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Everything posted by Sound_n_Fury

  1. And you never look at car accidents on the side of the road?
  2. Where does Clayton dig this stuff up??
  3. How are these people any different from Sully? They "complain" while he "analyzes?" The "don't read it" argument is only valid if his columns were printed in the weddings or want ad sections. You can't put a spam filter on the sports page, unfortunately...
  4. Kelly = JS??? (just kidding...I'd never insult anyone on TSW that badly)
  5. Wow. This is nothing compared to... (1) Wade Phillips' last year (2) The Hank Bullough era (3) The Kay Stephenson era (4) The Jim Ringo era .........
  6. The distraction of having Haz as MM's "replacement in waiting" would be too great, IMO.
  7. This whole BCS season has been great. I'm trashed today after staying up late on Tuesday to root for PSU, and then last night.
  8. That's the way you build a winner. Trade the pick and not bet the farm (or your salary cap) on a single "can't miss" guy.
  9. I was, too. But I thought the USC defensive front 7 and overall scheme were pretty lame for all the rep that Carroll has as a d-coordinator. And Young was never confused becuse he had the upmost confidence that he could pull the ball down on any passing play and get a guaranteed 7-10 yard gain with his legs.
  10. Best performance by a college player I can recall seeing, but....can the guy read a defense? Audible? He's a freak of nature physically and seems like he has a great personality, but NFL QB-ing is a whole different game. Still, this performance will keep a lot of personnel guys and GMs stocked up on Tums for the next few months.
  11. More lifetime achievement than anyone posting on this MB??
  12. Man, I never realized that you're one bitter dude. IMO, this is where Marv adds value to this organization at THIS point in time: **** "I think Marv can bring a vision to the organization that quite frankly has been lacking pretty much since he left as coach," said Steve Christie, the former Bills kicker who now works for Canadian television. "Under the previous regime, it was like a weather vane at times. You'd listen to the press conferences with the general manager and the coaches and you had no idea what direction the team was headed. I think Marv is the kind of guy who can determine what the direction should be and get everyone pointed that way." * * * * Rebuilding the Bills, however, wasn't so easy. Levy took over a team that had lost 28 of 32 games over two seasons. "Marv brought sunlight to a very dark situation when he came," remembered Polian. "He's an optimistic person. When outside forces make it seem like Armageddon, he's liable to drop a one-liner in the most serious discussion. He keeps everyone loose. You enjoy coming to work." Marv took a cautious approach with his new team. "What the team needed was realism," he said. "This was a weary football team, beaten down mentally by losing. I never mentioned the word 'win.' I talked about performance." "Marv has respect for everyone's personality," said veteran nose tackle Fred Smerlas. "He doesn't belittle people. He lets them be themselves. It's a whole new world." * * * * Bill Polian HOF intro: It is said that leadership is that unique quality which enables special people to stand up and pull the rest of us over the horizon. By that or any other definition, Marv Levy is one of the greatest leaders this game has ever known. **** Right now, the Bills need leadership, direction and a sense of purpose where everyone is on board and working toward a common goal. Marv can bring that. For sure it will be up to Modrak to find the right players and Jim Overdorf to handle the contract matters, but I'm willing to bet that Marv can get the team moving in the right direction and lay the groundwork for hiring a more permanent GM maybe in a year or so.
  13. Yes...but WHEN did he resign?
  14. Hey, if Joe Pa can change, why not Marv. The salary cap era makes a big difference in who plays and who sits compared to when Marv coached in the 80s and 90s.
  15. Or watching USC cheerleaders....
  16. Close? It's been smoking that cigar for the past 24 hours...
  17. Yep. And a runty 18 year-old kicker almost ruined it.
  18. even money it's a TSW regular...
  19. OK, me too. It's just your litany of Bills' greatest misses (spread over about 30 of the team's 46 years of existence) is a little disconcerting when looked at a big picture perspective.
  20. Exactly. AVP was very entertaining. You want backbiting and self flagilation...come to TSW and live it up.
  21. So in other words, what you're saying is that diehard Bills fans are morons for putting up with this team...
  22. Coaches are a dime a dozen. Oh wait, I meant kickers....
  23. Nowhere to go but up! I'll miss him in the booth, however.
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