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Everything posted by ChicagoRic

  1. .....and nor is he a traditional "Jock". What I've noticed is that he gives genuine answers to questions.........even if it means he ends up quoting Yoda. Call it marching to the beat of another drummer or whatever you'd like, the kid is a straight-up individual. For good or ill, he's an athletic geek. Whether he makes it as the starter or not (and YES, I'm pulling for him) he's one of the most refreshingly human players to ever wear a Buffalo Bills uni. Bottom line---he's kind of a weird dude, but he's come to accept that about himself and others need to as well. He may not be the most isotypical (yeah, I just invented that word) guy, but, given the chance and a bit of geek tolerance he can, and I hope WILL, get the job done. Thoughts? Yes. I'm a huge geek. Eric C
  2. Just gonna throw this one out there for debate... Have you ever wondered what might have happened if an "on the bubble" player actually made the cut? Oftentimes it is one marginal guy vs another...........and then the guy who made it is cut the next year. Take Kamil Loud for example......Good size, speed, hands..........but never really cracked the roster. If there had been an injury or 3 to the starters, could he have shown something? This year's Kamil is Fast Freddie.................will he make it, or will he just be another might have been? Discuss. My best, Eric C ChicagoRic
  3. It's been years since I posted seriously, but I've been around since AOL charged by the minute. Don't look at my number of posts, look at my member number. Me posting here is like catching a coelacanth off the West African coast, but here I am. Never before have I seen such a bunch of whiny and negative biatches. Levy is only on a few short months as GM and he is roundly crucified! Why? Not enough experience? His ZERO win record as a GM? Please. There's a season the games are actually played, and until I see a team on the field, I simply can't pass judgement. Too many times in the NFL, there have been teams that looked like crap at the outset and wound up smelling like roses at the season's end. Losman on the trading block? Seriously people-his contract is still small and workable and his full potential has not been fully tested. Is he good? Bad? Hell, I dunno, but then again, neither does anyone else until there's an O-Line in front of him and a coaching staff with a backbone giving him a shot. Mularkey proved to be spineless and gave in to pressure from the owner and from veterans. This was his biggest failure. No leadership ended resulting in a crap season. Is Jauron better? Worse? Let's play some games and find out. I may be an old an cranky dinosaur from the years of TBD past, but count me in as an optimist first and a realist 2nd. JP Losman will start. Moulds will be traded rather than cut. McGahee will make up for his disappointing 05 season. That is all. Eric C ChicagoRic
  4. The ridiculous UAW contracts and mediocre manufacturing standards are the real problem. The artificially high wages and medical coverage that UAW members enjoy add something like $1500 in cost to every American car sold. Toyota employs many thousands of American workers and pays them a fair wage to deliver a superior product. Xenophobia has no place in the global marketplace. If American car manufacturers and their union employees cannot compete then they are the ones to blame for all the layoffs and plant closings. Just my 2 cents. Eric C ChicagoRic
  5. You're right------------most of those who posted here waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day have moved on. I remember a time when you could generate a 3-4 page thread on the blocking style of Carwell Gardner or the pros and cons of Kamil Loud. In this case, mediocraty breeds apathy. It has been so long since the Bills have fielded a REAL team that once the reasons the Bills screwed up have been covered, there is very little else to discuss. Gimme an 11-5 or 12-4 team and I'll show you an active message board. Almost a ghost myself, Eric C ChicagoRic
  6. .........and maybe some 5 o'clock shadow. To extremely oversimplify, Losman needs to lose the high-voiced pageboy image if he wants to lead. No more foppity hair or emo sensibility. No more fruity drinks at the downtown bars---it's beer, tequila, or crown and nothing else. Just think people---how good would Losman look with a buzzcut and a f*ck off attitude? Humbly submitted, Eric C ChicagoRic
  7. Saw it right away, and pointed it out to a friend! Falcon, opening scene, bottom right corner! Eric C ChicagoRic
