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Everything posted by loadofmularkey

  1. Whoa. Where did that come from??
  2. That actually happened to me earlier while reading a different thread. Someone was suggesting we start "Kelly" and I'm thinking, "Yeah those were the days..." then I realized he was talking about KH.
  3. I bet he thought you were talking about Jim Kelly.
  4. How dare you, that's WGR talk.
  5. I've been watching the Red Sox-Yankees game since 2:00 and have been having a great time!
  6. It sucks and blows at the same time.
  7. I did like the way the crowd was chanting "TKO! TKO!" when he was down, imploring him to get back up.
  8. From the way that Spikes slammed his helmet down on the turf, I think he must've felt/heard something go and realized it was serious. It's a very real possibility that his Achilles is ruptured which is always a season-ending injury. This. Sucks.
  9. Oh I like Mularkey too (check out my username), but that was very weak. He snapped and I wonder if he regrets. Whenever the Bills post the PC on their website, I would recommend downloading it so you can hear exactly what was said. It was definitely interesting.
  10. Yep, and if you read this board it's all well-constructed, positive thoughts after a loss like today
  11. Listening to the 97 Rock postgame on the way home, there was a question (I didn't recognize the voice but it definitely wasn't Sullivan) which asked, "Why was Duke Preston in the game during the final series when Losman fumbled?" Mularkey responded by saying, "Because Villarial was winded." The reporter then asked (paraphrasing), "Don't you think it's odd that a starting veteran would be replaced by a rookie with less than two minutes to go because he's winded?" And Mularkey immediately snapped, "Well I guess you know more than I do". The reporter said, "That's not it, I just want to know the reasoning behind that". To which Mularkey replied, "Because it was the decision, that's why. Okay?" Again, that was all paraphrasing...not really exact wording but that's pretty much how that went down. It was only about 60 seconds later that Mularkey cut the PC short and stormed out. The reporter (whomever he was) I thought was asking an extremely valid question. Why the hell was Preston in there?? Because Villarial was winded??? Huh??? This was the first time I was unimpressed with Mularkey's "media savvy". The first time you pull out the "Well I guess you know more than I do card" with the media, you're well on your way to losing them. Not good MM. I love him, I really do, but I can't imagine if he were coaching in NYC.
  12. Checking in at #4 on this intelligent list is Kevin Mawae. Why? Because he "has to protect a quarterback whose surgically repaired shoulder looks weaker than ever". HOW ABOUT PUTTING THE QUARTERBACK ON YOUR STUPID LIST??? I don't know if "hot seat" is the right heading for this list...if they wanted to call it anything, it should've been "Players with a moderate amount of pressure on them after the first two weeks of the season...such moderate pressure infact, that by the time Week 13 rolls around we'll have forgotten all about the pressure that guys once faced in Week 2". But that doesn't sound as catchy.
  13. Or maybe he watches the team in practice every day and might have some clue as to what he's talking about.
  14. Wow, I can't believe what a "troll" Paul Hamilton is. He obviously knows nothing.
  15. I agree it should be same sex but that giant mass of people all pushing toward the gate (especially the closer it gets to game time) makes it pretty tough for every single woman to make sure they're being patted down by a woman. I was patted down by a guy because he was the first one standing in front of me when I finally got to the gate. I can't speak for the two girls standing behind me so I don't know if they went out of their way (two turnstiles down) to get patted down by a woman.
  16. Yeah what an unpopular opinion that was.
  17. Brinson was terrible...there was one point where you could tell he had to stretch before a press conference began (I think it was McGahee) and he's going on and on and on and on about "Well remember...this was a win over the Texans.............certainly not a BAD team........but.........a team.......the Bills were.....expected.................................to beat OKAY LET'S SEND IT DOWN TO THE LOCKER ROOM". You could almost hear him take a huge sigh of relief. It was brutal.
  18. You mean it doesn't take you guys three hours to make Kraft Macaroni & Cheese? My God, everytime I decide to fire up the Kraft, it's like friggin Thanksgiving. All the preparation work, followed by the boiling, the straining, the mixing...that is a tough dish. And don't even talk to me about Kraft Cheesier Macaroni. Sometimes it's not even worth it.
  19. I know you're exagerrating but three of the year's best albums (Coldplay "X&Y", Green Day "American Idiot" and White Stripes "Get Behind Me Satan") could not possibly be any more different. Now as far as bands like Hoobastank, Good Charlotte, Default and the gawd-awful Trapt go, or any of the other crap they play on the Edge ad nauseum, I'm not sure I could tell you the difference.
  20. I have nothing against GW (now that he's gone ). But seriously, I would like to see him get another chance and maybe even succeed. If that were to happen, I don't believe I'd be thinking, "Dammit we let him get away" because Mularkey & Co. are going to be good.
  21. I can't find a link either. If the San Antonio Saints were true, it would be on ESPN.com for sure but there's nothing there yet. Just a story about Tagliabue saying he doesn't think they'll be able to play in NO at all this season.
  22. It's going to be Kelly and Levy, O brilliant one.
  23. Duly noted.
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