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Everything posted by loadofmularkey

  1. Wawrow covers both the Bills and Sabres for the AP and has forever. This isn't some hack piece done by a national guy who formed an opinion of JP during the summer based on what everyone else was saying. It's a fair article.
  2. So...your argument is, if Brady never gets hurt in the AFC Championship the Steelers win that game?
  3. Is that the one with Steve Martin and Rick Moranis? Hilarious!!
  4. If Drew Bledsoe doesn't shear his lung in Week 2, the Patriots are not Super Bowl champions.
  5. And somewhere Marcia Clark is having another drink.
  6. I'm counting on June 2007 being the greatest month in Buffalo sports history.
  7. I really think this is one of the great mysteries in all of sports. Prior to the lockout, Clarke could always be blamed for the fact that Philly didn't have the goaltending to win it all (except for years when they stumbled upon flashes in the pan like Boucher and Cechmanek). That being said, the butcher job he's done after the lockout has just been tremendous. Okay, fine...there were a few teams that tried to remain set in the "old NHL" ways, Philly being one of them. If you really want, go ahead and give Clarke along with a few others a one-year pass if only because he didn't have the foresight that Buffalo did. But the fact that we're entering year two of the "new NHL" and his answer for that sluggish, slow defense that the Sabres exposed in the playoffs was Nolan Baumgartner tells you everything you need to know.
  8. Yeah no kidding. If people are going to ask where all the brand new Sabres fans were three or four years ago, we could also ask how the Ralph suddenly saw 80,000-plus in 1990 when only five years previous it was lucky to be half full. Moral of the story: People like winners. Sabres are winners. Therefore, people like Sabres. The Bills might be winners again someday, but right now it's the hockey team that has the upper hand and, as I stated in a previous post, are doing a great job of capturing the attention of WNY's young fans.
  9. This is a great read by Tim Panaccio of the Philly Inquirer: http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/15789305.htm Notables lines/quotes: Baumgartner, you might recall, was supposed to be the Flyers' prized free-agent defensive acquisition this summer to help the club become quicker on the blue line. "I thought we, well, I can't even describe what I'm thinking," Flyers GM Bob Clarke said today. Clarke then dealt with a quote from center Mike Richards, who said last night about the loss: "Typical Philadelphia Flyers hockey game there. We got behind the eight ball, we had a little bit of pressure on us and we folded." At practice today, captain Peter Forsberg said he was "ashamed of last night's defeat," calling it "the most humiliating in my career." As the previous poster stated, hate to be repetitive but...
  10. The metric system is the tool of the devil
  11. Meh...not enough slug
  12. The slug one. Sorry
  13. Or the Cardinals with slightly better uniforms
  14. I didn't go to the game last night, but I can assure you there's one hanging in my closet.
  15. Awesome! Now I can't wait for Sunday!!
  16. That's definitely true, partly because the NFL is the NFL and party because there are plenty of people who still put the Bills first no questions asked. But you can feel a definite shift happening amongst the sports fans in WNY, for sure. Don't forget there is a whole new generation of sports fans in Buffalo aged anywhere from 9-16 that have never known the Bills to be a marginally competitive team. The Sabres are incredibly popular with the kids around here (which probably helps explain a big part of why the slug jersey is #1 in the NHL in sales, as per Mike Emrick) and the Bills...well, the Bills suck. They're the opposite of the Sabres. These kids weren't around for Kelly, Thurman and the rest...they have no idea how much fun Sundays could be. So until Sundays become fun again, the Sabres are #1 ticket in town and a Stanley Cup would set off a party like this city has never seen. I can't wait.
  17. Watching last night's game I couldn't help but be reminded of the early days of the no-huddle offense. The Sabres are faster, quicker, smarter and more talented than every team they have played so far and teams are scrambling to try and figure out how to stop it. Last night wasn't even close. Philly honestly didn't even look like they belonged in the same league. Buffalo...we have an excellent, excellent team on our hands.
  18. 100% wrong. Either you're currently not living in the WNY area or you haven't turned on a TV or radio/stepped outside lately.
  19. But how do you feel about Tom Brady?
  20. Right, because it would've been terrible for the league if the hot-shot, young QB and hopeful NFL poster boy for the next 15 years would've gone in there and beat the undefeated powerhouse during his first primetime game. Nobody would've been talking about that.
  21. Theismann has basically become a parody of himself at this point. You're right, Barkley is no broadcaster but he has something to say about everything, which is why he works so well on the TNT show.
  22. Hey, it's all good...as the rappers say. Wait they don't say that? I have no idea. Seriously though, I'm not a big fan of rap at all. I think most of it sucks...but I do think Jay-Z is great. And old school Public Enemy of course.
  23. You old people are no fun
  24. Good news!! Thanks to Arizona's collapse, we stay 8th worst!! Whooo, 8th worst!!!
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