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Everything posted by Sound_n_Fury

  1. I'm in support of the EM suspension, but he's probably sitting there thinking "I've played the last eight years for three of the dumbest/worst HCs ever to hold the title...how did I ever get so lucky?"
  2. You're probably on to something. Last home game of the year, then fire the GM with two road games to go.
  3. The players know that management spins. They do too. They're all in the media biz, after all. What player in their right mind is going to turn down the chance to talk to ESPN, regardless of what the front office has to say/spin about them? We're not talking about the Jerry Sullivan's of the world (who Bruce Smith never spoke to over the last few years he was here after almost punching him out). Mort doesn't have to fear losing a player's access, IMO, by throwing a bone to a front office source scrambling for his professional life. The players will always look to go national/big time and Mort, Boomer and the rest of the ESPN crew know it.
  4. Not quite certain why the other 31 GMs and hundreds of coaches would B word Mort out for reporting their spin on things. As for the players, they don't have a vote when it comes to PR puff pieces.
  5. Sounds like he had a death in the family...the end is near.
  6. TD probably fed him the "story". Sorry, Tom....can't save yourself via your media buds.
  7. That's just wrong. Point to me where RW has not opened his checkbook since the mid-1980s and not signed (at the time) the most high profile players (TKO, SA or all the way back to Corny Bennett) or GM candidate (TD) available. Just because 5-years later we see TD as a failure, you can't hang that on Ralph. Same with Butler before he left. Same with Poilian. Ralph has done his part. He could have said no to FA signing bonuses like Mike Brown in Cincy...but he didn't. He could have moved the team to greener pastures in the middle of the night like Modell...but he didn't. How do you hang TDs failures on Ralph. Every off season of the TD era has been an exciting one in terms of the team being aggressive (even signing Miloy opening week). sh-- happens that RW can't control any more than you can. TKO getting injured? Must be RW's fault. Mike Williams has an empty chest cavity? Must be RW's fault (even though 90% of the TSW hailed the pick at the time). CV can't stay on the field in Buffalo after being a very good player in Chicago? Must be Ralph's fault. Troy Vincent running out of gas after week 7? Must be Ralph's fault. MM not being the coach we've been looking for (after going 9-7 last year and getting a lot of buzz for coach of the year)? Must be Ralph's fault. Ralph wants to win as much as any fan. He has more knowledge of the NFL than 95% of the posters on this board. He attends every game, comes to training camp regularly, stays very involved with the team now that the Bills are his primary business venture. He hired THE guy at the time (TD) and if you take the effort to Google/Nexis or check the archives here, I'm sure the overwhelming sentiment was positive...just as it was leading up to opening day this season. That TDs plan has gone up in flames is something we all regret...RW included. It's easy to blame problems on someone else using revisionist history as a rationale...its just human nature. It's also wrong most of the time. I'm not saying RW's sh-- don't stink, but I'm glad he's our owner, especially over the past two decades. That he has to go through a GM search yet again is frustrating...and not something any of us anticipated three months ago. But it happened and now he/we have to deal with it again.
  8. Good Lord, this place gets more insane by the day....
  9. Gee, when I saw the title of this thread, my first thought was of TSW posters...
  10. Sal's usually wrong, so this is probably another FU on his part...
  11. I don't necessarily agree. As the longest tenured Bill and only link left with the SB teams, EM is not "just another guy" like Sam Adams in terms of his relationship with Ralph. I have no problem with Ralph inserting himself into this issue and I think it's much ado about nothing anyway. As EM said, "I'm not TO" (or Terry Glenn for that matter). Ralph got to hear a veteran players side of things and will now have this info to call on in making any decisions about TD/MM's future as well.
  12. That was my thought...along with why anyone needs to pay a buck to read what Sal has to say. In fact, he's way behind the times on some things, like TC and Temple. Clements pulled himself out of contention for that job weeks ago...
  13. Why ruin a good conspiracy thread with the facts....
  14. Since the mid-1980's, Ralph has given his GM whatever he wanted in terms of FA signing money and (for the most part) freedom to run the team. That, and the solid group of younger players on the roster, would be a very attractive carrot to dangle in front of a new GM candidate. Also the fact that the AFC East is wide open and the Pats aren't the jugernaught they once were...
  15. The "Bickering Bills" were a media fiction that had no impact on the team's performance. It remains to be seen if this latest "crisis" follows a similar course.
  16. Yep, just like when he said Plexico Burris was coming here for TH....
  17. Glad we have all that veteran leadership to show how its done....
  18. Please don't use the words journalism and 'GR in the same thread...like matter and antimatter, they should never be mixed.
  19. I thought it was MMs decision...he was supporting the desires of his roster over the desires of his GM/owner to see JP play. It's moot now...the baby's with the dish water.
  20. Dumb post of the day. Better not let Easterbrook get a look at it....
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