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Everything posted by brihs2005

  1. Man, has Antajj's stock fallen big time. A steal in round 5 for potential production. Although he doesn't seem to be made out of the Bills cloth.
  2. I don't think Everett will be an opening day starter, but he will get most of the reps with the starting O from now until training camp or Campbell and Euhus return. At least we do have a red zone target that has a little bit of speed. Hopefully he will blossom like a fresh rose on a sunny warm spring day.
  3. He got the nickname "Duke" from his sister when he was young. She really wanted a little sister and refused to call him Ray. They asked her what he looked like and she said a "dukey bear", and the name stuck. Cracked up all the reporters on the conference call. He sounds competitive, said he thought he should have been the first Center taken in the draft. Sounds like a JP type of confidence. Has started his Education Policy Studies masters program at Illinois. Sounds like he has a very strong christian faith (for those of you who feel that it makes a difference). 5-6 handicap in golf. Likes to surf. Only been playing football since the beginning of high school.
  4. Any chance we are spotting the rest of the NFL draft because we are so good? Not a bad pick in Preston but i would have gone with a different center if i were a GM, which i am not. For those of you who watched the entire draft yesterday... as pick 55 approached and you saw names that had been targeted on this board get picked, did you believe there was anyone the bills would draft this year that would be in the starting lineup come opening day? I didn't, so i can't say i am that disappointed.
  5. Is this guy a real tough guy with an attitude? What else did he do at Miami? Was he a gunner on punt coverage? Did he play Special teams coverage? If the answers are yes, we now have a #3 wideout, a punt returner, a punt coverage gunner and maybe someone who can cover kickoffs as well. 4 places on the depth chart for a second rounder. Not bad from a versatility stand point.
  6. Dee Ray, do you have season tickets somewhere in the lower bowl between the 35's? If so, can i have your tickets since we are destined for an 0-16 season? I hear your opinion, and it is as easy to make as are opinions that are the complete opposite. Truth be told, we don't know what is going on inside OBD right now. While i don't think McNally is the savior of our OLine that most do, i do believe he knows who can be a competent OLineman in this league. For all we know, Peters could be the biggest steal of last years draft and could be a stellar LT, we dont know until training camp and maybe even preseason. And there is such a thing as addition by subtraction. I am a Bledsoe fan, and always will be, but i am glad he is not our QB anymore. While it is not a given, JP may be a standout. Yes, he may be a bust as well, but considering he is our QB for at least the next two-three years, might as well hop on the bandwagon and look through rose colored glasses now, because it will be the last chance you have to smile about our team until 2008.
  7. I agree, on my way home from my buddy's yesterday with my eyes glazed over watching 11 F--ing hours of Mel Kiper and Co. i had the same thought. I think there was a significant portion of what the MM wanted to do on offense last year that he couldn't because of DB. The playbook will be tailored to fit JP and his skills and may have us with more four receiver sets than we ever saw last year. We were ranked pitifully in passing last year with two wide-outs that had GOOD (not great) years, which means we were surely lacking somewhere, and it wasn't necessarily all because of the O-line. With the playmakers on offense, and using mcgahee in play-action, i really hope we can see a Bills QB throw for 300 yards a bunch of times this year.
  8. Not happy, not upset. At least TD gave us plenty to argue about over the next few months. Like the KE move, not a huge fan of the Parrish pick only because if we were going to pick a wide-out early (which i thought we were) i figured it would be a big body. When we were at 55 i was quite angry because there were few players on the board that i felt were a good fit for us. I was hoping TD would trade the pick and maybe TH to a team for a pick next year or something. I didn't like the options that we had presented to us. RP adds a lot of speed, and that is nothing but a positive for our offense. Also, not trading up will allow us more cap room to sign Nate (which i believe he will, and he will pay him the money the market dictates). Lastly, i really have to trust the Bills brain trust that either Teague or Peters will be our LT this year, and that they are very comfortable with that. If they are, I am as well. After 11 hours of staring at a TV. I am going to bed. Check ya'll tomorrow.
  9. Maybe its just me but i form a bond with anyone wearing a Bills uniform. If you are wearing the red white and blue and whatever the hell the other colors we have now are, you earn a certain level of my respect. In TH's case, what he did with his injuries the past few years puts him near the top the list of the Bills i am most proud of in the past decade. I may just be a bit sentimental, but about 95% of the players that ever wore a bills jersey, be it only for a year or an entire career are part of my extended family, and i love to see them succeed wherever they are (except if they go to the fins... Thurman gets a for that one). I really hope TH is the second best back in the NFL every year until his career is over. No hatred towards you TH, Good luck to you, some of us in Buffalo still love you. And please remember to share that love next time you come to town by giving us fans a fumble or two to cheer about.
  10. No, i don't think he wants the #1... i don't think there is a player inside of the projected top 5-10 that we desperately need to make the playoffs this year, or a run at the superbowl. There isn't a top five DE, TE, LT, DT that is worth being in that spot for. He may have talked to the 49ers about their second round pick though.
