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Golden Wheels

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Everything posted by Golden Wheels

  1. Congratulations Pinto Kenny. 250 straight games is unbelievable. I'm going to drink a shot of Wisniowka out of a bowling ball in your honor today.
  3. Welcome Scott from a fellow SU grad! Looking forward to reading more of your stuff.
  4. Sure I'd like one. It would make a great night shirt. $10 plus shipping? Send me a PM and let me know how to reimburse you.
  5. The Stadium Wall needs to add these emoticons just for Dick's press conferences. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v469/Nuf...TICONS/thud.gif http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v469/Nuf...S/icon_barf.gif http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v469/Nuf...NS/460ecfb0.gif
  6. This is from Peter King's column today: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writ...ek.4/index.html The Giants are one of the best teams in football because they get how important it is to invest in building depth on the line, rather than on a flashy wide receiver. They weren't derailed by injuries to key players.
  7. I'm gonna get slapped for repeating myself........ 1. Football games are won and lost in the trenches. When your team can't block pass rushers on offense or stop the run on defense, it makes no sense to make your major offseason investment in a 36-year-old wide receiver. Even if he is one of the best in the league, he's useless as breasts on a boar if your QB spends most of the day getting sacked or throwing INTs in a panic. Or your defense if giving up tons of yards and points to a high school formation offense. Yes, the Bills drafted some linemen, but where is the talented, veteran experience? 2. The head coach and the QB are the brains of the team. They should be running the show with logic, intelligence, and a red-hot desire to win. Jauron should have been jettisoned last year for his horrible, namby pamby, play-it-safe, wretched clock managment, game-day decisions. Edwards looks like he has no confidence what-so-ever, and every defense in the league knows he is Captain Checkdown. This is a horrible combination. Cut off the head, and the body will die. That's what it happening to this team. 3. Every team has injured players. Only losing teams constructed with little depth use it as an excuse. 4. Never argue with Simon.
  8. Beating a dead horse....... Here's what is painfully obvious to all of us that the front office hasn't figured out yet: 1. Football games are won and lost in the trenches. When your team can't block pass rushers on offense or stop the run on defense, it makes no sense to make your major offseason investment in a 36-year-old wide receiver. Even if he is one of the best in the league, he's useless as teats on a boar if your QB spends most of the day getting sacked or throwing INTs in a panic or your defense if giving up tons of yards and points to a high school formation offense. Yes, the Bills drafted some linemen, but where is the talented, veteran experience? 2. The head coach and the QB are the brains of the team. They should be running the show with logic, intelligence, and a red-hot desire to win. Jauron should have been jettisoned last year for his horrible, namby pamby, play-it-safe game-day decisions. Edwards looks like he has no confidence what-so-ever, and every defense in the league knows he is Captain Checkdown. This is a horrible combination. 3. Every team has injured players. Only losing teams constructed with little depth use it as an excuse.
  9. Be specific judman. Is there a particular incident you are referring to?
  10. Here's what is painfully obvious to all of us that the front office hasn't figured out yet: 1. Football games are won and lost IN THE TRENCHES. When your team can't block pass rushers on offense or stop the run on defense, it makes no sense to make your major offseason investment in a 36-year-old wide receiver. Even if he is one of the best in the league, he's useless as teats on a boar if your QB spends most of the day getting sacked or throwing INTs in a panic or your defense if giving up tons of yards and points to a high school formation offense. The Bills are penny wise and pound foolish! 2. The head coach and the QB are the brains of the team. They should be running the show with logic, intelligence, and a red-hot desire to win. Jauron should have been jettisoned last year for his horrible, namby pamby, play-it-safe game-day decisions. Edwards looks like he has no confidence what-so-ever, and every defense in the league knows he is Captain Checkdown. This is a horrible combination.
  11. Did anyone notice that Wood left the game in the 1st quarter? They sent in McKinney for him. Are there any starters left in the game on the line?
  12. Edwards has to be benched. His mind is so messed up he can't make a decision worth a damn on the field.
  13. The Bills better pull their heads out of their asses soon or it is going to be an embarrassing afternoon.
  14. McKinney was in for Wood at RG. What happened to Eric Wood?
  15. The offense is getting too predictable.
  16. Hey Chef -- Get back in the kitchen and bake me some fish, beeyotch.
  17. No. It was a waste of an outstanding performance by the defense.
  18. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw John Gruden pass out at Duff's last night. I guess it's pretty serious.
  19. I actually feel bad for Pennington. The guy has played QB like the Black Knight in Monty Python & the Holy Grail. His shoulder has been shredded and operated on numerous times, and he keeps gutting it out. The latest injury could be the end of the line for him.
  20. Owens can't win. If he says nothing, he gets criticized for not cooperating with the media or accused of sulking. If he says the offense didn't execute or get the job done, then he's accused of ripping his teammates. TO has had some childish, bizarre outbursts in the past, but his critics have been exaggerating or twisting anything he says of late.
  21. well this is the frosting on the poop cake bills fans got served today
  22. flood all the receivers to one side of the field and let edwards just heave it up....i mean what the hell
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