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Everything posted by davefan66

  1. I didn't seem to think the Ralph was all that bad for the preseason game. Just found it odd how bad the parking lots have gotten. I know people grill on the blacktop, but man grass growing everywhere in the lots. As for the cupholders, are they gone or broken? If they are gone, that is the choice of the season tix holder to have them removed for more leg room. Sorry to hear they screwed up the parking for you, call the front office and they are usually pretty good about fixing things like that.
  2. Thanks. Didn't know they were doing that.
  3. Thanks to everyone for your help. Just want to take the kids and have them experience tossing the ball and grilling in the lot. Just hope not to experience some of the other stuff......I'll leave that for the home opener without them.
  4. Thanks. But how is the roadwork coming from Lancaster, the article doesn't address that.
  5. I think Sorrention's in tonawanda on sheridan does. sorrsports.com
  6. Has anyone driven by the Ralph the last few days? I'm coming from Lancaster down Transit to Southwestern to the stadium, and wanted to know if the road work is done yet? I traveled there about a month ago and the roads and bridges were torn up pretty bad. Just want to know if I need to leave extra-extra early for Thursdays game. Thanks in advance. Also, anyone know any alternate routes?
  7. I heard it was Teddy Bruschi. Also heard the NFL is now allowing all banned substances
  8. Especially the way he would rip off his chin strap and kick the turf after a poor play Actually, he was an above average QB at times.
  9. Matt Kofler. Luc Tousignant was drafted then, don't know if he made the team.
  10. According to WGR, the roof was supposed to be open for the 1st half of the game, but it started to rain and the roof was closed. Apparently, the field has no real drainage system, and can't support any water.
  11. Got Madden for both 360 and original Xbox last year. Original Xbox version MUCH better. I will buy the 360 version this year, but if it sux will hopefully download updated rosters for the original.
  12. Dallas MNF last year was off the hook loud. Only other NFL stadium I was in was RFK for a Bruce Springsteen concert. Sat on the field for the show. I know this has nothing to do with the topic, but was just fascinated on how loud it is on the field. Prior to the show, about 75% full, the crowd did the wave. It was DEAFENING! You think it is loud in the stands, it is 3x as loud on the field. The noise just funnels onto the field. Anybody here been on the field for a Bills game? How loud is it compared to the stands?
  13. Poz has got GUNS!
  14. I am so sick of these players having 1 good season, then holding out for top 5 pay. Don't get me wrong, Peters is a BEAST, and we will lose games if he's not in there. Play this year out, then try and renegotiate next year. At least honor the first few years of your already renegotiated contract. Problem is Jason, you signed a contract, now honor it. Get your butt in camp, and Brandon said he would negotiate with you. Sorry, but the people of Buffalo don't feel bad that your making a measly 4 million a year, when the average joe makes about a 100th of what you do.
  15. Did you know Leif Larson was picked 5 spots before Tom Brady in the 2000 draft? cool, huh?
  16. No. We need a veteran of some sort, unless there is a surprise cut by some other team.
  17. Schouman. With Fine getting plenty of chances throughout the year.
  18. Wow. Can't believe the daily discussions about Losman vs Edwards...after all, that's what this thread is about. Again...We have two potential NFL starting QB's on our team. We need to find the best QB NOW. Losman has proved that he melts down in the pocket too much, and Edwards showed flashes of pocket presence last year. I'm not saying that Edwards will be an All Pro or anything like that, just we need to stop the JP experiment and move on. I bet if Trent was a 1st, or early 2nd round pick, we would not have these discussions. Face it, JP is not what we had hoped for, and Trent showed us too much last year to not give him the chance.
  19. Got both the '08 360 and original Xbox version. The original Xbox version is much better (last year it will be released for it). Not sure I care to get the 360 version, or hope to update the roster for the old version.
  20. Can't project our player to another team, unless he is a bona-fide superstar. First of all, Culpepper and McCown are not rookies, and Russell did not show half of what Trent did. Also Fargas is a heck of a player, if you didn't notice. Are you really trying to tell me those two jokes from NY and Miami were better than Trent? Neither of those two showed ANYTHING. (BTW, it's Cleo Lemon and he is with JAX now). I'm just going off one season at the helm. I'm not projecting Trent to be the next Montana or Favre, just he showed me more than JP has in terms of poise, being steady in the pocket, and potential. I know potential is nothing unless you reach your potential, ie: Losman. I thought the original post was what we saw in Trent. Again, I have to answer that question based on one season, and how he fits in with the Bills and our system, not some other team and a totally different system, players and coaches.
  21. Trent showed an ability to not melt down in the pocket. For a rookie he showed remarkable poise. Mind you, if he were a 5 year vet, I would expect more. He showed he was able to read his receivers and check down to the outlet for a few yards, instead of a sack. Seems to have an adequately strong arm, accurate, and places the ball in the right spot for the receiver to make the play. Not to get into Losman vs Trent, but.....we know what we have with JP, didn't work, now it's time to line up with Trent. May not be a pro-bowl QB, but he showed the poise and leadership that JP has not shown.
  22. Not to dig up old wounds and all, but......Yep, Mularkey was THAT BAD!!! Remember, he was asked back because the thought was no one else was available (other coaches had already signed), and stay with the status quo (stay with the devil you know). Did you see the Dolphins offense with him at the helm??? Set them back a few years also.
  23. GR had the guy from WNSA who did the Bills (forgot his name) doing the 20-20 sports for awhile. He is kinda goofy, but found him to be informative.
  24. Awsome! At least we can listen to some SMART radio talk!
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