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Everything posted by loadofmularkey

  1. I was wondering when he was finally going to snap. Yes, yes BF. Winning the National League pennant is impressive. We're choking on it.
  2. I was afraid he was talking about RubEn. Please do us a favor next time. When a former Bills Pro-Bowler gets into a car accident...: a.) Spell his name correctly so we know who the hell you're talking about b.) Don't provide minimal details c.) If minimal details are all you have, provide a link.
  3. Seriously, who is Rubin?
  4. I would hope that Roenick's opinion doesn't speak for the rest of the NHLPA. He's a Grade A jackass to begin with. His comments don't surprise me. If anything, I'm more excited for the new season to start so he can get the hell booed out of him and maybe a little extra elbow or slash here and there by players who happen to disagree with him...which I would think (hope) would be most.
  5. Daddy Day Care?!?!?! Oh jeezus. Here's an idea. Let's criticize Saving Private Ryan for having unrealistic battle scenes and Seven for plot holes (?????) but let's praise Daddy Day Care.
  6. Just because a movie finishes in the Top 10 in gross does not mean it's a good movie. Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums, American Beauty and Almost Famous were not on those lists and they were excellent movies. Ironically enough, all were made within the last 10 years. There have been a lot of crapfests and these tend to be the ones that get the most hype and publicity, hence the higher draw at the box office. People will only see a commercial for Meet the Fockers so many times before they decide they have to see it. There are a lot of good movies out there...sometimes you just have to look for them.
  7. VERY well said. You are exactly right. Is it really fair to criticize Howard for not talking about the Bills for four straight hours everyday? Take a look at this board. It's dominated by music talk, Star Wars, reality TV, personal lives, hangover tips and almost everything BUT Bills football this time of year. You're hardpressed to find an actual Bills thread and the reason for that is, it's June 16th. I have no doubt that Howard will start talking football once training camp beings and the season gets going. He was hired at WGR last November I believe, so that only left him with half of the season last year. This year, he gets a full season of football on WGR and it looks like the Sabres will be back, so that will certainly help his show topics. Point is...middle of summer...not an NBA town...smack dab in the middle of baseball...nothing doing out of OBD...nothing definite from the hockey talks. It's a slow time in sports at the moment, and I see Howard working. It's very difficult to keep talking about the Bills or sports at all on this board at the moment...imagine having to do it for four straight hours Monday thru Friday. If topics like movies or TV or politics or other goofy stuff come up on Howard's show at this time of year, who cares?? He'll be talking about football again once there is something to talk about.
  8. Conan O'Brien rules late night.
  9. He was in Buffalo last summer as part of that whole free concert on the steps of City Hall during 4th of July weekend with Ani DiFranco and the Goos. Really amazing...he's a master with the piano. For me, Songs for Silverman tops Rockin' the Suburbs (not by much) as far as his "solo" albums go. Incidentally, isn't it really incredible how BF manages to spin any given thread into a petty argument between he and someone else? I'm so glad this doesn't happen at least once a day. As I roll my eyes.
  10. Anyone had the opportunity to check out the White Stripes' new album, "Get Behind Me Satan"?? I've had it for a week now and I think I can officially say it's the best stuff they've put out yet. There aren't as many power-chord/driving rock tunes as on "White Blood Cells" or "Elephant"...well there is one. The opening track, "Blue Orchid" has power-chords that will make your bones vibrate. Other than that, the album has a very unique sound to it. Piano, bells, marimbas, tambourine...it's very different from anything the duo has done so far and I love it. Another new album I just picked is "Songs for Silverman", by Ben Folds. Also very good, if you're a fan of his. I'm also looking forward to picking up the new Foo Fighters one...some good music coming out this summer.
  11. Dawn of the Dead remake was pretty good...I liked the part when Ving Rhames' character is picking off celebrity look-alike zombies from the mall roof. Jay Leno, Burt Reynolds, Rosie O'Donnell...
  12. Also not her I'm still looking though!!
  13. That is definitely NOT her. I've been trying to find a picture of her...the best I can do is say watch ESPN at 6:00 tonight. She'll be on within the first 5 minutes.
  14. Anyone who has seen SportsCenter over the last few months has certainly seen Rachel Nichols reporting live from somewhere. I believe this week she's at the NBA Finals. Anyway, sorry if I offend any Rachel Nichols fans but this chick is horrible. She's monotone, lacks any sort of emotion and basically looks like a deer in the headlights while into the camera. We all know they're reading off teleprompters but it's not actually supposed to look that way. The thing is, she'd probably actually be pretty decent if she was on a local TV station, but she doesn't exactly seem like ESPN material. I hate to assume (no I don't) but let's do the math... Girl with average at best looks + weak delivery + terrible TV presence + coming out of nowhere only to cover the NBA Finals and become what appears to be top reporter for SportsCenter = Possible extra special relationship with someone at the top???
  15. Wow, what an incredibly generous statement from Shaq. How refreshing to see perhaps the game's most recognizable face make such an offer.
  16. I noticed last year that they removed the AFL/AFC Championship plaques from the wall above the tunnel (where the 12th man is currently honored). I would think future Wall of Famers will go up on that side, because it's just about filled up under the scoreboard.
  17. I believe the Dolphins game you're thinking of took place in 1990. It wasn't a playoff game, but it was close. The winner of the game would be clinch the division title. It was a week after Kelly got hurt on the road against the Giants. Reich led Buffalo to a 24-14 win I believe... Thanks in part to Ray Charles and Diet Pepsi, "You Got the Reich One Baby" became a pretty popular catchphrase around this time.
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