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Shameless Homer

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Posts posted by Shameless Homer

  1. I just saw the funniest thing ever on a message board....they are having a single elimination insult contest.  One thread for each 'match up' in which the two opponents zing each other until a winner is declared.


    I can't believe that such a brilliant idea was not hatched here.  Think about the possibilities....what would the point spread be on a first round match up b/w Darin and BF?  :D



    BF=one-legged man in ass kicking contest

  2. After Tuesday, I predict we will start hearing a lot more stories from the employees of 1BD that will further show just how big of a loser Drew Bledsoe is. :D



    Another empty comment with character assassination built in.


    Nothing works better on this board than throwing unsubstantiated red meat

    to the lynch mob.

  3. I'm tired of stories with nameless sources. It took 7 weeks for this story to come out. Everyone on the sidelines was pissed and it took 7 weeks to come out?


    Who said these things? I saw no quotation marks around any of the comments. I saw no attribution to the speaker.


    Where are the local Buffalo scribes on this? They have hammered Bledsoe on the way out of town, yet they missed this story?


    Anybody remember the announcers acting aghast about this? Anybody see cutaways to the sidelines with the coaching staff jumping on Bledsoe? Anybody jump on Mularkey for making such a bonehead call and lose the game? Nope. That doesn't happen until someone suggests Bledsoe made the bonehead call......then it's damn stupid!


    Peter King writes an article that literally could end Bledsoe's career and he can't get a quote?

    Did he call Bledsoe and say, " Drew is it true you messed up the coin toss call?"

    He would have gotten a yes, no, or no comment..two answers that would have confirmed the story.


    How about a call to someone, anyone, in the Bills organization to verify? None.


    This POS is known for unsubstantiated stories. The guy is known for never having been in a locker room.


    This story is rumor, innuendo and fantasy until someone who was there confirms it.


    If is confirmed with real quotes from real people I'll start a thread that says "Shameless Homer finally realizes Bledsoe is a jerk."


    Oh and PS, no matter which goal you pick both teams play 2 quarters in each direction.

  4. He's either making excuses for his future shortcomings or he's acknowleging it will take more than just him to make the offense click. 


    BTW, now that DB is gone I have seen several posts where they say we should now improve the offensive line, get a pass catching TE and find a goto 3rd receiver.  Isn't all this what some were saying Bledsoe needed.


    The more things change, the more they remain the same. <_<



    GB, this post is crystal clear. DB was torched by folks on this board without the recognition that the weapons he had were very much inferior.

    Even his #1 receiver was ranked 45th in the league. The other dirty little secret is that the O had 1041 yards in penalties. Only one team in the entire NFL had more. That's tough on any quarterback.


    And to set the record on the defense, they ranked 3rd in yards allowed, a meaningless stat. They were 12th in 3rd down conversions and 31st in the league in 4th down conversions.

  5. It is sadly ironic that just a few weeks ago, this board was lit up in comparison of Lawyer Milloy & Teddy Bruschi.


    While we cannot argue the merit of each of their actions relative to the teamwork, you cannot argue with Milloy's position which direction a player should take for the well being of their families. 


    Bruschi's move to accept lower pay was seen as nostalgic galantry to the bygone days of the game, but I'm sure his family's financial security would have been helped with a true free agent contract.  People forget that NFL players realistically get only one chance for a big money contract, and that the playing lifespan of players is very very short.


    We can lambaste Milloy for being a selfish jerk with respect to his former team, but if you were his family your priorities are different, and I can't fault him for that.



    I immediately thought the same thing. Lots of Pats players are taking less than what the market would otherwise bear. They're drinking the koolaid about the

    greater good. But Belichick and Kraft might be the wealthiest coach/owner combo ever in the NFL.


    The coaches are finally waking up. Weis will quadruple his salary at ND. Crennel will do even better at Cleveland. With the fact that there is absolutely no guarantee to a player(but there is for ownership!)in an NFL contract, I begrudge no player for trying to get every cent they can.

  6. Hello Drew....you had exactly the same opportunity with a great defense, a breakout year by Willis and an incredible special teams year....and you still couldn't make the playoffs with all your knowledge & experience!  Odds are that next season our D or ST won't be quite as opportunistic.



    Tell me what the team record would have last year had McGahee started the first 4 games.

    (remember we started 0-4)

  7. I am trying to figure out if you are serious or just joking here.....


    Instinctive play?




    I'm serious. Strong arm, cocky.

    A young Bledsoe had some mobility, in fact many used the same "happy feet" comment

    they use on Losman.


    And if you truly want to continue to say that a guy who's thrown for 40,000 yards and has remained as a starter for 12 seasons has no football instinct well....

  8. I am trying to help out where I can.  I was critical of DB.  I didn't bash, nor was I merciless.


    Carry on.


    PS You just registered two weeks ago,  how do you know what I was doing two years ago? :doh:



    It takes about 3 visits of an hour or two to figure where the battle lines are drawn here. Someone with more perception than I can probably do it much more quickly.


    I hate to pigeonhole people but there simply few here who land in the grey area of any issue.


    And then there's that little feature of archived posts.

  9. I see very few similarities between Losman and Brady.


    Brady- Calm and cool, just enough mobility to get out of the way, Plays a "think first" type of game, finesse thrower


    JP- Brash and Fiery, Mobility up the wazoo, Seems to play on instinct , cannon arm.



    Truth is, he seems to be a young Bledsoe without the pedigree.

  10. This is your thread, but I'd like to respond.  incessant bashing?...see Spiked Lemonade.  mercilessly blasted?  I criticized him on a Bills message board, I didn't nail him to a cross.

    Carry on.



    Our thread huh. You have dominated with 11 of the 20 posts. 55%.


    And now you're saying you didn't bash? That's a good one.

  11. I think surely the Ricos, jp-eras, assmead107s, Petes, stojans, Labatts, and all the others who incessantly and mercilessly blasted Bledsoe aren't going to cry foul when it comes to discussing Jp. Or are they?


    JP has been annointed the starter. I hope he kicks ass. I want to win, but I think it's fair to point out that he is an absolute mystery. That's not bashing, that's reality.

  12. I actually think Losman will be given the reins to QB this team in the best of all worlds.


    1. Highly ranked D

    2. Highly ranked ST

    3. A chance to play Willis 16 games instead of 12

    4. A NE team that just lost its OC, DC and will soon lose its best CB

    5. A schedule that looks no tougher than last year's 8th toughest

    6. An O line with another year of tutelage from McNally

    7. And most importantly, a coaching staff going into its 2nd year


    The back breaking penalties have to stop (11 in the Pitt game!)

    If they do, then the only question mark is the QB.


    If they treat Losman like Roethlisberger and keep him in a conservative

    mode, playoffs are not only possible, but likely.

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