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Everything posted by davefan66

  1. Nancy Marchand as Tony’s mother. She made me want to strangle her. Did a great job setting that tone in the series.
  2. Missed by 2 1/2 hours last week and 1 hour this week! Had a 2:00 slot. DANG!
  3. What time did they go up for sale? My slot isn’t until 2pm tomorrow. Jumped up 2 hours from last game.
  4. I spoke to a tix rep last week. If I was able to score tickets, my son and his GF could have gone. Tix are in my name.
  5. Kinda feel it needs to be permanent. Has worked well for some teams. Gets him in the building to get comfortable with our offense before having to be placed on regular roster. Great insurance policy! Also, many teams utilizing this option. Be tough for them to reverse next year. Many vet players would hit the streets who didn’t previously meet requirements for PS.
  6. This coaching staff doesn’t need to pick the brains of this washed up QB. Kid is probably living in his uncles basement, so all it cost was an Uber ride to get him to the stadium for the workout.
  7. Rodgers is team MVP for sure. Mahomes and Allen are the ones dueling for league MVP!
  8. Think about this. We are murdering their defense. Not like we’ve gotten amazing field position (except for the punt return). Our offense is killing it! Forget the fact Tua is terrible, we are destroying a good team! I. Love. This. Team!!!!
  9. Oh well. Had my slot at 4pm. Was hopeful as the day went, didn’t expect to get any. Surprised they lasted as long as they did. My fear is higher seniors declined to get next game. Not sure availability will be there.
  10. If it is on a rotating wheel, be easier for lower seniority ticket holders to see earlier games. Assume many will opt out of the first game hoping for a second one. I have 4 years seniority. Isn’t getting to me....
  11. What an idiot. Benched to 3rd string and only playing because of injury. Waste. Does he really care? Got the cheese so that’s all that matters I guess.
  12. love it! Beasley has to make it as a second teamer.
  13. Pretty darn sure Josh and company wouldn’t sit next week if told to. They are hungry and will battle to the bitter end. If nothing to fight for? Conference standings locked, then maybe.
  14. Will I cry? I did. Lived through Kelly signing with USFL. Then signing with Bills. Harmon short arming. Wide right. And every thing since. Damn right I cried!
  15. Amazing!!!! Gosh damn wish we could be at the home games! Would be insane!!!!!
  16. I am at a loss for words. Watching the game (remotely) with my son. He was born after the last time we won AFC East. He texted me - “I’m so happy”. I texted him, back, “you have no idea”. I love this team. The players, the coaches are an amazing group of men. Like my son said, I’M SO HAPPY!
  17. Steve Smith is the absolute worst. I can’t watch him. His articulating is nauseating. His “hot takes” are garbage.
  18. Yes, he had a really good game and handled Watt. In this league, you need the whole package to play tackle. Relying on arm length and strength aren’t going to get you through a 10 year career. Need quick feet to be able to move in space, have to be able to readjust quickly to faster defensive lineman. Good edge rushers and defense coordinators will figure that out after having more film on him.
  19. Had a great game last night. Won a lot of one on one matchups. Great arm length. Good balance. Doesn’t get overpowered much, strong dude. Not sure how he does so well on pass blocking, but seems to get in the right place. His feet look slow and aren’t smooth/fluid, kinda choppy. Can’t complain, has done a nice job.
  20. This is one of the longest days of the year. I. Can’t. Wait.
  21. Ron Jeremy. (earlier in his career)
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