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Everything posted by shibuya

  1. Come on QB's lets have some positive reports again today from the QB position... Sure would be nice to feel like we really are progressing Offensively
  2. You can go thru all your progressions all day every day, but if you can't hit the target then what is the point. SO according to your non simpleton opinion we're better off with an inaccurate QB who can';t move the ball because he goes through his reads the best ? I'm all for let the best man win, but your opinion was a bit laughable because it simply is not that simple(ton)
  3. I don't think dressing up makes anyone a super-fan.. It just means you like to dress up and look purdy for the cameras. I'd say the fans that show up in these forums every single day and hit F5 over and over again just to get the play by play of an non-televised scrimmage are the true superfans
  4. Going thru progressions is great but "not" game planning shouldn't affect accuracy. I'm sure that even though they are not game planning, WR's etc.. were expected to run certain routes and be in certain places. So I jst can not buy that his lack of accuracy has something to do with game planning. EJ and TT had the same situation to work with but actually produced points. but we'll just have to see how they all look in real action during the next 3 preseason games
  5. Ironically we live in Wa. state. My wife met Jake Locker last week. He told her and the people she works with that he left football because he has some religious convictions and the corruption he saw was enough to make him want to leave. makes some sense since he retired early and without an real major injuries that I can remember... So Locker is a no go.. Besides Locker is basically EJ Manuel. Lots of arm and has all tools but struggles with accuracy disagree it means he gets the 1st chanced with the 1's. If you really wanted to challenge Cassel you start him against the 31s in the 3rd preseason game when teams are really letting thier ones get those final game reps in before sitting most of them preseason game #4
  6. Wow talk about great comedy to start the morning.. Damn I need to wipe off my screen... coffee everywhere
  7. I don't see any scenario outside injuries where Cassel starts for us The last few practices has been the Tyrod and EJ show mostly IMO, Nice to have an experienced vet, but got to hope Tyrodand EJ keep improving and getting more consistent
  8. so then.. Rex goes to the AFC Championship a few times with Dirty Sanchez and a nasty D.. Then a solid portion of his D gets purged and no real replacements and we put up points and that is why Rex is a bad coach holes man holes. lots of holes He may not be great but he is most definitely a good coach
  9. I was there.. Wow what an amazing 3 days of music
  10. Jones'n for a preseason game
  11. 2 days with some positive QB reports Damn and I just gave up on our situation and now they pull me back in
  12. that is awesome Which God do you choose ?
  13. Which God? there are so many to choose from I personally Like Ganesh,A multi-armed pachyderm is so cool My 2nd choice is the smiling Fat Man Buddah... Overall though I really think Zeus is going to make a comeback Everybody say Ay!, Now sit on it
  14. I know. How could he possibly pass on this guy when we are so desperate. Time to fire Whaley [/sarcasm]
  15. We are definitely going QB in next years draft. Even if EJ becomes serviceable that won't be enough going forward IMO
  16. Still wouldn't want Whaley to be fired
  17. I fully disagree. Whaley doesn't deserve to be fired.
  18. EJ is maddening but it does look like the accuracy issues are never going to be fixed. I was always on board for giving the man some time to develop, but its pretty safe to say the experiment has failed and we will be going all in on QB's in the next draft
  19. LMAO 2 picks net is the cost
  20. I'm laughing reading the comments under the original article. Syracuse fans seem to be very bitter about anyone questioning our terrible coaching last year to me Watkins comments just helps cement how lame our coaching was with Maronne
  21. No they won't... The NFL has the right to discipline its employees as they see fit. Nothing will be changed here. There is nothign here that is too over the top that the court will interfere with
  22. LMAO every employer is like that. You don't have much chance it court against a corp. Sure as hell not in the case of cheating and discipline. The NFL is allowed ot discipline the players as they see fit. That's the way it goes, and if Brady get this suspension over turned then pro sports is foobarred completely IMO. Cheating needs to be met with even harsher discipline IMO Brady has no case and neither does the patriots. They have been crooked since day 1 and I am on any side but theirs
  23. John Miller and Richie Incognito will quickly let us forget his existence. At his cost Williams was a long shot because his play wasn't that good and he has injury issues
  24. court can't do a damn thing to stop the suspension. Completely within league rights to determine who is suspended and for how long
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