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Everything posted by brihs2005

  1. I'm a fan... does that make me "very involved"?
  2. SCORE! And apparently she is reading a book without pictures, Paris should be jealous.
  3. Have Drew Bledsoe recite all of his cliches over and over again. The Poision Ivy should retreat pretty quickly.
  4. I stand corrected... Twice... I am really off my game! In other news the woman who said that line now is a graphic design artist. Her career as an actress never really took off, even though she was fun to look at.
  5. While i admire you conjuring up a line from a great movie in the early 80's i have to wonder if you aren't trying to say something to the rest of us.
  6. Are you only blinded while you have an erection? Is this a drug that was created by unattractive women?
  7. “Umm, uh…Terrence and Phillip are supposed to be killed so we think we should prank call a bunch of policemen and have pizzas sent to them that they didn’t order! Viva la resistance!”
  8. WR Roscoe Parrish: Buffalo Bills Most pundits predicted the Bills would try to fill a need along the offensive line, or add to their defensive line depth, with their first overall pick in April's draft, No. 55 overall. But the Bills' brain trust decided the biggest thing lacking was speed, particularly in the passing game, and jumped at the chance to select Parrish, a 5-9, 168-pounder who possesses blazing speed, game-changing playmaking ability and surprising toughness. He's expected to challenge for the No. 3 WR job, where he could be a nightmare for nickel corners to cover out of the slot. He also could quickly turn into one of the league's most dangerous punt returners.
  9. Really cool episode of This American Life called SuperPowers that discusses the idea of flight vs. invisibility. Go to www.thislife.org and type in Superpowers to begin listening to the episode. Really an entertaining 13 minutes of NPR. Anyone else heard it?
  10. Didn't Reed impress in preseason last year. Coaches, fans and media were high on him heading into game 1?
  11. Obama while less experienced than the bunch could really mobilize people for the Dems. This next election could be interesting if the following were to happen (i don't think that it is likely however) Rice and Clinton get their respective nominations. The election would no longer be about "do we want a woman in the oval office" if would be about "which woman do you want".
  12. Georgia Tech... Eric King was the guy from Wake... Personally i am not a Fast Freddie fan which explains the tone of my post, but it was meant as a joke so no worries. There could be worse things than him making it on the roster as a 6th WR.
  13. I'll run on the DNC Ticket... anyone want to nominate me?
  14. Give me your thoughts... even a reporter raised a question saying that he seemed a bit "guarded". Out of all the things i have seen and heard of JP, this interview seemed to lack that absolute swagger we have come to see in the past year. Anyone else think something may have happened today that may have rattled him?
  15. I lost plenty of money playing poker today... which means that there is luck out there, and at least you know it is not in my corner tonight... maybe it is in yours. Good Luck... let us know what happens.
  16. Rice could be quite an interesting nominee in theory... I think Frist was really trying to get rid of the filibuster in hopes of sewing up the nomination come 2006 or so.... With a big win for republicans he may have had easy goings in the primaries.
  17. Name a Democrat who is the front runner to receive the nomination. As a member of the party, i can't really think of someone. She is a figurehead, well respected by women and will mobilize more women to vote than any other nominee since Kennedy. It would make strategical sense for Dems in my opinion. It doesn't matter what she brings to the table, it only matters if she gets elected. As someone who admired what the Republicans have done the past two elections, they made it clear that they chose a candidate to win the electoral college and not someone to lead the country. (This of course is my opinion as i feel Bush's advisors are in a more powerful position than the man himself). Don't flame me on my opinion of Bush, but my reasoning for why the Dems would nominate Hillary you are free to go to town on.
  18. Had a nice return against St. Louis too (at least i remember it being St. Louis) That being said i really didn't really think he was anything special. I mean... he can't even figure out what his first name is. What was his wonderlic?
  19. Did that in High School Football... went 1-7 my senior year... but i think we got into field goal range only twice anyway.
  20. I just don't like that they aren't fully happy with who we have currently on the roster (even though it is only May)
  21. origin of Qwerty keyboard.... http://www.xpertkeyboard.com/history.htm
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