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Everything posted by Sound_n_Fury

  1. He'll just have to live off his wife's Harvard Law degree, I guess.
  2. Isn't that Brad Riter's program for tonight....
  3. We all take this stuff WAY too seriously....
  4. Link to WKBW story.... Jan 04, 2006 - Ralph Wilson returned to the podium at One Bills Drive just hours after his afternoon news conference...Mike Mularkey was at his side. Wilson announced "with great pleasure" that Mularkey is the Bills coach now and for a long time to come. Mularkey expressed satisfaction with his relationship with owner Wilson. Wilson promised that whomever the new general manager is will not be second guessing or micro-managing Mularkey. The owner made it clear Mularkey is his choice and that it would be "unfair" for Mularkey to coach in fear of having to please the new general manager.
  5. Now we know what that new 'GR Ball Girl's job is....
  6. I still don't see the problem. Why shouldn't RW have a look at what the GM and personnel guys are seeing in a player? To the best of our knowlege, Ralph never made any picks during the Polian/Butler era (or the TD era for that matter). But he did like to be consulted and shown film of players under consideration, particularly a certain RB that Butler lobbied for in the second round of the 1988 draft who was missing a knee ligament.
  7. Jerry Gray speaks: "Back in Buffalo, Mularkey's assistants were at work as usual, awaiting news on their fate. Mularkey planned staff evaluations today. "No word is a good word right now," said Gray, a holdover from Gregg Williams' original 2001 staff. "We're basically status quo. Nobody's said anything to us. We're waiting on Mr. Wilson to decide what he wants to do and we're going to take it from there."
  8. RW didn't say that at all. He just said he wants to see film of the players they're considering so he'll be familiar with them before they're picked. In other words, to prevent a repeat of TD's "trust me" hype with little production to show for it.
  9. Just curious about what your "connections" are with people in the know?
  10. Anything that cites a report by Clayton...he'll have covered every possible hiring/firing scenario by the end of the day and then will crow about his insider status if one of them comes true.
  11. nothing about it on their website.
  12. Could they be negotiating with a new HC and that's the reason for the delay? Then have a PC in a few days to announce Marv and new HC together? Hummmm....
  13. Yeah, all good points. But be careful...it's dangerous to stand in front of an angry mob and try to use logic.
  14. Maybe you should ask RW for some of his stash...
  15. There's no point in using logic today...the inmates aren't in the mood.
  16. Or at least Jerry Sullivan, anyway....
  17. RW was always president, until TD. Seeing what a great job Donahoe did with the position, I think it's an upgrade.
  18. And to think...you came back to TSW just so you could start this thread!
  19. "Compounding the internal strife, the strike-shortened 1982 season was, to say the least, a disruptive and divisive one for pro football. The Kansas City Chiefs were no exception. Suddenly, the team that had showed such promise seemed to disintegrate, as the season was ripped apart with player dissention and labor unrest. After finishing a disappointing 3-6, Levy was fired." History's a funny thing. Not saying MM is going to suddenly blossom, but none of us know for sure what the future holds...
  20. Hey, it worked for Greggo after three seasons...
  21. http://www.profootballhof.com/history/rele...?release_id=434 BILL POLIAN: Enshrinees, honored guests, commissioner, our good friend and benefactor Ralph Wilson, ladies and gentlemen, and that special group of players, fans, coaches, and staff who make the Buffalo Bills family so unique. It is said that leadership is that unique quality which enables special people to stand up and pull the rest of us over the horizon. By that or any other definition, Marv Levy is one of the greatest leaders this game has ever known. His incredible vision for what his teams and players could become - and there are many seated in front of us here today who I think will be up on this podium before long - his magnificent ability to articulate that vision, his boundless kindness and empathy for his players and associates, and his unconquerable will to persevere no matter what the obstacle or odds, left an indelible mark on those of us privileged to be led by him. His famous Marvisms, reflected in a few short sentences. A person, a philosophy, a role model, not only for us, but because of his genius as a teacher, through us for generations to come. Here are just a few: 'Everyone wants to win. The special person has the will to prepare to win.' 'What you do should speak so loudly that no one can hear what you say.' 'Adversity is an opportunity for heroism.' 'Expect rejection but expect more to overcome it.' Words not only for winning but for living. And words that remind us not only of the lessons learned and battles fought, but of the profound respect and affection we have for their teacher. Cicero wrote that friends multiply joy and divide sorrow. There wasn't very much sorrow in our days together, and Marv, your friends are here today to thank you and multiply your joy as you take your rightful place among the game's immortals. Perhaps the most famous Marvism of all is the most appropriate today, and you've seen it already: 'Where would you rather be than right here, right now?' Marv, there's no place in the world we would rather be than right here, right now with you. This winter, the great Jerry Magee of San Diego captured in a few eloquent sentences why Marv Levy will be enshrined here today. They bear repeating: 'Marv Levy ennobled the coaching profession. Marv Levy ennobled the game of football. Marv Levy ennobled everyone with whom he came in contact.' On behalf of all of us and all of those privileged to have called him coach, it is my great honor to present for induction into the National Football League Hall of Fame, my treasured friend and the finest man I know, coach Marv Levy.
  22. "wondering what a waste of time" I say the same thing about 'GR more often than not....
  23. Polian owes his whole NFL career to Marv....what do you think he's going to say about him. Polian and his brother were producing an independent scouting report service on players at second tier Mid-western schools in the 1970s (his day job was selling ad space in a local farm publication, BTW) and Levy was his first "big time" customer when he was HC of the Alouettes (if you can call the CFL big time). They developed a strong friendship and the rest is history...
  24. Hey, Alan Greenspan is 80 and he ran the whole country until this week....
  25. Or.... "if you don't like it, get out of town!"
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