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Everything posted by Sound_n_Fury

  1. Peters has looked excellent so far on the 10-12 plays I've watched him. He's shown tremendous feet and agility and has been very effective against KGB in pass pro. He hasn't been as effective getting a push in the run game, but he looks positionally sound anyway. To be honest, he's exceeded my expectations so far at OT. Keep your fingers crossed, he's developing pretty well so far...
  2. It's funny, but I see their point a bit. They invited us to their Family Night scrimage, which up to this year had essentially been a glorified autograph session/marketing promotion, and we embarased them by kicking sand in their face. Is that the Bills fault? No, no way. We had our agenda (send a message about our "D" to the rest of the league) and they had theirs (sell merchandise). That Sherman's team was unprepared is not our fault. But we were still "invited guests" in his house (unlike a league-scheduled game) and we made him look bad. I doubt we'll get asked back in the future, but hey, **** happens.
  3. Hamilton was squeeling like a girlly-man the other night about Shaud Williams sitting out two straight practices without any info on a possible injury....
  4. "Don't Pick Fights with People Who Buy Ink by the Barrel" ...
  5. It's their job...but whining incessantly about not getting the info is not. Somebody needs to give Paul Hamilton an enema...
  6. As in "push that cart off a ledge?"
  7. Hey, doesn't that analogy cover about 75% of the posts on TSW?
  8. You must be referring to WBEN's "1-on-1" sports show. John Murphy, Howard Simon and Chris Parker consistently put on a better show each night than we'll ever get from GR.
  9. I like his personality/demeanor a lot (a young Chuck Noll). He's not afraid to gamble, which I like as well. Still, the "benifit of the doubt" comes off this year. He's going to have to build on the foundation from last year or TSW'ers will be howling at the moon. It'll be interesting to see how patient he is with JP if they loose a few winnable games early in the schedule.
  10. Yep, with another smurf (Roscoe) already penciled in at #3, Haddad's a long, long, long shot to make the team. Leonhard's a better punt return option as well, so Drew's a nice story, but that's all...
  11. http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/181_1462967,00040006.htm
  12. To paraphrase a line Larry Felser frequently used about players like Gause, "I don't care how he looks running in his underwear, what can he do on the field" We need to see a lot more production from Gause before he can have have a ligit chance of replacing Denny, IMO.
  13. Those Who Forget The Past Are Doomed to Repeat It
  14. That's the kind of skill that can't be taught. The other stuff you mentioned comes with experience.
  15. That probably has something to do with the "bag of hammers" reference in a prior post! I got a kick out of his kids celebrating on the 18th green, and enjoy the "family man" aspect of the way he carries himself. If he knew how to play smart golf, he'd be more effective, though...
  16. Gee, I thought he might be too young to remember Thurmal and Kenny!
  17. That's not the impression I got. I thought he closed very well on the ball a number of times and made some good solid tackles. Looked much better than a 5th round pick playing his first NFL game, IMO.
  18. Pros: * Eric King looks like a great find - played like a vet in many of the chances he got * Duke Preston can play (might be our OLG if Anderson keeps making mental mistakes) * Gates looks fast, I'd like to see more of him * Leonhard has a nose for the ball * Peters made no glaring errors that I saw * Edwards/Anderson looked good against the scrubs Negatives: * My boy Lame Em' didn't get much action and the good play of the #2 LBs is going to make it hard for him to stick * George Wilson didn't get any opportunities to show his stuff * OL starters still not getting much of a push, even against backups
  19. Nice guy's.....finish first. Congrats, Phil.
  20. Given Wire's play the rest of the night, that doesn't prove anything. I'd still think it'd be a LBs responsibility to stay with the TE rather than the FS, however.
  21. Was Wire blitzing on that play? I didn't notice that...
  22. The way I look at it, they're playing their base defense in preseason. Then, if they go to more of a zone look against some passing teams with strong OLs later in the season, it will be a real change up / confusion maker. The only problem with showing a lot now comes if you never vary anything later on... As a bonus, thowing the playbook at the rookies and young guys now allows them to see who's a player and who's not. Running a basic D might give misleading readings on guys who can master simple schemes, but who'd be over their heads when the real bullets are flying.
  23. Doesn't the SS generally cover the TE? Leonhard was playing FS.
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