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Everything posted by brihs2005

  1. While the masters is my personal favorite of the four majors, i love to watch everybody choke on the unforgiving USGA courses. Today, that choker is Phil Mickelson... +6 through 10 holes. Be interesting to see how the weekend rounds out.
  2. Anyone want to hazard a guess what that "Other" Might be?
  3. I think he is the only healthy TRUE tightend on the roster at the moment. Hope he is a monster on the field
  4. I think contractually is an important factor now. The Bills WILL NOT offer him a long term deal, and he is only scheduled to make 1.25 this year if i am correct (that figure has been posted all over the place here so you can double check me). At this point if he gets traded to either of those two teams he is likely to get a long term deal that will give him a significant signing bonus and probably more than 1.25 a year. The way i see it is for him, he takes 1.25 this year if he is a Bill... or maybe 8.25 if he is traded (with signing bonus 6mil and salary 2mil a year for four years or something... i don't think he will get a Lamont Jordan type deal if he goes to either of these two teams).
  5. It hasn't been updated since the 10th... it is just that Henry has more appeal than the release of Lance Schulters
  6. It took a lot longer than i would have expected to see those two words.
  7. Can't we at least lie to make ourselves happy?
  8. Just to add a thought slightly off the original topic, but as much as i liked Drew, and still do, i think he has become one of the worst QB's in the league in terms of sensing pressure about him. I think any qb with the ability to feel pressure our O-Line would look a lot better than what we are expecting. This may be what the coaches are thinking, and i hope that if our O-line remains the same as it does today, that it is because of a calculated risk instead of TD and MM saying "Well, this is the best we can do"
  9. The guy brings up a serious point. With the implementation of a salary cap, those teams, like the Avs, are going to be shredding their roster. Players will be more affordable than they have been in the past, and should be easier to sign. A very interesting dynamic will be in place when the NHL resumes.
  10. Keep good Hygiene... mating time is not only reserved for when you are planning on seeing her, but now ALL the TIME... be prepared! Also, keep hair out of the sink and don't buy her laundry detergent for your one month anniversary.
  11. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2079032 http://sportsline.com/nfl/story/8542380
  12. Don't see a Reebok logo, and i don't see the NFL Logo on the front of the collar... cool jersey, but not "Officially Licensed" to be worn this year.
  13. Not to be a schmuck... but was that proper police procedure, to take the tazer out that quickly? That being said, i probably would have shot her with a real gun... I hate women driver's in SUV's with cell phones.
  14. Just read the entire story... its a shame he hasn't raised even half of his goal yet... I will have a check out to him by tomorrow's mail. Really incredible.
  15. Thats not funny, I was an Admiral in Amsterdam once.
  16. Being around college basketball players at the time of the whole Kobe-Shaq debate, the feeling in our locker room from the coaches who knew Shaq, and players who ate everything up he said was that... "Kobe and Shaq are both jerks, its just that Shaq is funny and he gets a pass from most." I agree with that statement, but i also make a sidenote. I think Shaq lets 10% of his personality that is jerkish out in the media, but yet does so in a funny way which makes it seem sarcastic instead of rude. That being said, Shaq has always been on the side of doing the right thing at almost all times. While making near the top of the league, he donates more money than most players and he seems to enjoy being around kids. I really think that if the NBA had multiple players like him (personality wise) at the All-Star level, the NBA may be on the road back to gaining a lot of respect from the casual fan.
  17. I am still curious how the sleeves will look on the Authentics... if there is the elastic, how much of the bottom set of stripes will be cut off?
  18. Maybe if she had a bit more meat on her body she would have made it through the slight crash with no injuries.
  19. The strangest thing that happened to me in Madden 2005 was that Trent Green went down with a career ending injury, and Todd Collins stepped in to be the League MVP in 14 games, while being voted to the Pro Bowl and going to the AFC Championship game. I am just frustrated with the rankings for when i play against my buddies, i always used to play with the Eagles (back in 2001), but converted to the Bills because Bledsoe had a cannon. Just sort of wish i could compete with my Bills against my buddies that will cheat and be the Pats, or the Raiders (this year). Hopefully the passing cone will even the playing field.
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