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Everything posted by loadofmularkey

  1. Has it been reported anywhere that Buffalo is looking at Buckhalter or is this just speculation??
  2. I'm not saying this guy is right or wrong about his opinion on Donahoe's motives, but in all fairness, ESPNEWS carried the Bettman press conference live at 1:00...I have to believe that if the Bledsoe press conference were at 12:00 or 2:00, it would've been shown on ESPNEWS. Just something to think about I guess. It was funny to listen to WGR on Wednesday as they (and the rest of the local sports media I would imagine) had no idea who to send where and what to go with when, as both press conferences were happening at the same time. One thing the hosts were saying on WGR later in the day was that the Bills PR dept. does so enjoy sticking it to the media and making life just a little more difficult whenever they get the chance and this was a pretty golden opportunity. Conspiracy theorists unite
  3. Chris Taylor, Derek Roy and Thomas Vanek are as good as gone. There goes 3 of Rochester's top 4 scorers. Jillson is also a lock to go up to Buffalo. Who knows how the season will play out, but I'd say Bartovic, Janik and Milley may all head up here once or twice as well...and of course there's Ryan Miller. It looks like the Amerks firepower is going to be greatly diminished within the next few weeks.
  4. Well done Dracon, the Radio Gods are phenomenal and it's cool you got your letter put on the website. I wrote them a while back telling them how much I appreciate their show (I listen every day at work) and Don actually took the time to respond and say thank you. Weekend's here, have a can of beer.
  5. Anyone else all for banishing the #11 forever?
  6. Early nomination for this thread as the most confusing of 2005...many thanks to Dan Gross for sorting this all out. Just a couple of things for the Marc who started this whole thing (not the writer). 1.) You lose all credibility right off the bat by referring to the GM of the Bills as "Donahue". This is one of my personal pet peeves as a Bills fan. When I listen to talk radio and people call him "Donahue" it absolutely drives me up the wall. Learn the name. 2.) Credibility is further tainted when you refer to this guy as a "journilist". It's journalist. I hate to be a wiener about this, and your intentions were good but it was probably pretty hard for this guy to take you seriously. That's it.
  7. ProFootballTalk.com is the most tremendous piece of crap on the internet.
  8. ESPN's poll on their NFL page asks: Which veteran QB would you most want starting for your team next season? Here's the breakdown: Drew Bledsoe 52.5% Jeff Garcia 23% Kurt Warner 25% Total votes: 122, 452 http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/index Bledsoe wins in a landslide...is that because other fans around the league watched zero Bills games last season or are the other options just that bad??
  9. I wish I could've showed that kind of restraint.
  10. The thing that ticks me off about sending a message to the NHLPA website is that the only eyes it will reach will be those of the webmaster.
  11. You and me both. My message to that wonderful union may have involved a word that starts with an "F" and rhymes with "duck" and a word that starts with "A" and rhymes with "sassoles".
  12. I was one of the few who still held out hope especially after yesterday's news. Even as Bettman was walking to the podium at 1:01, I was thinking to myself, "Maybe he's going to say they worked out a last-minute deal." Yeah right. Once again, a big grand, phenomenal, one-of-a-kind, extra special with cherries and whipped cream on top :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: to Mr. Goodenow, Mr. Saskin, Mr. Linden, Mr. Bettman, Mr. Daly, and the rest of the jerks involved in this process. Throw Peca and McKee in there for good measure.
  13. Wouldn't you have to stay healthy for more than two weeks at a time to accomplish this goal?
  14. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: NHLPA
  15. I hear ya...Elkington is hardly ever on Rome anymore but when he is it's hilarious. Mark Grace is also pretty good on that show.
  16. File this one under the duh category.
  17. For every one person who wants to hear Steve Elkington on the radio, there's about 50 who want to hear the Bills address the release of their quarterback. Hey maybe the press conference is on Empire!! Oh wait....
  18. Fez, I can relate. I had my Dell laptop (Inspiron 8200) for just a little over a year before the power cord became frayed. Getting a new one and trying to deal with the oh-so-helpful Dell Customer Service was about as much fun as a flu shot. I've had the replacement since then however and it's worked well...so I guess you'll be getting quality in return
  19. I am only 27 and that was one of the top 5 halftime shows I have ever seen. (U2 and Michael Jackson were pretty good as well). The fireworks during "Live & Let Die" were spectacular, "Get Back" sounded great and finishing up with "Hey Jude" and letting the crowd sing along at the end was too cool. Great job Paul McCartney. May all future halftime shows follow this trend, and let us not go back to the days of Boobgate.
  20. Hi all, first of all let me say hello. I'm sure you've noticed that this is my very first post but don't let that scare you. I've been "lurking" as they say on TSW for years now and have enjoyed reading all the posts and commentary. I've ften times, this message board is the place to go for breaking news and stories you wouldn't normally hear anywhere else regarding not only the Bills and the NFL but around the world. I've been a Bills season ticket holder since 1987 and here we are now. Enough of that. What I wanted to say was...does anyone remember what things were like before the Patriots became the team of the '00s? I mean seriously. And I'm not just talking about the horrific 70s and 80s when they were bumbling through life at Schaefer/Sullivan/Foxboro Stadium. I'm talking about recent history. I specifically a remember a game at the Ralph sometime in the mid 90s, between the Bills and Pats, and first-year kicker Adam Vinatieri missed three field goals. I remember thinking to myself, "Parcells is gonna cut this guy tomorrow." Well needless to say you can't read a Super Bowl preview article without reading how Vinatieri is one of the key cogs to this team, how he's the greatest pressure kicker off all-time, how he may be a Hall of Famer, etc. I remember thinking "Why??" when New England traded a first-round pick to the Jets for Belicheck. In my mind, he was just another assistant who failed the first time around as head coach, ala Wade Phillips or Dave Wannstedt. Part of the so-called good ole boys network. Some of my only memories of Belicheck had been of him parading around the Browns' sideline in a ghastly, too-tight orange polo shirt. I certainly never thought much of him as a head coach. And here we are now. He's one of the so-called greatest geniuses of all-time. And then of course there's Tom Brady whose story we all know. So that's it. I was just thinking about some of that stuff today and still can't believe that the freakin' Patriots led by freakin' Belicheck and freakin' Vinatieri and freakin Tom Brady are the team of this decade.
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