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Everything posted by loadofmularkey

  1. I admire your concern about the 3rd string tackle position, but trust me. We're better off without him.
  2. So is it still happening?
  3. No there's definitely more to be said. None of it in favor of Coy, but there's definitely more to be said.
  4. Well I don't know about Ron Dayne, but if the Bills are, infact, interested in making another addition to the roster before the season the fans won't have to ask, "Who would we cut?" Judging by another thread, the obvious answer is: COY WIRE
  5. Greg Jerman was was a piece of poop that shouldn't have survived the first wave of last year's cuts.
  6. We should totally pick up Mondoe Davis.
  7. The genius of Matt Millen lives on
  8. This article gives me goosebumps. There's no question that the love being felt for the Sabres right now is on par with what we went through starting circa 1988 with another team right?
  9. Shocking...another 'ESPN hates the Bills' thread. The guy scored 5 touchdowns last season and his longest run was 27 yards. You tell me where he should be picked. I'm not in love with ESPN by any means, but this goes for any national sports news outlet. They have no reason to respect or talk about the Bills because they are coming off a succession of brutal seasons. Think back to the 90s. How many times were teams like the Bengals, Rams, Falcons (and yes even pre-Bledsoe Pats) featured on ESPN?? Teams like Buffalo and San Fran were on ESPN every other second. Things are different now. Wins + megastars = national respect and exposure. This team has missed the playoffs six years in a row. What are you not grasping? It has nothing to do with the city or the team, it has to do with the fact that outside of us as a fan base there aint a whole lot of people who care about the Bills. Besides who really cares when Jaworski or Mortensen or whoever it was took Willis??
  10. Ding ding ding ding!
  11. Does anyone remember the early 90s when the Bills were the Patriots, and the Patriots (more or less) were the Bills? The point is, ESPN and the rest of the national media does this wacky, crazy, innovative thing known as "discussing the teams which are relevant". As much as I hate to say it, but as obvious as it should seem, six years of no playoffs and lack of megastars/fantasy players do not make a "relevant" team in ESPNs eyes.
  12. As long as we're not talking about Theismann's uncanny ability to annoy the hell out of everyone, including his boothmates, by opening his mouth.
  13. Dude settle down. Last week's game @ Carolina was replayed on Monday. This has nothing to do with the city of Buffalo or the NFL hating you personally or the Bills or whatever.
  14. Brutal comparison. The Sabres were helped a great deal by the "new NHL". Yes heart and desire (and a little luck) had a lot to do with their run last season, but mostly it was the fact that the team was tailor-made for the NHL's new rules and style of play. Until the NFL helps the Bills' offense by outlawing sacks and interceptions, I don't think a Sabres-esque run is in the cards.
  15. Is that guy's pseudonym Ned Barnett?
  16. Anyone know what date/time the Bills-Panthers game will be replayed on NFL Network?? Sorry if I missed this in an earlier thread..
  17. I almost hate to bump this thread since it's been 90% train wreck, but Lv-Bills should check out the web poll at wgr550.com. As of 7/30 at 5:24 pm, there have 1583 voters...64% of which say the Sabres' announcement of a traditional 3rd jersey is bigger news than the Bills opening camp (36%). Lv-Bills, this town has nothing but red-hot passion for the Sabres at the moment and they are literally making news everyday with signings, re-signings and the non-stop jersey fiasco. The passion and the buzz surrounding the Bills just isn't there. I don't mean this to be a shot at you (you've taken enough in this thread) but if you were up here I think you'd be able to have a better idea of how big the Sabres are at the moment. I've never experienced a summer in WNY where the hockey team is bigger than the football team, but that's where we're at right now. The hockey team is coming off its greatest season in franchise history, and as stated earlier, is making news almost every day. The opening of camp aint what it used to be...and whether it's because of all the recent losing, lingering negativity from the Donahoe regime, doubts about Marv, Jauron & Co., no playoffs in 6 years and counting, or all of the above, training camp is still news...but it's not NEWS. People here have really glommed on to the Sabres in a big way. It's almost the same sort of attitude that sports fans here had toward the Bills in the late 80s. A mentality where, "Wow, this team is really young but has potential to be very special." We feel as if the Sabres are on the edge of something great, so it's natural to be psyched about the hockey team all year long. I think we both know that there is one way for the Bills to steal headlines from the Sabres once again, and that's to put Ws in the standings. Until that happens, the hockey is hot and the football team is not... Hopefully that gives you a better idea of where WNY is coming from at the moment... ---------------- Quick edit -- Just saw that the Sabres re-signed Gaustad today with a two-year deal, avoiding arbitration. So there's a perfect example.
  18. Morning show even had Craig Nall himself on today!! Glory to God!
  19. Umm...?? Sounds reasonable. I would start listening to 96.1 It might calm you down a little.
  20. Here's something I noticed after watching it again tonight. Tony falls and hits his head on the 5th floor...seeing as how there have been five seasons previous to this I have to believe it wasn't coicendence on the part of Chase. Maybe suggesting that he's been in a downward spiral for the last five years?? I dunno, could be something, could be nothing. I do know one thing. After watching it again, I liked it even more than I did on Sunday and I liked it a lot then.
  21. Good point, it could've been Charmaigne's...but I immediately thought Gloria Trillo's. If it's Gloria's voice all the stuff Tony was saying about "I'll be home soon" "I'm coming home", etc. could be interesting because she's (as we know) dead. I thought last night's was a phenomenal episode and I'm looking forward to watching the replay tonight to try and pick out any stuff I missed specifically during the dream. For those whose appetite for bloodshed and gunplay wasn't quenched last night, I would say be patient. It appears from the coming attractions that Tony will still be in a coma next week leaving Paulie, Sil and Chris to decide to runs the "family"...we could be seeing the beginning of a major power struggle. Personally I think this is shaping up to be the best season since 3.
  22. Incredible episode. The same people who will say it was "boring and dumb" are the same people who complain because there hasn't been as much violence the last few seasons. The acting on this show has reached new heights...Edie Falco has always been great and tonight was no exception. AJ's words to his dad (I won't get into details for those who haven't seen it) were shocking...it'll definitely be interesting to see how this all plays out.
  23. That kid is brutal. He shouldn't be there. I hope you just saw Taylor Hicks...that was great.
  24. The Golden Slumbers-Carry That Weight-The End medley to close out Abbey Road is one of the most extraordinary five minutes or so of music ever, IMO. Too bad they cut out the quick You Never Give Me Your Money reprise during Carry That Weight. Either way, that is timeless stuff... And the juggling was good too
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