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Golden Wheels

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Everything posted by Golden Wheels

  1. I predict that if the Bills take a QB with their first pick in the 2011 draft, then there will be a large contingent of fans who say it was a bad decision because they need a run stopper on defense. And conversely, if the Bills do draft a stud on defense first, a large contingent of Bills fans will call it moronic decision that will set the franchise back another 10 years. And I predict it doesn't matter who the fans or Nix want to draft as long as Ralph Wilson has veto power.
  2. True story: the original colors for this co-ed school were rose pink and pea green. A group of students went to the chancellor in 1890 and asked that these colors be changed since it was difficult to cheer athletic teams represented in those colors. A professor at SU did some research and found that no other school had orange alone as it's primary color. It was then adopted officially by the university. signed, a Syracuse alumnae
  3. As Lancaster Steve said, his just shows other NFL players the precedent that if they get in trouble, all they have to do is stonewall the investigation and point at the Favre case if they get more than a fine. I think Favre got cut alot of slack because of his star status.
  4. Donte Whitner, is that you?
  5. If beer sales weren't so profitable, they probably already would have been banned by Goodell in the interests of creating "a family friendly atmosphere." Good luck with that. Once people can't drink at frigid winter games that the league moves to late in the day for tv purposes, alot more will wake up and say, "Freezing my arse off to watch this in person is insane." It's just too bad that the drunks like the ones in this case and that guy who left the Bills game drunk with 2 kids in his car are going to ruin the gameday experience for people who behave.
  6. Any one remember the Bruce Smith sack of Jeff George where George dropped back, looked to his left, saw Bruce in his face, and clearly said "Oh, sh*t!" just before he got hammered again?
  7. Evidence of this: The Bills don't quit. How many teams would have packed it in after the first half they had in Cincinnati? Gailey is noticeably more aggressive than his predecessor when it comes to going for it on 4th and short as well as throwing the red flag in the right situation. I'd like to see what he could do with a roster than was deeper in talent and less reliant on practice squad signees from other teams.
  8. Looks like our member from the UK had a brilliant time today. Article with video. British Bills fans make annual trek to Orchard Park
  9. Poz did play a very good game against the Bengals last week, but he is the last guy I want to see back in pass coverage against a TE or WR. The Bills almost gave away the Lions game when they had him on Calvin Johnson when the big wide receiver scored to make it a 14-12 game. Poz could be a very good player if he stayed healthy.
  10. It was good to see udonkey (Mike) again, and as usual pintoron was a very hospitable host at the tailgate. (Thanks for the wisnowika!) My friends from Cincinnati were knocked out by how friendly the Bills fans were and how united we were for a 2-8 team not to mention partying! It was a memorable afternoon, and a game I'll never forget. From being taunted in the first half by the cries of "WHO DEY? WHO DEY?" to utter and complete silence in the second half save for the other Bills fans screaming our lungs out in glee. Cheers!
  11. Not everyone at Bills games has been to college, but I'm with Dr Dankenstein -- act like you've had a drink before. If your goal is to get "high school drunk", then why are you there? I've had people tell me they didn't even remember being at the game. What a waste of time and money. I'm all for having a few pops and getting a nice buzz on, but if you are puking on your shoes come game time then you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
  12. It would be interesting if the game came down to a field goal. Lindell hasn't been consistent, and the Bengals just signed some guy who used to kick at Ohio State and has been working at a sporting goods store as a stockboy. Seriously.
  13. Please, let the Oregon Ducks be the team to wear all that shiteous, far out crap. Don't want it on my screens on Sundays in the fall. Also, imagine one of those form-fitting jerseys on some slob with a beergut. Ew.
  14. I'm flying in and going to the game with some friends from Kentucky. I remember the Longworth Hall lot from the last time the Bills played in Cincinnati. Will look for other Bills fans there. Don't want to jinx us, but the weather forecast is looking good. High around 60 and partly sunny.
  15. If DarthIce used the argument that the management of this team takes advantage of fan loyalty by putting a substandard product on the field, I can get behind that. But to put the onus of horrible scouting, drafting, trades, and the rest of the wretched front office decisions made by this franchise in the last 15 years solely on the fans is ridiculous, and one of the silliest LAMPs I have ever read here. Yes, Fitz isn't the long term answer. But if the Bills draft a QB next year, do you want him thrown in the fire immediately if he's not ready? The Sam Bradfords of this world -- ready from game 1 -- are the exception rather than the rule in this league. Keep Fitz around as a stop gap. Anyone who thinks he's a long term answer is deluded.
  16. Just goes to show any moron can father a child, but it takes a decent human being to be a loving dad. Since his unmarried mother had 4 kids by the age of 21, Cromartie grew up in a culture with a set of morals (or lack thereof) that most of us won't understand. It's sad that he couldn't break the cycle of indiscriminate humping even with all the wealth that came with an NFL career .
  17. If someone asked Bednarik if he wanted to go to a Day Spa, he'd probably clothesline them and use their shattered helmet as an ashtray.
  18. That can't be Favre's member. You don't see the top of Peter King's head in those photos.
  19. DonteWhitner on Twitter this morning: "Thank God for another day...practice, chiropractor, massage, Day Spa...have a great day." What? He's not having his nails done too? Or is a mani/pedi part of the Day Spa deal?
  20. He like a kid down there!
  21. I would like a bag of pucks please. signed, Darcy
  22. I think it also shows that Fitzpatrick knows how to get rid of the ball quickly or run himself if need be rather than act like a deer caught in the headlights.
  23. Really. What was the point of giving him most of the reps in the preseason?!?
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