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Everything posted by loadofmularkey

  1. If I see the report came from Pro Football Talk, I immediately believe the opposite.
  2. DUDE, how many more people need to say it?? 1.) It's true that Kelly Holcomb won't be here forever. Neither will JP Losman, Willis McGahee, or Takeo Spikes. Because eventually everyone leaves. For now, Holcomb is entering Year 1 of a FOUR YEAR CONTRACT. 2.) The Bills have THREE QBs on the roster. Why worry about Shane Matthews being a joke as the third string quarterback (PS, he isn't a joke and even if he were, who cares? It's the third string quarterback) when there are plenty of other things to worry about?? Like OL? BTW, they happened to address OL in the 4th round, same round when Orton was taken. 3.) You're so damn worried about Holcomb wanting to jump ship and become a starter somewhere else. Don't you think someone like Orton (10 years Holcomb's junior) might also want that?? Do you think he might be thinking of himself as the next Tom Brady right now?? Do you think he's gonna want to sit behind a kid who's only a year older than him?? Enough with the Orton already.
  3. This will be Kelly Holcomb's 9th year in the league and he will be 32 in July. Judging by the fact that he agreed to a four-year contract, knowing he would primarily be used as a second-stringer, tells me that he kind of knows what his role in this league is.
  4. I'll be looking forward to seeing his name on the cut sheet in August.
  5. I really don't want to...but I can't help it Oh man, that is good. Here's a story with an accompanying photo of Ms. Marcil trying to get back up after falling. http://www.canada.com/news/national/story....6c-7d6e9ac879bb
  6. Your act is old little boy.
  7. Even though I normally can't stand Scott (which I made clear in a post on this thread last week) I really thought he did a great job last night. He'll be kicked off soon!! But I don't think it will be this week.
  8. That's why they went out and got Howard Simon?
  9. On New Year's Day no less! They damn well better win that one, or else hangovers get multiplied by 10.
  10. No kidding, Scott's act is really wearing thin on me. It seems as if we learn something new about him every single week. To recap: 1.) He's from the streets yo. 2.) He's had to overcome incredible odds and he's a survivor...yo. 3.) He chucked a phone at his girlfriend's head! Good times. And this week we learned that... 4.) HE is the real rocker on the show!! Yeah whatever dude. Personally, I think he was a little too adamant about this on the video clip. As long as I'm ranting about Scott, anyone else notice that his signature move is to extend his big, meaty paw of a hand toward the audience while singing? Something about that irks me. Don't know why. AND, (I forgot to add this originally), I loved Hall & Oates reaction to Scott's trainwreck of a performance last night. Just shaking their heads in wonder and applauding furiously, giving him the thumbs up sign. Well what the hell were they going to do?? Say, "Sorry Scott...that rendition of our song was really pretty bad". I think they covered it up well though.
  11. The chick behind the counter at the fieldhouse team store.
  12. Place a severed horse head in her bed.
  13. Bobblehead, your AI recaps are a must-read every week on this board. Hilarious man I think Sergei's younger brother and Savol are definitely in the bottom three tonight, as well as Nadia.
  14. Radio reports out of Boston say the Red Sox skipper is resting comfortably and waiting for test results after feeling chest pains this morning. Very good news. Get well Terry. BTW, xcaptainhookx...here's how real Yankee fans act when something like this happens: http://forums.nyyfans.com/showthread.php?t=81092
  15. Trying to recapture the "Opposites Attract" and "Straight Up" glory years eh?
  16. And just to prove the recent "lasting power" of the show, you just referred to last year's winner as what's-her-face
  17. The week when she kissed Simon 2 or 3 times was really embarrasing.
  18. Oh dear God I feel such pain for that kid. But at the same I don't...that is damn hilarious. I can't tell if maybe something was wrong with the teleprompter or if he just sucks. Either way, you can actually his ears getting redder by the minute. And you just KNOW that heading into the big cast he was planning on using "Boom goes the dynamite" as his own original, SportsCenter-esque, slapstick catchphrase. I also love the look on the face of the female anchor when he's done. Classic. Very good find. BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE!
  19. I've heard that Scott was upfront with the producers about his rap sheet even prior to auditions, and they said don't worry about it. He's not going anywhere until he gets voted off, which should be soon...maybe even tonight. Boy he terrible yesterday. Also, I agree with everyone who says Paula needs to lay off whatever it is she's been taking over the last few weeks. Her speech sounds very flighty, her eyes are glazed and she gushes over everyone (even the crappy ones) as if they were a gift from God. Can't the producers see this???
  20. BUT BUT BUT...didn't those 13,000+ voters see JP's performance against the Pats on Sunday night?? Or are they just unlike a certain band of Bills fans who believe those three snaps are indicative of how the rest of his career is going to play out?
  21. Hehe sorry He really left the door wide open on that one.
  22. A tendency to start new topics about the greatness of "Joey" probably couldn't help your chances.
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