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Everything posted by loadofmularkey

  1. EXACTLY. Exactly!! They don't feel like "the BILLS" anymore. And I'm not just talking wins and losses (because that is obvious)...there's just, I don't know there's something. They have no character, they don't seem personable, there's just nothing there. Nothing. It's kind of sad.
  2. POST OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. It is one of those monumental losses that could absolutely linger, as you said.
  4. "We have to finish the game" F($% OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. What he said.
  6. Or as Sideshow Bob would say, "The Bills The".
  7. I'm not saying I won't root for them anymore. I will of course still watch them on TV. But it's not worth my time or money to go watch them play in person anymore. Simply put, it's not fun.
  8. Right on. I know some people might read my above post, roll their eyes and say "he'll be back". Truth of the matter is, I won't. I don't really do the tailgating thing so I won't miss that. I go with my dad and have for the last 18 years and we made the decision after last week's loss that if Donahoe is still around, it's not worth coming back next year. The team is boring, mediocre, disinteresting and we're not going to pay money to watch them anymore. I am honestly not looking forward to the final two games.
  9. I have had mine since 1987 and will not renew if Tom Donahoe returns.
  10. It would be a Christmas miracle.
  11. Why bother, it'll be confiscated at the gate along with your binocular case.
  12. I wish I knew what that meant.
  13. I don't know how long you've been following the NFL, but they came up with this revolutionary thing called "the salary cap" which actually divies up equal amounts of money to each of the 32 teams to play with.
  14. Agreed. That's why I would not be surprised at all if something happens soon. Soon.
  15. IF he is still around come the spring time, the supposed marketing genius who managed to sell out every game this year by snowing the entire WNY region, will have to explain to his boss why season ticket sales PLUMMET.
  16. Leonhard has been active for the last few weeks. I remember seeing him in the KC game.
  17. I don't know, but I'm sure as hell willing to find out.
  18. So long Nate. Enjoy your millions.
  19. And yet you see no problem with the President and GM of the team. Okay.
  20. Too bad the answers will be nothing but "we have to execute better".
  21. Dude, what the hell?? What's with that chip on your shoulder?
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