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Everything posted by splinter21

  1. haha lets hire the ghost of vince lombardi
  2. thats a load of ****. ralph would do everything possible to stay in Buff. god you people are so pessimistic. we just really really blow thats all. and kultarr said it right those guys were sleepwalking through the whole game.
  3. quote from the article ******* With coverage focused around Moulds, the sixth-year veteran admits that a path to team success in the last half of the 2001 season might involve capitalizing on opponents' defensive game plans and using the two-time Pro Bowler as a decoy. "Every week, teams are going to pay attention to me and try to take me out of the game," Moulds said. "If they give you the opportunity to throw 20 passes out of the backfield, take it -- we'll win. If teams are going to come out and double-team me, that's fine." "I'd rather win than have a 90-catch season." ***** here's your speculation
  4. yeah actually i remember now good point. but anywho. i guess this whole em thing is done for now. i still stand by my opinion on the matter and im sure you do yours but i respect it nonetheless. have fun watching the game kelly.
  5. yeah and when andre didnt talk to him for a month were people clamoring for reed to leave buffalo???
  6. i simply said its a biased report favoring TD's side just a bit. especially since they do go back. i didnt say in any way that what mort reported is completely false. im just saying they are more likely half-truths thats all. no need to get worked up kelly.
  7. mort is practically bedtime buddies with TD. of course its a biased report.
  8. steven smith get it right guys
  9. well if you kind of think about it that era and how it was handled is the sole reason why we are where we are at this present point in time. as for tomorrow's game, i think everyone here is betting on the patriots givng it to us good. however if the contrary is the case. great!! lets try and go 8-8!! as for moulds, how did you expect him to make any contributions when he was constantly covered like a blanket and since he was being used primarily as a decoy.
  10. well stated. it's an anomally that people will dig and dig to search for excuses and reasons why RJ sucked. that completion percentage is the most deceiving stat.
  11. agreed. unfortunately i dont have a ticket to the game, but i shall don my moulds jersey at home in support.
  12. hey i just realized i have broken the 100 post barrier. I know most of you dwarf me when it comes to number of posts but i never thought i would see the day where i would make the roster from teh practice squad lol.
  13. thank you rico at least someone sees my point.
  14. regardless, before and after her passing he still never lived up to his hype. i think hes a great guy very down to earth person. but to be honest i have not seen a bit of fire in him that tells me he wants to succeed in his position. im sorry after 4 seasons of playing tackle and for the coaches to switch him to guard just speaks for itself. use all the excuses you want. hes a bust. and how is a 30 somethign losing his father different. michael jordan's father was murdered brutally and he didnt falter in his play. if not it only lit a fire within him. successful players know how to channel their emotions.
  15. his grandmother's death is a valid excuse for his lack of production?? brett favre's dad died last season i think but he still gave it his all during the game he had to play. im not trying to minimize his grandmother's death(god rest her soul) but i just dont buy that as a valid excuse for his performance. this guy gets paid 10 mill a year to be fat all year and come to camp out of shape every year.
  16. it wasnt just because he hadnt said it. just like his belief that hiding holcomb's gametime status til saturday would give him an advantage, he just felt his ego inflate by getting cute with the press by hiding the whole suspension.
  17. why did he miss practices though? mularkey pulled him out of the practices. isnt that a novel idea
  18. yes thats exactly what i believe took place. i see no reason why it would be far fetched. cept i dont see mularkey being canned. TD is sure to be canned. why else would ralph have to fly all the way up here to mediate this situation? Normally it's the responsibility of the president and GM to hande in house suspensions kelly When ralph becomes a bit meddlesome, something fishy is in the air. and i think moulds is not an idiot not to know he would be fined if he resisted his coaches. in addition, moulds was suspended for missing practices not conduct detrimental to the team.
  19. excellent point steve i was thinking that and couldnt come up with the words to say that for some reason. thanks
  20. nah i think it was ralph basically telling moulds he was on his side and basically to satisfy mularkey and donohoe, he did a one game suspension rather than the rest of the season. he even emphasized he appreciated everything moulds had done for the franchise. it was in the paper this morning. theres no reason why ralph would come back to buff to handle this situation other than the fac that he is not on good terms with TD.
  21. WOW. i never thought i would see the day where a fan would try and reason why RJ was good. I thought bills fans acrosss the board despised him. he's liek the measure of incompetence on this board yet people are defendng him and saying he was actually better than flutie??? WOW
  22. at least we agree on something
  23. wrongo. he did not complain and complain about losman. he simply suggested that in order to get the offense rolling maybe an injection of experience would help. and he ended up being right as holcomb won two in a row for us. i highly doubt if losman played vs miami and NYJ we would have won. i also distinctly remember EM emphasizing that he sees jp having a lot of upside. he said nothing negative about JP at all. and look what sitting JP did to JP. after having some time on the bench to get an objective point of view and watch holcomb he stepped in and performed well against a formidable KC team. not only that he hasn't looked too shabby as of late. sorry if i have a few run ons
  24. you just proved dawggs point LOL
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