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Everything posted by loadofmularkey

  1. Ronnie Brown for 11 yards to get them off the goalline. Oy vey.
  2. Jesus Dierdorf, seriously?? He DIDN'T make the kick!
  3. Yep. And Culpepper has been reborn.
  4. Any line with Bennie Anderson on it officially qualifies as tragic. ANOTHER sack as I type this!!! Wow!!!
  5. Yeah neither do I. My heart's really not in it. Let's watch the game
  6. So what does that make Donahoe again?
  7. I think there's an old Chinese proverb that says something about people who say things without backing them up. I could be wrong though.
  8. He just took inside the 15. Should we bench him?
  9. The quote from Dierdorf about two minutes ago..."Miami came out looking like it was going to pound the ball with a power running game and they figured, 'Well let's see what we can do through the air!' ". So this, or something like it, is probably on Mularkey's resume right?
  10. Joe where were you last week?
  11. Nice. Enjoy the season.
  12. Well I give up. Seriously. Sabres fans calling other Sabres fans "retards" because some like the logo (a logo for god's sake) and some don't. Awesome. Hopefully we can all be friends again once they hoist the Cup this June. So anyway, I placed an order for a navy blue Miller jersey a few hours ago. I will now resume drooling on myself and scribbling on the wall with crayons. BTW, we do all know that the vintage look will be worn this season and is available for purchase right?
  13. You'd probably be baffled by the video on sabres.com which shows two guys in their late 20s/early 30s buying some new navy blue jerseys and saying how much they like them. Probably Sabres or WGR employees right? I am 25. I think the jerseys are very cool. I will be buying one navy blue one, and one third one. Sorry everyone. Believe it or not, 100% of Sabres fans don't hate the new look. I posted yesterday about how it's getting to the point where the logo-b!tching is getting more obnoxious than the actual logo. My friend (a Leafs fan who lives in Kingston) gave me a call earlier today. He has caught wind of all the griping and was happy to report that Leafs fans couldn't give a rip about the new jerseys (he happened to think they weren't bad) but rather he and his Leaf buddies are far more amused at the fact that the fans are so worked up over them. I don't remember Flyers fans acting this ridiculous when their team ditched the vintage orange look and adopted the black/3rd jerseys full-time...a legitimate reason to gripe IMO.
  14. Yeah, I guess so. Sorry for going out on a huge limb and suggesting that booing is a possibility. It might seem inevitable don't you think? I mean, this new logo has drawn so much well-deserved angst and rage, and the city has risen as one declaring that it will absolutely not buy anything with the logo on it (that'll show em) so why would I expect fans at the Arena tomorrow to lose their minds with applause and cheers when the logo hits the ice?
  15. Yep that's exactly what I do. In regard to everything. Especially when it comes to something I have close to zero control over, like the logo of a professional sports team.
  16. Sad. If it does happen, the fans become the embarrasment. Not the logo.
  17. Sigh...I can't be the only one who at this point is more annoyed with the logo-b!tching than the actual logo itself. Can I?
  18. Listen. I don't live in Buffalo anymore, but for those you who do, and who are going to games, can you please promise me this? Could you please not boo when the team takes the ice tomorrow morning/at the preseason opener/at the season opener/any other time in the near future when they take the ice wearing the new jerseys? I can't think of anything that would be more pathetic.
  19. And hopefully Miami doesn't erase an enourmous first quarter deficit just like last year!!!! Yeaaaaaaahh!!!!! Not to be nitpicky, but didn't McGee's opening KR happen the year before?
  20. Mike Williams??
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