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Everything posted by davefan66

  1. I was working from my home office that day. Had a business installing phone systems and computer/telephone cabling. Was on the phone with a supplier trying to joke with him when he asked me if I knew what had happened. I turned on the TV a few minutes before the first tower fell. I couldn’t believe my eyes. My kids were at daycare that day, their ages were 5 and 4 years old. We live where planes from the Buffalo airport take off and land overhead, about 5 miles from the airport. Their daycare was in a direct path for planes landing. Not knowing what was happening, I jumped in the car and grabbed my kids. Scared that planes may be falling from the sky. Got them home. Watched the TV coverage for the next week as it seemed all life stood still. Couple of vivid memories. Because of where we live, we hear planes regularly. It was the morning when air traffic started again. I was brushing my teeth in my bathroom when I heard the first plane fly overhead in what seemed to be an eternity. I jumped out of my skin hearing that plane. the other memory I have is how considerate people were for the week following. Opening doors for each other, “please” and “thank you”, and courtesy in traffic, The wake up call was the next Monday when I was cut off in traffic and given a hand gesture. To this day it feels like a dream. How could they actually coordinate to successfully hijack that many planes? How could they successfully hit their targets as they did ? How could those towers actually come crumbling down?? How could they all evade airport security and carry out their plan? May god bless those who perished that day and their families and friends.
  2. I have not listened to Buffalo radio in some time. Sirius XM or my DirectTv app in the car (listen only). Used to listen to 550 on a regular basis, haven’t listened for a few years. Afternoon is beyond unlistenable, and even though I like Howard and Jeremy, I can only hear the same take for so long. Used to listen to the pre and post game all the time, have not bothered for the last two years. Radio is going the way of print media. Too many easier, customizable options for the end user. SiriusXM, Spotify/Apple Music/etc. The consumer has proven they are more than willing to pay for subscription services for customized and ad free content.
  3. Got nothing. Have Redzone Mobil for being a season ticket holder this year. would like to have the full package now that I won’t have home games to go to. But if it’s only the Redzone, that’s honestly fine. Just not sure I can play it on a large TV from my phone.
  4. Called and talked to three people. The second person was from the number provided in this thread (thx!), but was disconnected After it seemed I made some headway. 3rd person wasn’t having it. Appreciate when I get the deal, feel they have plenty of discounts if you ask for them. Have not had any issue last few years and hate begging for it. Honestly only keep DTV for the ticket. I guess the question now is, can I watch Redzone Mobil on my TV with a lighting to HDMI adapter? Or do they throttle you from being able to do so?
  5. Binged the first season. Really good show. Christina Applegate is a great actress!
  6. We most likely will never know if Rosen can be a quality NFL QB. Many very good players who ended up in the right situation may have not been as good elsewhere - look at Jerry Hughes. Would Mahomes been as good as he is if he did land with the Bills? He has an excellent offensive minded coach and a very good supporting cast, probably what helped him get to where he is so fast. As for Rosen, kinda feels like Losman to me. Has the physical attributes to be a quality NFL QB, but not the smarts to put it all together.
  7. My Bad. Yep phins traded a 2nd for Rosen and 5th from the cards. That is a bad trade!
  8. Cards gave up the 10th overall for him. edit: Phins a 2nd rounder. Both teams drafted a qb first round the year after acquiring him. Funny how both teams had the beers goggles on for him!
  9. We were outplayed in the first SB. Yeah, the Giants ate the clock, but that is also on the players. Especially the 3 and 15 (?) that resulted in a first. Poor tackling. Out coached in the Washington game for sure. Players blew it in the 30-13 Dallas game.
  10. Are you saying we would have done better with Stephenson? Levy got us to 4 SB in a row. Losses were a mix of coaching and players being outplayed. 51-3, owned Shula and Marino, best RB in football at the time as a dual threat, best offense, etc. Won’t say he was out coached.
  11. He’s a .500 kind of guy. Will do just enough to keep them in games. Looking at their schedule, it looks to favor TT. Worst of it is the Chiefs and Saints in the first 5 games. They play two each against the Raiders and Broncos in the division . Toss the Phins, bengals and Jets in there, isn’t a terrible schedule. Have a good defense that can help keep them in games.
  12. Current Have to be Allen. Dude would be fun to knock a few back with. Past Hull. Was an all around good dude. OP I’d think Kelly would still do the USFL. His time there was invaluable. Anyways, if he did hit the ground running as a rookie, Kay Stephenson may have stayed with the team longer and may never had gotten Levy.
  13. Don’t mind Gannon, had enough of Fouts and am surprised he still is in games. Getting tired of Murph and his missed calls, wrong names and incorrect info, and tasker will just put me over the edge.
  14. Great. Getting the gang back together. Unlistenable Tasker doing color. I may just have to listen to the networks coverage. https://www.google.com/amp/s/buffalonews.com/sports/bills/tasker-to-replace-wood-on-wgr-for-at-least-early-part-of-season/article_a4c5199a-ec68-11ea-8e07-1f48ea9744b9.amp.html
  15. He’s not hot garbage, nor is he an elite QB the sports press seems to make him out to be. I find it funny that “business man” Jeruh is having the screws put to him by not planning this right. Unless this is the plan and Dalton is their QB of the future. (Which I can’t believe he would be).
  16. “The Tush” That’s a name I could get behind!!
  17. Washington RoughRiders Name isn’t used enough...
  18. Got to be in the 400k range, and then incentives. Worth every penny. He didn’t just break the bank...he is the bank!
  19. “The Devil Went Down To Georgia” Hope he brought his fiddle. RIP
  20. He seems incredibly intelligent and would be interesting to sit with. Like his perspective on things. Looks at both sides of the issue. Would also like to get insider info on politics!
  21. Obama Grohl (gotta steal this one) Jack Nicholson Betty White Steve Schmidt Keanu Reeves a close call.
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