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Posts posted by Sound_n_Fury

  1. When are people going to stop listening and believing what coaches say in press conferences as being the truth. They virtually never say the real reason, nor should they. Willis is not in on third downs because he cannot block great, or catch fantastic, or accelerate as fast as Shaud Williams. But more importantly, he has to kill himself simply to get three yards on this team. The idea was that Williams would be the third down back, as a change of pace, it just hasn't happened all that well and it's not the answer.


    But Mularkey is not going to say to a reporter, well, frankly, we were wrong about Willis and he can't block for sh--, and he can't run swing passes and draws and change of pace plays as well as some of our other backs. And frankly, that isn't even the real reason. The real reason is our line sucks (and therefore our GM sucks and he really sucks for hiring me) and it wears Willis down to have to struggle for two yards every carry, only to be gang tackled and left for dead. So yeah, Willis gets tired out there.



    Kelly, your dog seems to be becoming less fair and balanced by the day.... :unsure::P

  2. What sucks though is that with Ralphie "getting more involved" he's not likely to give out a President's title again which is what you would most likely need to get a Ron Wolf or Scott Pioli type guy....



    I just think RW's tired of the "trust me, I'm a genius" approach that TD had. He's not getting back into the administrative side, he just what's to see how the management team operates so he can have a better idea of what's actually going on. Like a Chairman of the Board, rather than a CEO.

  3. You have scouts and front office people spending hundreds of hours pouring over film and workouts of the draftees. 



    He can add perspective, which is always valuable. If RW veto's a 160 lb slot receiver as the 55th pick in the draft, then I'm all for the change! :blink:


    And I'm not sold on this scouting staff, which for the most part is very young and inexperienced. IMO, Modrak is the Teflon Tom of this organization, not TD.

  4. I don't need RW meddling in the war room on draft day. If he can't trust the staff he hires to run the football operations, then we have a problem.



    I didn't see RW's comment as meddling...I just think he wants to know the players the front office is targeting so he can have some input on the discussion. Ralph's a pretty knowledgeable football guy for an owner and I don't think he likes to be kept in the dark.

  5. Is this going to be an on going problem with Willis -- or is it a problem with the strength and conditioning coach?



    Bingo. Here's a big problem, IMO:


    Brad Roll


    Read the guy's bio. He's a weightlifting guy...not one word about conditioning, nutrition, etc. which was Rusty Jones' forte. The team has repeatedly tired in the second half of games this year and many players just don't look like they have much stamina.


    Another strike against MM for bringing this guy in at the expense of a HOF conditioning guy. Oh, the humanity.....

  6. The only given is that Chuck Lester stays no matter what.  He's probably walking around OBD today whistling dixie while the rest of the coaching staff are tip toeing through the office hoping to avoid RW. ;)



    Bud Carpenter's accompanying him too! He was on 97Rock a few weeks back and was one of the most well-spoken, knowledgeable guys you'll ever hear. The guy's good.

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