL has to be better then the OL that we have been putting on the field the last decade. Finally the addressed the center position not overpaying for an unmotivated LT and bringing in guys with athleticism not just size which hase been a major issue. Do i think it will make the O great this year No I dont But foe years to come it looks very promising! NO TE has looked good on our team since Reimersna Left so I am hoping he takes on equal or better quailities then him so we can finally have somemore hands on the field instead of all blockers!
  2. Whitner would be the SS. The only reason they moved him over too free saftey is becuase they felt he was the best option at FS and they had servicable talent for the SS postition. But if Byrd can turn into the FS they are hoping for then that Moves Whitner back to the SS spot and noone is unseating him. His issue last season was is seperated shoulder. I know alot of you laughed and made fun of him being knocked on his a$$ by sammy morris but it was is seperated shoulder that morris hit and reinjured even more. Whitner is tough and can play injured.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yuh6G7MVsOQ
  3. It seems like such an obvious answer to any bills fan. The true question who is 4th and who doesnt make the roster this season. Everyone knows Reed is the PURE SLOT Receiver number three is where he thrives the most at.
  4. The system that was in place is gone and what your seeing is a by-product of wad Daniels feels about the current Rbs ability to run in his system. Personally I think you just saw the complete demise of the Denver Broncos Josh mcdaniels is not going to be a winner in Denver and its a shme becuase of the legacy asscoiated with that team and the offensive prowless that team had before the firng of shannahan. The only thing that team needed was a defense. IF you dont believe me go back to that Dever game where they kicked our a$$ up and down the field all game and was a play away from winning but if their defense was better they would have held up in the 4th qtr.
  5. Based on inexperience, Trents health, DJ potential not to change and the shedule layout 7-9 However, If the team is really going to implement the no huddle I think it raises the win 2-3 games potentailly more depending on how the defense holds up to be on the field longer as well.
  6. Really I thought it was only Trent becuase TO is the # 1 WR oon this team not Lee evans!!!!!
  7. Now that would actually make me optimistic about this teams chances if that is indeed what they plan on doing. Because that puts in in the play to win not play to lose and more playcalling on the QB and less on the OC which I have more confidence in Trents ability to call the right play then i do Turk. If this does indeed tunr to fruition and they look good at it I might actually have to change my prediction. We will see!
  8. My question to that would be WHAT DO THE COACHES DO WELL? Practice? Game plan? Game time management? Call the right plays? Make the right game time adjustments? play to players strengths? Play to their opponents weaknesses?Create a defensive idendity? create an offense identity? overall team philiosphy? The only thing i think the caoches staff does a good job of is the overall team philosphy playing not to lose its worked 43% of the time they are jsut hoping to improve it to 50/ 50 and beeing too nice to their players.
  9. Lets do this position by poisition:0= same +1 equals better -1 equals worse Qb1=0, QB2=0 QB3=0 =0 HB1=0 HB2=0 HB3=+1 =+1 WR1=+1 WR2=0 wr3=0 wr4=0 wr5=0 wr6=0 =+1 TE1=+1 TE2=0 TE3=0 =+1 FB=0 =0 LT=-1 LG=+1 C=+1 RG=0 RT=0 =+1 DE1=0 DE2=+.5 DE3+1 DE4=0 =+1.5 (schoebel return gives us +.5) LOLB=0 MLB=0 ROLB=0 =0 DT1=0 DT2=0 DT3=0 DT4=0 =0 Cb1=0 CB2=+1 CB3=0 CB4=0 CB 5=0 =+1 FS's=+1 =+1 SS=0 OVerall= +7.5 So yes it would appear we have improved the team over last years team provided the players live up to thier abilities I am still sticking to 7-9
  10. I think their might be something to that statement. Asmuch as I dislike the comparisons to this team the Patriots Were able to go 11-5 with a QB who hasnt thrown a game pass since high school and also got a 2nd rd pick for him when they were just going to let him go the fanbase couldnt stand him, He started off lousy and improved through the season. That is attributed to the coaching. While on the other hand our Trend Edwards started out pretty good and got progressively worse and the fanbase attributes that to his injury and not the coaching staff...GO FIGURE
  11. You are right they are a young team and they jsut got a whole lot younger specifically in the OL and TE. The only thing we can be thankful for is that we finally have veteran leadership on the Offense in TO the only question is.. Is it the type of leadership you want for your offense? The only other problem i see is the OL's ability to Keep Trent up and not playing scared like he was in the final stratch last year.
