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Everything posted by CBusBillsFan

  1. I think that Ohio State has a very good chance, but the defense is what concerns me. Replacing 9 starters is always tough and Ohio State has arguably the toughest OOC schedule in the B10. But I see the schedule like this: N. Illinois: A very difficult first game. Garrett Wolfe and a very good O-line come to Columbus for an early test of a very young, but talented D. Texas: Should be a thriller like last year, with a better ending this time. This is where the D needs to step up, and the same needs to be said about Colt McCoy, the young Texas QB. With experienced, fast WRs, Texas will need him to take advantage of the mismatch in our secondary. Cincinnati: Easiest game on the schedule. Penn State: Won't be as physical as last year, but it will be intense. I want nothing more than to get some revenge. Also, this is the first game with the students on campus, should be loud. Iowa: Toughest game of the year other than Michigan. First B10 road game, at night, the place will be a zoo. Drew Tate had a rather disappointing year coming off a spectacular sophomore campaign, look for him to have a great senior season. Bowling Green: Added game instead of a bye. Good call considering we've lost the first game after a bye the past three years. Last time we didn't have a bye week OSU won the NC. Michigan State: On the road against a very good QB in Drew Stanton. He tore us up last year until the blocked FG. Question for MSU will be their O-line and D. If they beat Michigan or ND and come into the game with some momentum this could be the trap game for the Bucks. Indiana/Minny/Illinois: I don't see any problems with these three teams. Northwestern: It will be an emotional year for the Wildcats and they will struggle. Last time we played them at their place we lost, but I don't see it happening this year. TSUN: Always the toughest game on the schedule no matter what. It isn't the greatest rivalry in sports for nothing. All in all, I see this team going 10-2 or 11-1 and getting the B10 Rose Bowl bid. I would love to go to Glendale, but I would be fine with a trip to Pasadena.
  2. Yeah, OSU fan coming out of the woodwork here. He got busted for disorderly conduct. He was in Florida because it is Memorial Day weekend when most students go back home. He was apparently walking in the street when an officer told him to get out. He then said something back to the officer, stupid I know, and was arrested. Was it dumb? Yeah, but I think most of the posters on this board have done something in their life that classifies as disorderly conduct. Calling him a low character guy is ridiculous.
  3. As for the game the Bucks just couldn't pull it off. They have been hit hard with injuries and Wisconsin is just a better team. It looked like a great atmosphere though, wish I could have gone. I for one would make the trip up to Buffalo to see a game between the Sabres and Leafs. I think that many people would, and not just limited to Buffalo or Toronto fans. There are some rumors floating around that OSU-Michigan are in talks about playing a game outdoors in the Big House. I think it will happen sometime, just not anytime soon. Next year Boston College and Boston are playing in Fenway Park. They are looking for two Midwestern rivals to play as well. It is looking like MSU-UM at the moment, but OSU is also in the mix.
  4. Ohio State wins 24-21 It will be a lower scoring game then people think IMO Georgia wins 28-21 WVU has a very solid team, just not enough to beat UGA PSU wins 35-21 Close for most of the game but PSU pulls away in the end Texas wins 45-42 Texas pulls this one out in the best NC since the 2002 thriller
  5. billsfanmiami(oh) hit the nail on the head with emotions + alcohol = trouble. It wasn't the NFL but I was at both the OSU-Texas and the OSU-PSU game this year. At the Texas game I saw first hand what some OSU "fans" were doing and it was awful. Pouring beer on people and cursing out 8 y/o kids with Texas shirts. At Penn State I was on the receiving end of physical abuse and it wasn't fun. What did both games have in common? Both were HUGE games that were both on a Sat. night. The thing about Saturdays are that you can drink all day and recover form your hang over on Sunday. But you also have to remember that whenever you have thousands of people in one place it only takes 50 to give the entire fan base a black eye.
  6. Did you hear about the cadet that threw that manure on the Texas band this year. That's classy.
  7. I'll be at the Fiesta Bowl. ND is giving two tickets per student? Wow, that's awesome. OSU has been cracking down on non-students using student tickets and only allows one ticket per student. Luckily, I don't need a ticket. Good luck with your lottery.
  8. Well, when you schedule a 1-AA opponent and don't beat a ranked team (based on the final BCS) then you really have no gripe. Enjoy San Diego, it always goes down smooth.
  9. I actually think that this is the best yet for the BCS. Sure the Big East is a joke but West Virginia is a good team playing a Georgia team who demolished a very good LSU team. I think PSU-FSU will be a better game than people think. Florida State has a lot of raw talent and has beaten two teams that were in the top 5 at the time, Miami and VT. Penn State is a great team, but I think this game will go down to the wire. USC-Texas has been hyped since before the season and it is finally here...the game speaks for itself. Then there are my Buckeyes going up against the Irish of Notre Dame. Two of the most storied programs in college football with some of the largest and most passionate fan bases the atmosphere is going to be amazing. Plus, the warm weather in Tempe will be very welcomed!!!!!! When it comes to the game I think OSU will pull it out in a close one 35-31.
  10. It started last year I believe.
  11. Bluefire, I think that Texas-OU is a great rivalry, the only thing that I think holds it back is that fact that it is not played at the end of the year. Games that are played at the end of the season always have a lot more riding on them and add to the intensity. What about the game with A&M? How does that compare with UT-OU?
