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Shameless Homer

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Posts posted by Shameless Homer

  1. The tone of voice kind of eliminates that....it was said a little in disgust (like "are you effing kidding me, back up JP???)....just my read of what I heard.



    This is funny stuff. The dynamics are always the same. Player leaves town for whatever reason and we rush to prove "he was an **** anyway"


    By this time next week Bledsoe will be discovered to be gay, raped a girl scout,

    and someone will reveal that they saw him at a bar leave only a 10% tip.

  2. "I don't really see myself ever playing backup, particularly for JP"

    Man if there was a problem between these guys they did an excellent job keeping it under wraps.



    In the context it was meant as a compliment.


    Essentially I don't want to play backup to a guy who would never play poor enough for me to get back in.

  3. Quoting me once wasn't good enough? Good job on being the first to quote one sentence TWICE, you turd.


    The point still remains: Everyone says "you need to build the correct system for Bledsoe to succeed". !@#$ that. If you take any mediocre NFL QB and give him EXACTLY what he personally is best with, he will do great.


    That's not idiotic, its the truth.


    Listen, Drew is gone. It will be OK. He didn't even know you existed. Let it go.



    It's idiotic. Accept the fact that one of your 13,000 posts was the most idiotic statement ever made. I don't have time to go through all the rest, perhaps you've topped yourself in there somewhere.


    In your zeal to kick Bledsoe when he's down you'll say anything, whether it's factually untrue or in this case, incoherent.

  4. I've searched long and hard for this. And it fell in my lap today.

    The single most idiotic statement ever made on a football message board.

    Gonna be tough to top this...




    Any mediocre QB will do well if an entire team is built around his weaknesses.


  5. ESPN's poll on their NFL page asks:


    Which veteran QB would you most want starting for your team next season?


    Here's the breakdown:


    Drew Bledsoe  52.5%

    Jeff Garcia  23%

    Kurt Warner  25%


    Total votes: 122, 452


    Bledsoe wins in a landslide...is that because other fans around the league watched zero Bills games last season or are the other options just that bad??



    Dude. You had to ask?


    Because EVERYONE who doesn't think Bledsoe sucks is either STOOPID or

    REALLY STOOPID about football. DUH!

  6. Or it could tell you that the defense doesn't respect our passing game enough to care about getting burned down the field.



    So let me get this straight.


    Bledsoe is the reason we couldn't pass.

    Bledsoe is the reason we couldn't run.

    I can't remember, did he hold on FGs?


    Whatever. I smell Super Bowl!!!

  7. J.P gives us a better shot to beat New England for years to come.  Drew never gave us a shot to beat them.  We beat them 1 time I believe in his time here.  That was the 31-0 game in 2003 when New England was still in shock over Milloy.  Their heads weren't in that game at all.



    And of course like all Bledsoe wins, it doesn't really count.

  8. And what makes you think the offense was setup because of Drew?  Everyone here seems to say that, but nowhere has anyone shown evidence that it wasn't because it was an entirely new sceme, because that's just what the coaches wanted to run (ie: smash mouth, remember?), because the receivers were all young, etc, etc.  That doesn't prove that they dumbed it down because of DB at all.





    Particularly in light of the fact that he threw for 4300+ yards his first year here.

    Then they lost Price; 100 catches, Josh Reed proved to be a bust, Moulds was out for 4 games and was ineffective for 2003 and they tried a rookie this year, who while tremendously gifted, knows 4 pass routes.

  9. Definition of insanity, continuing to do the same things and expect differant results. We missed last year with a a cream puff schedule. What would happen next year if we missed agin with Drew at the helm.



    The cream puff schedule assertion is misguided as I've pointed out before.


    Bills had 8th most difficult shedule out of 32 teams. Cream puff?


    Bills ended the year ranked 8th best team in NFL of 32 teams.





    Now while I'm of course fully aware that the team won the 9 games and Bledsoe lost the 7, the truth is that this team was a strong contender.

  10. If the Bills are poised to win NOW then they were also poised for the entire past season.  It didn't happen despite the talent level.  You feel that DB is getting too much of the blame, and we'll continue to disagree on that.


    Why put the team in the hands of an unproven QB?  Because unproven is better than proven to fall short, imo.   This team is good enough today but it did not happen.  Time to turn the page.



    This is not entirely correct. McGahee did not play until after the 0-4 start.


    A poll was taken here about a month ago that asked; what would the Bills record have been had Willis played in the first 4 games. Most suggested, including many of Bledsoe's biggest detractors on this board, that we would have won at least 2 and as many as all 4 of those games. That means that the team we have right NOW our record would have been at LEAST 11-5 maybe 13-3. That was WITH Bledsoe.


    With 16 games of McGahee and a "mobile" quarterback I'm expecting at least

    11 wins. Anything less will mean a mistake was made.

  11. At times amusing, mostly embarassing, the Drew lovers on the wall have encouraged mean and adamant resonses from those who know better. Today at 11:00 a.m., the Bills will release UNCONDITIONALLY Drew Bledsoe. As a QB, he's terrible and that's the ONLY measure to judge him by.



    GO BILLS!!!!  :lol:  :lol:  :(



    Sorry to see Bledsoe go. IMHO I think he would have taken us easily into the playoffs next year particularly with 16 games of Willis and a coaching staff going into its 2nd year.


    I hope JP can do it instead.


    Oh, and Bob4Bills. You're a small-minded fool.

  12. Great post, Rubes.


    A 2 week old turd on your front lawn may not smell as bad as a freshly laid turd, but it's still a turd.  If you let the grass grow in that spot, you may even look at that part of the lawn and think that there is no turd there.  JWell, just because you can't see it, and just because it doesn't smell, doesn't mean that turd is now a rose.



    Ah, the turd metaphor. In running quarterbacks out of town I believe it comes

    just 3 days before the "I always thought he was gay" avalanche, which of course

    happens on the official day of the announcement.


    That ex-girlfriend was always ugly anyway.

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