  11. This is not so much about this year's draft for the Bills, but about all years. Does it make sense to try and trade a draft pick that you will assume will be in the mid to high twenties (assuming you are a playoff team, which we all hope the Bills are every year) for a player that may be in the middle of round one. To use this year as an example, we trade next year's #1 and a day two pick to select our starting LT in the draft, or a Corner if TD thinks we can't resign NC. Does it hurt us for the long term because we are merely using that pick a year early. Also this creates a cycle and if you get used to doing it every year, the baloon payment will never be due until the final season of the NFL. In all honesty, a 1st and a 4th next year is probably good enough to get most mid-first round picks. Considering 4th rounders rarely pan out for the long term (not as often as first rounders do... forgive me not looking up statistics) does it make sense to make this type of move each and every year to accumulate mid-first round picks. That being said, would anybody be upset if TD traded away our first next year in an attempt to snag a player he covets this year at a pick below #20? On the other hand, it would surely be nice to have a full draft with picks 1-7 for a change.
  12. Just listened to his interview from yesterday. He is just a very well spoken young-man. His talk about what he went through during the draft last year gave me a whole new perspective on what UDFA's must feel. He said he didn't even watch the first day, and then couldn't help himself being glued to the TV the second day. Never heard his name, maybe the only time his phone rang was in the 6th round when TD called him to say they would like to sign him if he didn't get drafted. The thoughts that must go through young players' heads at that point on their ability and potential to make it in the NFL has to be so discouraging at that point. Just makes me feel good to see those types of players succeed by making a roster but then to succeed further and get some PT and crack the NFL record books by scoring a touchdown. If Shaud ends up as our #2 running back this year, i hope he shuts up all the critics he will have in here by playing lights out. The success from last year in the UDFA market makes me think a lot of UDFA's will be looking at Buffalo as their first option (unless another team has a glaring weakness at their position) which could mean we have a few more on the team this year.
  13. Fake the Field Goal and let Jerome Mathis take it to da HOUSE!!!
  14. I firmly believe that TD will hold a first round pick or the 35th pick overall tomorrow at some point. He may not use it, but he will obtain it and either select or trade it away for compensation. I think he, as do most of us, love this time of year, and the idea of him not being a player in this years draft is not appealing to him. I don't think we will be waiting until 6pm or so waiting to hear something out of OBD.
  15. Its because we are all anonymous (for the most part). Its easy to be a jerk from behind a computer. I feel ya, on the personnel we have in Buffalo. I really like TD and Modrak and really think that there is a reason they are so highly respected in the football community. They will be here for a long time, love em or hate em.
  16. I just saw part III for the first time a few weeks ago. I hate to say it but as far as i am concerned the series only had two movies. The third didn't happen, regardless of what hollywood says. Besides, its fiction anyway, i can decide where the story cuts off.
  17. You are forgetting about mini-camps and the June 1st cuts, and all that fun stuff. We can see pictures... PICTURES of our rookies and players like Kelly Holcomb in Bills uniforms in less than two weeks. There is a lot of EXCITING stuff to look forward to. Rudy, by the way, if you ever decide to go on a JPera type posting spree, please keep me informed by way of a PM. Looking at your avatar is good for my health.
  18. in all seriousness... one of the best movies to be made will be released a week earlier on the 24th or 25th.... the Godfather part II
  19. Best Sports movie of all time!!! Worst acting by the kid though.... he should be shot in the butt with a pellet gun!
  20. I am sort of with you on this Rayzer. I mean, i like the name Big Cat. It is actually a cool nickname. When i think of it i think of a jazz artist or blues singer down in New Orleans or up in Chicago playing at lounges with this incredibly raspy voice. As far as a QB goes, give me a gun slinger nick name or something mean. Something like J.P. "Don't F--- with me!" Losman
  21. I think it was more the outrageous quantity of trade proposals and free agent signings. I think he was trying to petition the NFL to expand roster space to 75 players, because he had us signing about 30-40 players or so. Sorry to the mods if this is being antagonistic.
  22. If only most employers paid by girth a lot of us would be making impressive salaries and i would be ordering pizza and wings every night for the next year.
  23. During the Mock Draft on ESPN yesterday, Lenny said the following... "You know, a general manager I trust a lot said something interesting to me the other day: "The Eagles have so many picks that they can't use them all. They're so good, they'll just be drafting players that have no chance to make their team." I hadn't thought of it that way, but he's right. Don't discount the possibility of the Eagles trying to get DE Darren Howard from New Orleans with some of their draft picks. As for guys they might move up to secure, my guess would be an offensive lineman, maybe a guy like Khalif Barnes, if he started slipping. But, obviously, all those picks provides them a lot of flexibility." Lenny and TD's relationship has been talked about often. I wouldn't doubt that those words came out of his mouth at some point. That may be why we are looking at a trade with the Eagles. Maybe getting multiple second day picks as well as a third for TH. 26 hours and we will have some idea what the heck is going on with our team.
  24. Having these teams reveal new duds makes me proud of the Bills' marketing department. It was really an event when they rolled theirs out. Like them or not, it was a cool event and they tried to make it so. No small news conferences without many fans.
  25. The browns' first rounder... its a lock... i have history on my side
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