  12. JPS problem is he only wanted to be a starter and feels he should only go to a team that will sign him as a starter. After the rumor that he was bad for Trent after Trent took the starting Job from him he has to understand he should be willing to go to anyteam that even looks like theres a chance the starting QB could go down so he can attempt to take the job from them like it was done to him. SOmetimes its about playing for a JOB not just your ego every QB in the leaugue believes they are starting QB capable but dont go around taking shots at management when it doesnt happen this only hurts your chances to get a JOB.
  13. I give the Bills organization KUDOS for what they do the best run a buisness which is to sell merchandise and seats and have some sponsorship. However, I do not share this renewed optimisim that most of the fanbase seems to be sharing atlest not for the upcoming season. I am very concerned about the OL and retooling it with inexperience to provide blocking for a slightly off QB who is also prone to injury. You think he played scared last year after his injury think what he will do if this line doesnt hold up its blocks through the game. If thats not bad enough think about the hit his psyche will take once hes bnot able to get the ball to TO because hes to scared to wit until he has a shot and dups it to the closest reciever. I also dont like the pick up of domiick rhodes heas a big back but to me hes more of a FB then a HB hes slow but a bruiser and has good hands if he can balock then he can be used as a FB option whcih will get him on the field more but Freddy is soo much better then he is. Hopefully its only stop gap. I aslo dont see DJ changing anything hes going to continue with the play to not lose mentality which in his case ends up losing 57% of the time. The game is already 50/50 to win or lose show some initiative and play to the teams strengths and set the tone and pace of the game this is the only reason we lack turn overs is becuase the opponet is alasy the one dictating our defense and offense if he wants to be succesful it needs to change. The backup situation is no better tha it was last season so i feel even worse then i did last year about WHEN trent goes down to me its not an IF. I do see a mild improvement in the defense but we will still be hurting without a true starting LOLB unless someone other then ellison can step up an show something spectactular. I dont see schoebel playig the whole season he will have the season ending surgery on his foot that he should have gotten last year then it would ahve been different. Nelslon and To sound like improvements to the O but can we trus the OC to design the plays to utilize this area of strength? Can we trust Trent to get the ball to TO or LEE if their 10 yards out with pressur in his face. Personally I ahve to wait until preseason to see if I am going to ahve any renewed optimisim becuase as it stands right now 7-9 is the best we will be and that doesnt make me optimistic. I will watch and STRONGLY HOPE my team can prove me wrong as i do every season. Until then I am reserving emotions hurts less when I am expecting 7-9 then when I am hoping for the playoffs especially after I finally started coming around after the 6-2 start and said ok this team is proving me wrong only to be proven PAINFULLY right that just sucked!!!!
  14. Succesful would have to be nothing less then a winning season. Which has elude him all but 1 year of his coaching tenure. However, if he was succeful enough this year to have the min winning record of 9-7 without the playoffs the following year would have to be playoffs or Fired. I think this front office knows their will be limitations with the OL this season and as much as they would want a playoff game this year I think they would be happy to see the team finish 9-7 or better it makes the next season marketing easier because the fan base will think we are on the cusp of the playoffs.
  15. I ll will quote to you what my friend has always stated to me with the same response: " Isnt it the HC job to oversee the game plan and approve it or make any adjustments to it as he see fits? Doesnt the HC control the team not the DC or OC?"
