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Everything posted by brihs2005

  1. C'mon Kasper, you are hating too much. Connoly's game has been re-invented with two years off of hockey. He has been playing and skating well. Yes the 5 on 3 was sad last night, but he wasn't the only one on the ice at the time that wasn't shooting. He also has taken more shots so far this year instead of looking for the perfect pass. I don't understand the hatred for Pyatt (maybe it is just him being involved in the Peca deal that makes people cringe) but he is a solid 4th line winger and still young and cheap, he shouldn't be expected to have 40 goals... give me 15 goals 20 assists out of him and that is a very solid year from a 4th liner. I will admit i haven't seen much or heard much of Campbell this year so far positive or negative. I was at the game on monday and his spin move to create a scoring chance was a play that you rarely see from a defensemen. Yes i think our D needs to be improved, but i like Kalinin, Numminen, McKee, and Tallinder. Lydman is gaining the most ice time of all Sabres at the moment (why i don't know), Fitzpatrick, Jillson (if he ever suits up) and Campbell are all trying to get ice time as the sixth defender. I wish we were more solid in that area, but a 4th line winger, and our 5-6 Defensemen isn't going to make me lose sleep at night.
  2. Our next winning streak will take place in 2008?
  3. Now all we need to do is replace the lindy we have now by a Lindy with big knockers and short skirts and we will start getting fans at the games.
  4. Nick, I hate to do this to you, but i have a favor to ask if possible. Was watching REAL SPORTS w/ Bryant Gumbel and watched a story on racist behavior at soccer games all over europe. I was made aware of a campain that is run through NIKE with their slogan "Stand up, Speak out" and would like to donate some $$ to them and to purchase several of their very unique black and white intertwined wristbands. These are very cool items and only sold at Nike Stores in Europe. Was wondering if it would be possible for me to paypal you some $$ and if it is convenient for you to grab a few as i think it is a worthy cause and a very unique idea. If possible send me a PM, and if incredibly inconvenient for you, no worries... you are just about the only access i have to the UK, so figured i would take a shot and post a message. For all others looking for information on the campaign please see this link... http://www.nike.com/standupspeakup/en/home.jsp?page=home
  5. Sega Interactive released a Hockey manager game a few days ago. It may be the msot realistic and intense sports management sim i have ever seen. Has all the new rules and CBA in place and is incredibly detailed with every prospect that the Sabres own the rights to, etc. Downloaded it at midnight, figured i would play it for an hour and go to bed. Next thing i know, it was 5am. It is free to try, and it is the full version that you get. If you choose to purchase it its 29.99. you can download the trial at http://www.sigames.com
  6. Here is the thing that i don't know has been mentioned (i try not to read all the negative posts)... If KH doesn't win the next two games (which are must wins for us to be competitve for the rest of the season) the season will essentially be over and the reigns will get turned over to JP. He isnt good enough to get us into the playoffs this year, and we might as well see if KH can end our 5 year drought. If the season is still going down hill on Oct. 17, then JP will be back in the lineup for the duration.
  7. Whoa!!!! He apologizes, and therefore he gets a free ride. This board has gone soft!! That said... I am glad i don't need to shell out $100+ for a new jersey this season. Go Sabres!
  8. Link Brian (Washington, DC): Scott, What is the deal with my Sabres getting no love. Are they lacking total team talent, or does the absence of a lone superstar put them on the outside looking in at the East's playoff bracket? I know there defense is a bit suspect, but with studs Ryan Miller and Thomas Vanek coming off a successful AHL campaign, can this team of young talent compete for the 6th, 7th or 8th seeds in the East? Scott Burnside : (2:31 PM ET ) They are another team that is a little difficult to read. They don't have that bona fide superstar or that go-to guy in terms of offensive production. Many point to them as a very good ''team''. They are very fast and disciplined and play a good defensive style. But can everyone share the offensive burden to make the playoffs? All the excuses are gone so, parden the cliche, but they need to sieze the moment.
  9. Well i found one flaw in Clutch's theory.... all the authentic jerseys for most teams are on sale on nhl.com... so i don't believe that part of his theory holds water.
  10. Not to nit-pick, but even though the blue and gold would be awesome, it still loses something for me with red and black gloves, goalie pads, and all the equipment that can't be changed on a whim.
  11. Lucky for you, most people still have no idea how they are going to see the game tonight except for the people going. Not to confirm or deny this, but the sabres website was down for a bit yesterday... could be nothing or routine maintenance, or could be a new design. However they did just redesign it a few months ago, so that would seem odd to me. Someone better post what they see on tv tonight as i will be only able to pick up the radio feed during the second period tonight. Go Sabres!
  12. Be this as it may, i know i am rockin my black Drury jersey today, and you best believe when i get back in town and go to the game on the 10th i will be getting a new blue and gold if they are there.... You can't measure my excitement for hockey season!!!
  13. I was goint to try to make a smart remark having to do with the 70's but i don't know what you are talking about
  14. Stefan Lefors would be a nice pickup in a few years too... http://www.footballoutsiders.com/articles.php?p=2617
  15. Would everyone feel a lot better about MW if we went out and got ourselves a Lefty QB?? Brunell anyone?
  16. Well go up to a wall, start in a three point stance and dive forward with both hands out as if you were drive blocking. Then start again in a 3 point stance and come off the ball backing up with wide steps, keeping your back low to keep balance and position with your arms spread wide. Its a B word. it should be easier to go up against the wall... then imagine a 300 pound massive human being doing it... I am sure glad i was a tight end that couldn't block so i only played on passing downs.
  17. Different techniques of course. You already know this i am sure, but coming off the ball and pushing bodies, is much different than backpedaling to create a pocket. Pass blocking is more suited for a finesse Oline... which we do not have... we have maulers, which is great if we can get an early lead.
  18. Is there any good website that keeps offensive line stats, or has anyone that has been watching game film broken down the O-line stats. I know big MW is hurt, but i think he is a solid starter in this league. As well i can't recall a single really bad play Gandy has made (i was at two games, so it would be hard for me to notice tiny mistakes, so you can correct me if i am wrong). I think we can all say that our O-Line has been underproducing and not effective enough, but i am looking towards next season when Teague is a FA. I think we will need to shore up the center of our O-Line if everything stays status quo. Your thoughts, or anyone know where to get said stats?
  19. I like this one... Perhaps he is ummm... doing another unholy activity but still working on his motor skills. Amen!
  20. Most teams do it... i think there is some rule you have to have 11 on the field during timeouts or such, and this allows the offense to discuss the play pre-huddle on the sideline. Also it does mess up personnel decisions on the defensive side of the ball. Its routine and i have no problem with it.
  21. Oh i have no doubts... i just don't want the numbers helping his case... i love nate and would love to keep him here for another 6 years... just will cost the bank to do it...
  22. Another good thing about the way the season has started... The d hasn't looked dominant except against a lackluster houston team, and NC has zero picks... keep this up and he won't be able to demand #1 corner money... i want him to knock everything down, but not to catch that many... save us some $$
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