  8. Umm, 5 beers in 4 hours does not equal drunk. 5 beers in 1 hour were be a whole different story though. Here's a handy link: http://www.intox.com/wheel/drinkwheel.asp Regards, Eric C ChicagoRic
  9. Actually, I wasn't doing anything wrong here. Ever hear of drinking in moderation? Roughly 1 beer per hour, on a full stomach, with plenty of water in between drinks. I'm a 34 year old 190lb guy and I know my limits. My partying days are about a decade behind me. Marengo, IL is a pretty small town and the walk from my home to the local pubs is perhaps a quarter mile. I routinely walk to and from the bar, so most of the time driving never even figures into things. I didn't walk home because I was intoxicated, I did so because I didn't want the hassle of a potential pullover, field sobriety test, etc etc. If I had been pulled over, however, I don't believe there would have been enough alcohol in my system to cause a problem. If you do the math, the most I would have blown would have been .025. If you've ever had a glass of wine with dinner and then driven home, then you are just as "guilty" me. As far as a pub owner asking the cops for assistance? I don't think this was the case because all 4 bars on the main drag in town were targeted. The police officers were actually following people walking from one bar to the next and hounding some people almost to the point of harrassment. All in all it was a very strange scene and seemed quite surreal at the time. I guess I'd have to mark it down as crude but effective. Regards to all, Eric C ChicagoRic
  10. ..........in your town? If not, then what's the most blatant use of a police force that you have ever seen? I was out of town tonight on what I'll call a semi-date--cute girl I've known for years with an on-again, off-again boyfriend. She called me outta the blue looking for a night out, so I obliged her but was careful not to cross ANY lines..........I enjoy her company and can appreciate the whole flirtation thing, but with her in emotional limbo, I don't wanna be an a-hole. So anyway, while we're out, she gets a text message from her on again, off again batender boyfriend-------30+ state troopers have descended on the town and are out in force with the local PD, making life miserable for the beer-swilling population. On a Saturday night at 12:30am, the entire town is now a police state. Coming back into town and dropping the semi-date off, I go into the local pub for what will be my fifth beer of the night (over a 4 hour period), and looking out onto the main drag, I see no fewer than 3 cars pulled over and no less than 5 state troopers cruising the strip. Not only that, the cops are not content to just pull people over----they are walking into the bars to identify who might be drunk so they can catch them on the way out. Cops IN the bar, shining flashlights in peoples' eyes and generally making life miserable. Needless to say, I called my car into the police station to avoid a parking ticket and WALKED home. So, 30 state troopers and 4-5 local cops in a town with 4 bars with a combined total of maybe 100 patrons. Is this extreme, or is it just me? My best, Eric C ChicagoRic
  11. My sister's boyfriend owns Liars..........I'll have to ask him about Losman's late night escapades... The very fact that I've heard nothing negative from my sis so far speaks volumes. Bottom line, Losman is in his early 20's, in Buffalo, and stinkin' rich. Since it's the offseason, I'd rather see him out and about making plays for the local girls than hear about him at home knitting sequined g-strings like Jeff Garcia. If I ever see him at Liars, I'll buy him and drink and a shot and another shot. Jim Kelly was a hard nosed drunk. He was also the last QB to win for us in the playoffs. Drink up JP! My best, Eric C ChicagoRic
  12. Relax. If you FEEL that this is the right house, then there is nothing wrong with moving quickly. I bought mine two months ago, and the time from being shown the house to having my offer accepted was just under 48 hours. I have no regrets. By moving fast I was able to complete my deal before the home even officially hit the market. Sometimes you just know. Regards, Eric C ChicagoRic
  13. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Buffalo '66. Vince Gallo is at his understated best as an angst-ridden ex-con and unrepentant Bills fan, and Christina Ricci is is just plain hot! This is one of those movies that might make you squirm while watching it because some scenes are just so intensely personal. Watch it, learn it, and love it. My best, Eric C ChicagoRic
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