  12. I can't believe that it's M*ch*gan week already. Forget about classes, I can't think about anything else other than this game. The question of what rivalry is the greatest is always brought up this time of year and OSU-UM is always number 1 or close to it. Army-Navy gets a lot of votes and so does the Iron Bowl, but I can't describe to any non-OSU fan how intense this game is. Personally, I can't wait until I march script Ohio on Michigan's field this Saturday. It's going to be a low of 26 and snow on Saturday, classic weather for the greatest game in sports.
  13. The Buckeyes are still looking at a Big Ten co-championship at the very least. They haven't lived up to their NC hopes but it doesn't take away from Texas' win at all. That stadium was the loudest I've ever heard one before and I was at the PSU-OSU game two weeks ago. Going into the 'Shoe is always tough, but at night it is even tougher. Texas came in with poise and flat out won the game. At this point I even think Texas should be # 1. And Notre Dame not playing a tough schedule? USC, UM in the Big House, UT are all very, very hard games. MSU and Purdue are both quality opponents.
  14. Sorry about the rant, I was pretty angry and I needed to vent. Anyway, about the game. Penn State looked very good; they have a lot of speed on both sides of the ball. OSU looked very stale after the bye week and they were getting beat off the ball the entire night. I heard Hamby is being treating for wind burn today after the Smith fumble. He wasn't even close. The student section was crazy, the white was very impressive. The bounce was crazy, I know it is Wisconsin’s thing but PSU was very intimidating when they did it. This is the most criticism the Tress has ever gotten and it will interesting to see how he deals with it. Overall, good win PSU and look out for the Bucks next year.
  15. As some of you know I am in the Ohio State Marching Band. On our march to the stadium I was spit on, ice cubes were thrown in my face, full cans of beer were thrown at us (someone was hit right in the face and really hurt his jaw), and a Penn State fan shoved a LIT cigarette in someone’s face. People were peeing in 20 oz bottles and throwing them at us without the cap on. People were punching us and our instruments and trying to take our hats. When we actually marched into the stadium people were only an inch away from our face and were spitting on us. I don't know if anyone has been spit on before, but it is not a good feeling. I won't complain about the numerous F the Bucks because you come into an away stadium expecting that, it doesn't bother me. Also, getting booed by 109,000 people is almost as exciting as being cheered by them. One classy fellow ran up to us and screamed, "I hope all you f**kers die in a bus crash on the way home. I hope all your parents are dead too you f**kers." Again, they are just words so I could handle it. However, coming home with bruises is another story. As an Ohio State fan I know more than anyone that you cannot generalize an entire fan base because of a few people. Because I am in the band I didn't have the chance to talk to people, if I was I am sure I would have found plenty of class acts. Plus, on top of that the offense decided to not show up and got hit in the mouth by a good Penn State team. I am just a little bitter about my experience.
  16. PSU hasn't seen a D even close to that of OSU yet. The speed of the LBs and the D line is going put a lot of pressure on Robinson. Let’s see how he does when he doesn't have all day to throw the ball and the CBs aren't giving 10 yard cushions. P.S. I am really, really pumped for this game, it is going to be incredible. I am excited to be a part of the PSU atmosphere everyone is always talking about.
  17. The Tyrone Prothro injury was one of the most brutal injuries I've ever seen. It was like a cross between Joe Thiesman and Willis during the 2002 NC.
  18. I can't wait for the trip to PSU. The game is going to be great, being at two night games in one year is something that doesn't happen very often. Plus, the game will be intense and very close IMO. As for this week, lets see how PSU does against a Gopher squad coming off a big win. Maroney has lived up to his hype so far this year, I think he had like 220 yards or something last Saturday.
  19. Minnesota's Laurence Maroney is one of the better running backs in the country and he had 217 yards yesterday so I'm going to consider him a playmaker. Penn State can talk all they want for another two weeks until OSU comes into town. It will be a great game, but Ohio State is going to come out on top. BTW, I am going to that game and I can't wait, it's going to be incredible.
  20. Oregon puts up a good fight, but USC wins by two touchdowns. Tennessee has not looked good and LSU is tough to begin with, now it's the home opener after Katrina... LSU by three touchdowns. GT plays V Tech close and Marcus Vick leads the Hokies on a game winning drive late in the fourth. Although OSU did not look impressive last Saturday, they will come out looking for revenge for last years ass kicking in Iowa. OSU by 10. Camp Randall is a tough place to play and the Badgers win a close came by 3.
  21. Sorry, just got a new a computer and forgot to log in. Oh, and it is 105,700 people, not 150,700.
  22. I can't wait until next year, I'm sure it will be just as great as last night’s game. Inside the stadium there was an intensity that I've never felt before, and there were times that your ears would just ring. Oh, and by the way, marching script Ohio in front of 106,000 people screaming at the top of their lungs and seeing nothing but flash bulbs was incredible. Good luck to Texas, they looked great...the last TD catch was amazing. I meet a lot of Texas fans and students and they were very knowledgeable and fun to talk to and I look forward to going down next year.
  23. Well, tryouts started on Sunday and they announced the band on Wed. night. I have a regular spot and will be marching ramp and script Ohio this Saturday against Texas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so pumped I don't really know what to say. I worked my ass off this summer and it came through. Anyone going to the game????
  24. I like the AP poll better as well. OSU is at number four, so obviously that is part of it. The only thing is that Michigan did NOT look like a number three team last week.
  25. Hell, throw that in as well.
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