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BF in Indiana

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Posts posted by BF in Indiana

  1. And for my 69th post...


    I didn't realize how many truly desperate people we had on the board till I read this thread. Lauren Quinn is a major bow wow. I think the blonde sitting next to her was Kelly Quinn (Brady's younger sister). It's rumored that she is dumb as a rock. Who knows? You can check her out up on facebook.

  2. http://www.worldjumpday.org/


    July 20th 2006 is officially world ‘Jump Day.’ WTF is ‘JumpDay’ (that’s what I said)? Well, obviously it involves some jumping- but believe it or not it’s a little more complicated than that.


    “Scientific research has proven that this change of planetary positioning would very likely stop global warming, extend daytime hours and create a homogenous climate.”


    I’m really not sure on if this scientific claim is really accurate- however, it would be kind of interesting to see how 600,000,000 people could really take to make this happen. You gotta wonder also- how is this coordinated? Does everyone just start jumping when the countdown reaches zero? Or do we all have to do a 1,2,3- ok everyone jump kind of deal. Can you do it indoors? Although this sounds like it’s something everyone can participate in… I just don’t believe the entire world’s natural problems can be solved by doing some Blue Bunny Hop all at once.

  3. Simple advice...


    1) Don't ever let your girlfriend use your cell phone. She'll be in your address book and reading your text messages in about 2.5 seconds.


    2) Never give a chick your primary email or IM screenname.


    3) If you are taking her back to your house for a one night stand. Use different roads coming and going. You don't want her to get reference points back to your place.


    4) Never give her your real name!

  4. I use to think women who used online dating sites were just desperate. Now I think they're desperate and really !@#$ing stupid. :doh:




    New York man sued for online dating lies :doh:

    Married doctor told women he was single


    NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Manhattan fertility specialist has been sued by two women who say he broke their hearts after meeting them through an online dating site on which he pretended to be single.


    In their lawsuits the two women, Tiffany Wang and Jing Huang, accused Dr. Khaled Zeitoun, 46, of pretending to be single and using mind games to entice them into sexual relationships with tales of past lives.


    According to court papers filed in Manhattan Supreme Court and made public this week, Zeitoun is married with three children. Wang said she met him in March 2001 through a Web site on which he said he was single and had never married.


    "Zeitoun claimed he and Wang had been married to each other in previous lives," Wang's lawsuit said, adding that the doctor told her he had mistreated her in that life and "searched for her in this lifetime to correct his past mistakes."


    Wang says that in May 2002, he asked her to marry him but only proposed "to see the look of joy on her face."


    In a separate suit filed earlier this year, Huang said she met the reproductive endocrinologist in October 2003 through an online dating service. He fed her a similar line about being single and having been married to her in a previous life.


    Huang eventually realized he was cheating on her and the relationship ended in July 2004.


    Both women are seeking unspecified money damages for infliction of severe emotional distress "outside the boundaries of human decency and social norms."


    In a written response to the court papers filed by Huang, Zeitoun admitted that he told her he was single and had relationships with other women he met on the Internet.

  5. We'll need to see some photos to confirm that nobody else has made a "connection" with this girl. :huh:


    Are you looking for a fling or something serious? Honestly, this girl just cheated on her boyfriend with you. Not exactly the type of girl you want to bring home to mom. Despite what we say, you are going to call this chick. Remember, sexpert knows what you are thinking...


    Ok, the 72 hour rule is in effect. If you call her before then you run the risk of looking desperate. No matter what happens, don't tell her how you really feel! You'll thank me later.


    BTW, always be on the lookout for chicks. You never know when the next great conquest will land in your lap!

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