  16. Reading some of the renewed optimism for this team had me wondering if you actually think based on schedule/ Draft and free agent signing TO that Jauron will be succesful this season? Personally I do not share in any of the renewed optimism, I think we have even more questions now then we had at the end of the season. Can Trent stay healthy and be productive? Can The OL open up holes and protect the passer? Can we get the ball to TO enough times not too create an issue? Who will be complaining the most about the lack of carries Lynch, Rhodes or Jackson? With 5 more teams implementing the 3-4 this season two whci we play in KC and the JETS added to the teams we already play the 3-4 aginst will this coaching staff be smarter about how to play against it? Will Jauron improve his game day plans and make better adjustments at the half? I am still sticking to 7-9 forecast for the 4th straight year and will be deemed unacceptable and DJ will be gone at the end of the season. I think Ralph is tryingto save money on players this season to prepare to eat the final two years of the three year unconfirmed contract he gave him.
  17. I did a post on the positions and player choices pf who would get cut is more likely that Jenkins and PK Sam ar cut more than any of the other recievers. I was also thinking about denney but then I thought about Mccargo getting cut instead of denney becuase of denneys abilty to play end and DT makes him more valuable then mccargo.
  18. In reading the article it was determined in 2006 to have the banned substance and Pats last season with us was 2004. He must be trying to get even with the Bills for not retaining him I remebr how upset he was when he left.
  19. Brandon LaFell WR 6'3 212 63 catches for 929 yards and 8 tds JR yr should be our first round pick if hes still there when we pick to replace our 6'3 216 aging player in TO who will be a free agent.
  20. I would aslo bet that the push to three days is to put the first round of the draft on Thursday nights on the NFL network ailenating all of the cable viewers in a way to obtain even more revenue for the NFL and Giving the Remaining Rounds to ESPN.
  21. Cap Casuality is my understanding
  22. I wouldnt disagree there either Walker started LT during the holdout and did a decent job. It is probably the more realistic scenario. Especially since Chambers is much more suited for RG.
  23. Lets see we had a practice squad player that was an undrafted TE and was groomed for the OL started the next year at RG then moved to LT MAde prowbowl twice and traded away for a first/ fourth and conditional pick. At that time the fan base was like waht the heck are we doing with this unproven TE proved us wrong huh? Bell Could be a fit the coaches seem to be confident he will as the were with Jason Peters since history is always the benchmark I will give the coaches and Bell the benefit of the doubt.
  24. I looked at the 2001 NE patriots and this was their OL that season- LT-Matt Light Rookie LG- Mike Hampton-8 years experience C- Damion Woody- 2 years experience RG-Joe Andruzzi - 3 yrs experience Rt- Greg Randall- 1 yr experience 14 years total 14 years total I put wood as the real only rookie and Demetius bell at at least 1 yr which makes this line similar to that of the 2001 NE patriots The point I am making is we can be all up in arms about our offensive line and particularly our LT but if NE can win the SB with a rookie LT we should hopefully be able to put together a competitive team with our line. I think we got additiion through subtraction here completely retooled the line and its filled with youth and everyone playing to start on the OL. I feel better about the chances of this line being able to succed this season. I will not go on the limb for a play off spot but I can see this team becoming a little more competitive then they were. LT- Demitrus Bell- Rookie LG- Eric Wood- Rookie C- Geoff Hangartner- 4 yrs experience RG Brad Butler- 3 Years Experience RT- Langston Walker- 7 yrs experience Personally I would align the line as following: LT- Demitrus Bell- Rookie LG- Geoff Hangartner- 4 yrs experience C- Eric Wood- Rookie RG Brad Butler- 3 Years Experience RT- Langston Walker- 7 yrs experience I have confidence Bell would do well as i did when they made the move of Jason Peters over there. But I would put Wood in the Center spot his naturak position and put Hangartner over at LG because of his experince playing there in fillins in the past. I would also see if anyone can unseat BB.
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