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Golden Wheels

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Everything posted by Golden Wheels

  1. I would like to see a replay of Steve Johnson post-TD and what he got a penalty for? Announcers said he taunted one of the clowns on the sidelines dressed as a mintueman? Seriously? Anyone got a video of that?
  2. No pass rush means they're still going to laugh at you.
  3. The Browns announced before the season that their parking lots would open 3 hours later than in the past on game days. Now they are enforcing new policies regarding fan behavior called "Home Field Advantage". Fans are encouraged to text message stadium security to tattle on other "unruly" fans. At Sunday’s home opener, Browns fans also got their first look at new signs encouraging people to respect the Browns’ tradition, games and other fans. 16 people were arrested on various charges at yesterday's game. http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2010/09/browns_fans_on_best_behavior.html
  4. It's called wisniowka. http://www.internetwines.com/rws17726.html
  5. It has nothing to do with people getting stupid drunk -- this has to do with people getting stupid drunk while the Bills and the NFL fail to turn a profit on it. It is only a matter of time before the Bills announce that the only sanctioned alcohol allowed at tailgates will be sold by them at their own beer stands to the tune of $8 to $9 a pop. Just watch. First they go after Kenny, but everyone else is next.
  6. 1998 Niners @ Bills. I saw a group of grown men in Bills gear taunt a 10-year-old boy in a Steve Young jersey.."Go back to San Francisco with the rest of the f@gs you little P*ssy." People around them were telling them to STFU, but they wouldn't. It was one of the more disgusting things I've seen at RWS.
  7. Bettor's state of calm Packers for suicide pool Bills futility Bratwurst and cold beer Pack defense crushes Edwards Brohm's swell homecoming Ghost of Lombardi "What the hell's going on here?!" Bills offense that bad Trent sacked many times Failure on Frozen Tundra Oh God not again
  8. I'm sure it's an embarrassing thing to explain to Muffy while the two of you are snacking on your watercress tea sandwiches and sipping organic green tea in the parking lot before the game. Make sure you keep those ruffians away from your Volvo wagon.
  9. Have a brat and a beer for me.
  10. Thanks for getting the NFL to confirm that they intend to sanitize the game experience. (Goodell's final solution?) Heard alot of kvetching on Boston sports radio today by fans who were told at Gillette Stadium Sunday that they weren't allowed to stand while cheering. Tom Brady complained about fans leaving their game early. Seems to me that if you make the price of tickets so high & crackdown on exhuberant behavior, then you end up with prima donna prissypants who would rather beat traffic than stick around for an entire game. Clearly the league doesn't give a crap about alienating the long-time loyal fans.
  11. Is this post about Bob Sanders or Paul Posluszny?
  12. I vote for neutron bomb. I would like to leave the new stadium standing for the Giants.
  13. If it is Hawk AND a draft pick for Lynch, why wouldn't Nix do it? Why didn't he trade Lynch for a pick BEFORE the draft? I get the impression the organization is happy with what they are paying Marshawn in the last year of his contract and would rather not alter their current salary structure.
  14. Between this and the Batavia Party Zone sign being banned (I always look for it during the tv broadcasts), it seems like they are doing anything possible to drive away fans who aren't interested in behaving like they are at a friggin tea party. You know the type -- they sit there patting the corners of their mouths with little lace doilies while they sip $10 beverages bought directly from sanctioned concessions. It was a bad sign that they put the clampdown immediately on tailgating in Toronto. They want everyone to be herded in and out of the game like sheep who are only there to be sheared by the NFL and Ralph Wilson.
  15. FWIW, NFL.com's Jason La Canfora has reported that Kris Jenkins blew out his ACL last night and his season is over. http://twitter.com/JasonLaCanfora
  16. FWIW, Game 1 stats: Trent Edwards: 18 of 34, 134 yds, 1 TD, O int; Mark Sanchez: 10 of 21, 74 yds, 0 TD, 0 Int Caveat: the Ravens' defense is better than the Dolphins.
  17. They were in the game for most of it is ok? Coming close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. This is the NFL, and wins are all that matter. I took see nothing positive in this game or for the near future as long as Trent Edwards is the starting QB and the O-line blocks like revolving doors.
  18. If lowering your expectations to make this season more tolerable, then good for you. It's cheaper than Prozac.
  19. Henne had ALL DAY to throw. Marshall just plain dropped it.
  20. The pass blocking isn't better. Neither is Edwards. SOS. Different year.
  21. OK w/e Dean. But IMO the league is more aggressive about rooting out illegal streams. I hope you are right.
  22. According to the latest report in the Boston Globe, witnesses say that the other driver in the minivan ran a red light. http://www.boston.com/news/local/breaking_news/2010/09/patriots_qb_in.html
  23. I hope this is just hyperbole on your part because Peter King knows enough about football not to call Gifford a QB.
  24. Prove it on the field is right. The Bills won't change minds until they can win more games within their division.
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