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Everything posted by brihs2005

  1. Good Luck buddy... hope you get a positive phone call over the weekend or on monday! In the mean time, kick back, down a Blue and enjoy the weekend of football and forget about the problems that you have no control over.
  2. We are a lot deeper on defense than Indy is... and also there marquee defender, Freeney is still on his original rookie contract. They are young on defense in several positions where we have had key Free agent pickups on D in at least a half dozen positions.
  3. fantasy team is looking great... got both collins and moss on the same team
  4. Copernicus... HAHAHAH great commercial with LT
  5. We need Vinatieri to get a case of the Lindells!
  6. is it just me or does Al Michaels look like he is holding in laughter whenever they cut to him and madden, and johnny opens his mouth
  7. glad to see you back and in one piece...
  8. How many teams in your league? 3?
  9. I would pay 1.5 million to improve this team... Ralph wilson will still turn a profit, and we will have a better team on the field... 1.5 million to improve this team i am all for. The question is, can we spend that 1.5 million in a better way to improve the team? Right now i don't think we can. But of course i say this from my lounge chair.
  10. They have been impressed with Lindell since he got here... needless to say i am losing patience... the short miss against detroit was enough to swing me from Lindell is ok... to... Lets make a change
  11. correct me if i am wrong, but even though we would take the cap hit, it won't affect us for next season. France would probably take just barely above the league minimum compared to being out of the NFL for a season. Would you pay the extra few hundred thousand for a potential improvement over Lindell. I don't see it as wasted cap if we aren't going to sign anyone else during the season. If we have the room to do it, why not?
  12. Anyone want to look up how many of the raiders have prior experience beating bitches... i figure there is at least five or six with domestic abuse on their rap sheet.
  13. With the Bills rumored to have brought in a kicker this week for a try out, it is clear they are trying to send a message to Lindell... If they wanted to make a move, they would have done so by now, but it makes me wonder how short his leash is knowing that they have already looked at other kickers. If Lindell misses a 35 yarder, does TD get on the phone with France and say, we are signing you on monday? Is he a short-miss away from being out of a job?
  14. As good as our special teams are, and how everyone loves to mention how great they are, not a single prediction for McGee to return the opening kick?
  15. And in the time i spent there i found out that Christina sucks, Allison sucks, Sarah sucks, Cindy sucks, Cheryl sucks, Amber sucks... boy, i could go on for hours, i know they sure did.
  16. Half way down on the schedule for when teams where their alternate jerseys... SD on 11/20... Bills only listed for 9/11
  17. Link “I was as shocked as anyone when he told me he was coming back to school to play this year,” said head coach Pete Carroll. “But then he told me his reason and I completely understood."
  18. Who should i start out of these four... i only have one roster spot... A. Johnson M. Jenkins (atl) TJ Duckett (atl) E. Moulds I can't help but think Clements will shut out A. Johnson and screw me to the benefit of our beloved bills Thoughts?
  19. Edgy! Edgy! I'm not f---ing edgy... I'll show you Edgy Mr. Malta come over here and I'll.... Whew, Breathe Brian, Breathe!
  20. Over the past year, it has been nice to see more content other than audio clips from BB.com... More video of press conferences, interlaced with highlights really adds to more enjoyment watching the clips.. i think they are doing a good job and are on the right track as far as impoving content and wanted to give them their props.
  21. The sender of the e-mail just confirmed the hoax, but it did the trick for the first 2 minutes or so.
  22. Sorry to call you out like that... but i bit, and am still a bit concerned... can't have Moss out this week, need him in my lineup
  23. GWB... where did you go... i saw you bite down on this one with me... no deleting posts!
  24. Has to be fake isn't it? I got it in an e-mail from a person i am in a fantasy football league. That should be my answer right there, but i take this stuff seriously and want someone else to tell me that i got fooled.
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