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Everything posted by loadofmularkey

  1. Touchdown Saints! Nice two-minute drill by Brees and a couple of nice catches from Colston and Copper. The fix is back on!!
  2. Thanks Greggo! Thanks Tommy!
  3. That should silence the conspiracy theorists.
  4. If heading into the All-Star break getting five out of a possible eight points is a slump, I guess I'll take it. I know they all haven't been pretty lately but it's a long season LSI. Chill out captain. By the way, exactly one year ago this weekend the Sabres dropped an ugly 4-1 game to Calgary capping off a stretch that saw them lose four of six games. Remember how much that mattered in May?
  5. Barry Obama's senior picture I want to know who Choom is.
  6. I think that was the point of the post. We tend to ignore the off-field escapades of the players we like.
  7. I like how, a few weeks ago, when it was pushing 70 in the Northeast people were screaming about global warming. Now that it's 20 degrees I'm confused. Weirdly enough, on this date in 1951, it was 60 degrees in the city of Boston. I wonder if global warming was to blame.
  8. But...but...Willis sucks!
  9. That's what I couldn't believe. If I'm the parents, my thought process isn't exactly, "Well Jimmy got a Tom Brady jersey out of it so I think we're all pretty happy with that." If I'm the parents, I'm looking for serious action to be taken. It's completely unacceptable for someone to get so wasted that they inexplicably end up crushing my kid. I love this part: Good idea. If the only retribution to come out of this is some POS Patsies crap (a sweatshirt? really??) the Krafts should be embarrased.
  10. This is unbelievably pathetic. http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachus..._the_spectator/
  11. Wow, Drew Rosenhaus's secretary sure can write.
  12. According to Wikipedia, it's supposed to start up again on Sunday April 8th. The first episode is titled "A Few Kind Words". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_S....282006-2007.29 Anyway, I agree, last season was absolutely brutal. I defended the show during Seasons 4 & 5 when the violence and action of the first three was scaled back, but last season...oh man...there were so few memorable moments I'm having a hard time even remembering what happened. Except for Tony's coma dream of course. I can live without the violence as long as there is a compelling story and plotline, but that wasn't even the case last year. I really hope they were just "setting the table" for a great final eight episodes. It would be a shame to see the greatest TV drama of all-time go out with a whimper. As far as Seinfeld's finale goes, I remember reading once that Larry David, upon retrospect, wishes today that he had written it differently. I'll try to find a link...and speaking of Larry David, production on a new season of Curb Your Enthusiasm began last October. So new episodes of that should be starting soon as well.
  13. If Mike & Mike say it, it must be true.
  14. Looks like Buford's gonna be spending some time in the TSW pokey.
  15. What I can't believe is how long this thread about classlessness has gone on without someone mentioning that it's creator wished death upon the Bills' owner a few short weeks ago and casually tosses out verbiage such as "retard".
  16. You never fail to make me chuckle. Pitchers and catchers report in about a month We should save this stuff for the baseball forum before we both get yelled at.
  17. Apples and oranges old friend. When the Cardinals become the team of the decade let me know.
  18. I think that's been tried before. I can't remember which network did it, but I know there was a football game with no announcers not too long ago. It didn't go well. You need something, no matter how brutal the announcers may be. Besides, what would everybody B word about??
  19. Really? Bye Bye NFL? I'll be curious to see if you stick with this just like all the Sabres fans who vowed never to attend another game after the lockout. The reason the Chargers lost today has nothing to do with parity or the supposed mediocrity of the league. It has to do with the fact that San Diego took several undisciplined penalties at inopportune times...and that fumble after the interception in the 4th quarter didn't help either. The Chargers were sloppy and undisciplined today. Anytime Brady throws 3 picks and Tomlinson runs for 100 yards and a couple of scores, San Diego should win. They didn't. It has nothing to do with the league. If the Patriots will beat the Colts next week (which I believe they will) either the Saints or Bears are no match for them in the Super Bowl. That would make four Super Bowls in six years. What a mediocre league.
  20. I voted for Amanda Dunn.
  21. This game has been painful to watch and not just because of the lack of touchdowns. Gumbel and Dierdorf have been absolutely brutal. Gumbel has gotten several calls wrong, including a catch by Harrison that he thought Manning threw away. Dierdorf has referred to about 53 different things as "special". (e.g., that is a "special, special catch). I tried to sync up my Tivo with the radio but gave up...
  22. Very good news.
  23. At TSW, also known as, "Why haven't we signed anybody yet? We're doomed!/Get off your ass Marv and do something!/Look at those names the Redskins are signing. Why can't we have a GM like that?" day.
  24. No idea, like I said I haven't been there since '99 I think. The last major thing I can remember them putting in there is the Superman ride. Has there been anything else since then?
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