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Everything posted by brihs2005

  1. Thats hilarious. While admiring the marketing strategy in use here, i really hate these kinds of commercials (or maybe i just hate Paris, because i loved the mechanical bull). I will give some serious props to the editors for the sequencing, it surely looks too deliberate to be coincidental.
  2. As a recent grad, i have had plenty of time the past few weeks, and i have been watching the floor of the senate intently the past 8 days or so as each senator spoke their minds about the impending "nuclear option". This evening, when i saw the video of McCain and 13 other senators talk about the agreement they reached, and were genuinely appreciative of each other i was reminded about how great this country could be. Those 14 individuals represented what a representative republic should be like, a place for statesmen instead of pawns of a political party. Really, a great night to be an American.
  3. 12 here... have a few on the way this week though Yes, i am morally superior for watching good movies!
  4. Just saw "M" this past week. Great Film. Am watching Metropolis this week, hopefully it is just as good.
  5. I heard a story once on TV about six years ago about a guy that stole an old lady's car with a bunch of buddies. Her cat was in the car. Once on the thruway he preceded to take the cat by the tail and swing it around a few times before letting it go. This was reported by the man that was in a car behind the guy that got hit with the cat. He said (and i try to quote), "This thing came at me, the cat was flying with all four legs spread wide as it flew into my windshield belly first." While i love cats and am a cat person, i can't help but laugh as i imagine a cat flying on the highway at a high speed with all for legs spread going, "Meowwww" I still get a laugh to this day, hence me remembering it for almost a decade.
  6. Ok i think i have it... After ten !@#$ing minutes wasted watching the thing intently, the best guess i have is this...Each person loses a bit of themselves when there is a switch, the first guy on the left loses a bit of his head, etc. So, when the switch occurs, there is the same amount of those people, its just that a little bit was stolen from each of them to help create the appearance of a third person. I think... Either that or i am just a complete moron. !@#$ you detoxsmurf... i feel like an idiot and it is all your fault. I think i am going to go somewhere and weep. (Really cool by the way)
  7. I seem to remember an article in SI about RJ saying that he went without women for the six months from training camp to after the season. I thought at the time it was admirable as i know engaging in sexual congress with women can and will decrease an athletes performance slightly. However... RJ sucked as we all know, so JP feel free to do whatever it is you please as often as you like, just leave some for the rest of us.
  8. They may be $5 more expensive in that first 72 hours... I think you have to got with Losman, Evans, McGahee... Not only the present but the future of the team. Each is locked up for several years and won't be in anything but Buffalo Blue for quite a while (hopefully the next ten years or so)
  9. I agree with FFS... Adding my two cents... i don't remember any game changing plays that Posey has made (maybe the INT against the Jets) but i don't think you can single him out as saying he blew a play, got beat by a TE, or failed to bring down a runner in open field. He is solid, and consistently solid. Doesn't make a big mistake, and doesn't make a big error. With all the playmakers we have on D, i don't mind a consistant down by down player who will solely be responsible for giving up a big play.
  10. This story has a new video game or an ebaums movie written all over it. I would like my own army of midgets to play with. I bet my army of 42 midgets could take down a giraffe in less than 5 minutes.
  11. I liked Dante... i mean... his name was Dante... how much cooler can you be... i think we need to find another Dante to replace him... every team needs a Dante...
  12. I miss players with his type of personality though. How many current NFLers care so much about the team that is paying them that they would shave their logo into the side of their head?
  13. Harrison always got the best of Winfield. I remember seeing him fly past Toine numerous times over the years. Also a side note... Jeff Burris currently resides in Indianapolis. Saw him dropping off his kids at school a month or two ago.
  14. Definitely a fondness... but also a bit of emptiness and longing, wishing that not only the city could have enjoyed a super bowl victory, but the players we knew and loved. We hurt that Kelly didn't have a ring, or that Thurman didn't hoist the Lombardi trophy, and Levy as well. The city was as much attached to each player on the roster in those years as much as the team itself. I don't know how Philly is, but if you the team doesn't win the bowl, are you going to care that a player like Jon Runyan didn't get a chance to celebrate amongst confetti?
  15. There is a tremendous amount of parity in college Lax today. A western NY native is responsible for helping to bring Lax out of the North East and into the midwest. Jon Hind, the assistant AD at Butler University did an incredible job building that program. Because of guys like him, other schools have created programs such as Bellarmine, etc. A lot of WNY area kids are playing in the collegiate ranks currently. OP is a factory and Irondequoit (spelling?) Has produced plenty of solid players as well. So not only be a fan of Syracuse, be a fan of the WNY kids who are all over the country playing collegiately. I would wager a guess that of the amount of kids that are playing D1 sports out of WNY is greater in Lax than any other sport.
  16. Last year's finals were incredible. One of the most enjoyable sporting events i have watched in the past year.
  17. I fell in love with a stripper once. She teased me for two hours and then took all of my money. Sort of like my second ex-wife.
  18. NFL has a lot better marketing than it did 10 years ago... a lot better! And these throwback jerseys, while cool and fun... are used for solely for marketing purposes
  19. MCJeff... i am too lazy to look up all the old posts... how did your interview with the CEO go? obviously you got the position, but did benefits, salary, etc. turn out the way you wanted?
  20. I am a pre-T.O. Eagles fan. Love McNabb, and their defense. Really liked them since he was drafted out of SU. Now though, if TO the team is less enjoyable to me.
  21. HaHa! In addition to tuition i plan on donating a large percentage to several needy causes. Just call me Robin Hood in a Bills uni. Stealing from the rich's spoiled rotten children to give to the poor. In this case the poor would be myself, a low income college student.
  22. I am almost positive that they will redo the helemt to match the jersey... Its pro football, they can afford an additional 45 helmets for two games.
  23. Yeah, so i am a big loser... but if they are in as high a demand as i hope, i will ebay a bunch and pay for my first semester of law school.
  24. it will officially be unveiled on MTV tonight... i am anxious as all get up, i already have my application sent in to a dozen toys r us's so i can get a discount when it comes out in november
  25. I think it is for merchandising purposes... For all of those that buy a jersey at Game 1... are they going to buy another one at another game. I am sure they have stats from other teams that may show fans are more likely to buy merchandise after a win (they may be thinking that the texans game is very winnable) because they are in a better mood. And it may also prompt the movement of those specific jerseys, having the fans seeing the whole team in them that day.
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