As much love as Primetime has received on this board in the last few weeks, I really am not missing Berman's schtick ("WOOP! WOOP!" (x 10) is almost certainly what he would've done for that Jets-Colts lateral) and everything about ESPN lately (including Primetime) is just headache-inducing...from the music to the lights to the set to the commentary.
The NBC set seems very comfortable and relaxed. I like how they have reporters stationed in each stadium, I like PK (say what you want about him, but when he starts his sentences with "I just got off the phone with..." it makes me feel in the loop), and they've been getting better with showing more highlights. Bettis has some work to do...but it's a decent package, you can tell they're trying to be a little different and I think it's working. A good way to end the football day.
As far as the games go, they've been home run matchups every single week. Next week looks good too (PIT-SD) but the week after (DEN-OAK) should be a snoozefest.