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Binghamton Native

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Everything posted by Binghamton Native

  1. It's phenomenal at home with a 7.1 receiver and a kick ass Subwofer all in DTS! Simply PHENOMENAL!
  2. Payrod is the ultimate too. The guy has all the skills and is a phenomenal player, but is just a plain loser and will never win. I have lost so much respect for that man after last years playoff's and his bush league play. Then he continues to sulk about it like he has done no wrong. Unreal.
  3. In many of the first dozen or so episodes there is a Yankee hat hanging i Jerry's apt, and not until AFTER the Keith Hernandez episode do we find out that Jerry is a big Mets fan (in real life too) and the hat I think hanging in the background changes to a Met cap. I have a friend who owns the DVD's but nothing about being a Mets fan (or the cap) was mentioned in the "Inside Look" part of The Boyfriend (Hernandez) one. Just curious if anything else about Jerry being a Mets fan was ever mentioned in any of the other extras. Some other cool tidbits about The Boyfriend episode...... The original spitter was going to be played by Strawbery but Keith nixed that idea quick fearing he already has alot of bad press and thinking that playing a ball player spitting on a fan in a TV show would not help matters so Keith suggested Roger McDowell who was playing for the Dodgers at that time out in LA Keith still to this days gets almost gets more reckognized as Elaines boyfriend than as a ballplayer. Especially with the younger generation.
  4. Life Aquatic blows Meet the fockers out of the water in the laugh factor.. I am still trying to figure out why everyone thinks a movie like this is so funny. Yes, the first one was entertaining and made for some good laughs and chuckle, but that kind of humor gets old QUICK in my opinion. Perfect example in Fockers was the baby, how old did that get? Funny once, then not again. Life Aquatic is VERY dry humor so keep that in mind. Makes you think too. Sideways ruled, hands down. Great movie not getting the attention because no major stars are in in (i.e Fockers). The Aviator was long and a TAD drawn out but DeCaprio once again comes through huge and is a must see.
  5. If it's as awesome as the one back in the fall it will be well worth it.
  6. From cold and snowy 'Cuse to sunny and warm Miami. Not the worst demotion one can receive I guess. I bet you he is not exactly complaining.
  7. 14+ year employee of the Johnson City Store (#73) and still going strong. 8 of which are full time. Started when I was 15 puching carts outside, won the scholarship they offer to college students and attended Oswego St...found out college was not my gig, Wegmans welcomed be back to my home store with open arms and eventually I became full time. I am currently the Frozen Foods manager at Store 73 (Johnson City) and love every minute of it. You might not work M-F 9-5 but there is stability and a sense of carig from Mr. Wegman (Bob) on down to the store manager. I have been treated with nothing but respect from day one and love my job with the company. I plan on moving to the new Fairfax, VA store this summer and continue my career with the company and hopefully working my way up the Wegmans management ladder. The VA stores are going STRONG! There is so no competition down there at all. At the Dulles, VA opening back in March of '04 there were 500+ people in line at 6:00 am all cheering the incoming employees and chanting "WEGMANS WEGMANS!" as we all made our way to the front of the building. Transplants from all over WNY and CNY were all fired up that a Wegmans was finally in their neightborhood. True story....I was helping out in the Dairy dept on that opening day and we ran out of Zweigels in less than 40 minutes. Bison Dip in 2 hours, Dinosaur BBQ in 1 hour...all things we failed to take in account how popular they really might be for the local transplants that can not get that anywhere else. So instead of making excuses and giving the customer the run around, they sent a special tractor trailer with a bunch these items (Bison Dip, Zweigels, Dinosaur BBQ sauce, etc) down that morning and it arrived 8 or so hours later to keep the customers satsified until the regular load came down the next night It's things like that, that make it special to be a part of that team. Anyways...sorr to go off on a tangent but I thought you guys might like that story. Also...the company rumour going around about why Wegmans ditched the Bills training camp sponsorship was that Gregg Williams came across as the biggest, and most pompous a$$ at a get together with Mr. Wegmans and other VIPS, that Mr. Wegman was so infuriated with his attitude and behavior that he dropped the sponsorship the next morning after. No idea how true that is but that's what I hear.
  8. 14+ year employee of the Johnson City Store (#73) and still going strong. 8 of which are full time. Started when I was 15 puching carts outside, won the scholarship they offer to college students and attended Oswego St...found out college was not my gig, Wegmans welcomed be back to my home store with open arms and eventually I became full time. I am currently the Frozen Foods manager at Store 73 (Johnson City) and love every minute of it. You might not work M-F 9-5 but there is stability and a sense of carig from Mr. Wegman (Bob) on down to the store manager. I have been treated with nothing but respect from day one and love my job with the company. I plan on moving to the new Fairfax, VA store this summer and continue my career with the company and hopefully working my way up the Wegmans management ladder. The VA stores are going STRONG! There is so no competition down there at all. At the Dulles, VA opening back in March of '04 there were 500+ people in line at 6:00 am all cheering the incoming employees and chanting "WEGMANS WEGMANS!" as we all made our way to the front of the building. Transplants from all over WNY and CNY were all fired up that a Wegmans was finally in their neightborhood. True story....I was helping out in the Dairy dept on that opening day and we ran out of Zweigels in less than 40 minutes. Unfortunately a few popular WNY items like that and Bison dip slipped our minds when stocking up. So instea
  9. Agree to disagree BF and point well taken. I think a player like Beltrans playoffs DEFINATELY skyrocketed his value and please keep in mind who is agent is (Bora$$) who will get every last penny from a team no matter what the cost. I fully expect every person who is not a Met fan to rip apart this move and criticize it until opening day. If you are a diehard Met fan like myslef you know how badly needed this signing was and how different he is than the fat contracts of the past (Appier, Burnitz, Vaughn) and know how special of a player this guy really is and can be. I don't think pointing at his batting average (overrated stat anyways) is the best tool to go by, but unfortunately for most fans that is the first thing they look at and base how good a player he is. Think of all the intangibles Beltran brings to the Mets. He single handily can lure other players in, more fans to Shea, and better ratings all which equal more revenue for Mr. Wilpon. I think of this move more of a business move for their future and the Mets TV neetwork in 2006 than anything. I think the best...errr I mean I am praying to God that the best years are about to come and finally some excitement is headed back to Queens.
  10. Bullpens get tweaked all spring and spots are won throught Spring Training. The 'pen is not that bad as people make it out to be. Strickland, Moreno, Yates all throw heat. Heath Bell blossomed last year. Worthless Franco and Stanton are gone although they got Heredia in return I think he'll be ok. Looper quietly had a great season last year on a lousy team. Add the korean they inked yesterday and maybe some kids out of camp yearning for a big league spot and you have yourself a pretty decent bullpen. No one needs big names (Gordon, Quantrill anyone?) to have a "good" bullpen. So many times you'll see teams with no namers who do just fine. Mets still need a 1B before they work on their bullpen and at this poing I'll be fine with a Meinkeweicz (sp?) now that Beltran is added. I would love to see Delgado but I think the money is done flowing.
  11. Long time lurker, first time poster. Huge Mets and Bills fan.
  12. It's official Met fans!! Beltran is a MET!! 7 years/119 Million. Let the Met bashing begin, because we all know how everyone (especially Yank fans) love to rip any move the Mets make. Did the Mets overpay? Of course but to get someone of his caliber and with Boras as his agent the Mets had to do this. Not only do the Mets have a new TV network in the works for '06 to plan for, but they have to get the faith back in their fans and win them back. Delgado is next...... link: http://www.newsday.com/sports/baseball/met...-span-headlines
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