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BF in Indiana

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Everything posted by BF in Indiana

  1. Ask OJ how his life has been since being found not guilty.
  2. Welcome to last week.
  3. I don't know if this counts, but i want to cry everytime I hear Puff Daddy's remix of "I'll be missing you".
  4. "You have the pick of the litter of guys who have no idea how to please you" - Triumph
  5. "When in doubt, whip it out" - Sexpert Trooper
  6. Personally, I don't want the girl waking up and making me breakfast the next morning. I prefer she got dressed quietly and did the walk of shame before my alarm clock goes off.
  7. Well we all know what her name spelled backwards is.
  8. So did you end up telling this chick you how you felt?
  9. Eat your heart out Mike Vick!
  10. No, I am crayonz.
  11. Not a hoax... the chick was on TV saying she would go through with it. That's a lot of pissed off college students if she backs out.
  12. This is epic, he already has over 100,000 friends. UPDATE: If the group gets to 300,000 members, his gf will allow pics of the event. If it becomes the largest group on facebook, she’ll allow video.
  13. I was on the phone with this girl making plans for our first date. We decided to start off the night by going to see Talladega Nights. Me: How about we get a drink or two after the movie. Her: Or we could just come back to my place. Me: That works too. Her: I can paint your toe nails and draw smiley faces on your balls. Me: You wanna do whaaaat.... Her: It will be fun. Maybe I'm getting old... but, when did drawing smiley faces on people's genitals become cool? Did I miss an issue of Cosmo or something. I guess we could have gone to Michaels after the movie and picked up some finger paints and glitter while we were at it. Perhaps something that would really show up under a black light. Freakin' women.
  14. I can't confirm or deny what may or may not have happened. 1) Simon may or may not have abused his admin powers to change crayonz account settings. 2) Simon may or may not have sent nasty PMs to crayonz bragging about this. 3) Crayonz may or may not have called out simon on the board for changing his account settings. 4) Crayonz warning level may or may not have gone up. 5) Crayonz unofficially *disappeared*..
  15. Lifetime acheivements: Creator of Retatta! Was banned twice from TBD. President of both the IBTG81 and Meazza fan club. He was 384 years old....
  16. So who is Crayonz?
  17. Wow, an ieatcrayons thread without the mention of Ed or Meazza in it.
  18. I see professional dating coach didn't make the list.
  19. James Wilson has been camping out on the roof of his home and calling himself "not only the CEO and director of the National Association of Desperate Husbands," but "also a card-carrying member." So what will it take to get the 33-year-old independent marketing consultant from Redford, Mich., to come back down? "Well, it is going to take for my wife to finally give in and remove the children from our bedroom, put them in their rightful places, in their own bedroom," he said. James Wilson and his wife, Valentina, have a 3-month-old daughter, Jayla, and a 2-year-old son, James III. Valentina Wilson says the children will remain sleeping in the marital bed for now. "Wait until my daughter gets older and he can get the bedroom back to just us," she said. James Wilson, who has been chronicling his woes on his website www.husbandonstrike.com, says the children are causing an intimacy issue, but his wife says that's not the case. "We get all the intimacy we need, you know," Valentina Wilson said. Valentina Wilson said she was prepared to let James stay up on the roof because she was confident that he would return home on his own. "I think he will come around," she said. "It will get cold up there. He will miss us and will get hungry. He will come back home." Her husband said that he chose the roof as his place for protest instead of simply hanging out at a friend's house because he wanted to grab his wife's attention. "I just decided I didn't want to protest using any normal striking method," he said. "I wanted to be as unique as possible.
  20. He has a big time arm, but there has to be a reason why he's never been given a shot at being a starting QB.
  21. If you were single I would tell you to hit hillsborough street. I've bar/clubbed hopped down that street on many occasions. If you're lucky, you might even get a girl from NC State take you back to her dorm room. </flashback> The NC museum of art is in Raleigh. You have Adventure Landing which is more of a family place. (Putt-putt, laser tag, etc...) There is a civil war battle field you could go visit. Michael Jordan and Charles Barkley use to show up at the wearhouse from time to time. However, I don't think the 18 year olds they danced with were their wives. It really depends on what you and your wife are looking to do.
  22. Keep it under $50.
  23. I would suggest going the route of a professional dating coach. You find out what classes all the hot girls are taking and bribe your professor to get you in. You find out the girls' likes/dislikes and how to manipulate them. By midterms you'll have them out at the bar stripping on a pool table for ya. Or you can take something geeky like whatever you are talking about.
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