If I'd had my way, the divisions would have been lined up something like this, making it likely to have a lot of visiting team rivalries (as seen in in NCAA rivalries)
Eastern Conference:
Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Cleveland
New England, NY Jets, Philadelphia, NY Giants
Washington, Carolina, Baltimore, Tennessee
Miami, Tampa, Jacksonville, Atlanta
Western Conference:
Cincinatti, Indianapolis, Chicago, Green Bay
New Orleans, Houston, Dallas, Arizona
Kansas City, St Louis, Denver, Minnesota,
Oakland, San Diego, San Franciso, Seattle
In the proposed Bills' division, all teams would have been within a 5 hour drive or less of each other. Think how great this would be for filling seats and the tourist dollars.
I believe that within a decade, everyone would forget about the stupid Washington/Dallas and Buffalo/Miami rivalries. The only thing fueling the Miami rivalry was the 0-20 decade of the 70's, followed immediately by a turn around in the 80's, and the Marino/Kelly and Levy /Shula matchups. That continuity is gone and the bi-annual Dolphins/Bills matches are no more meaningful than any other division game. Besides, the only Dolphins fans you see at the Ralph are a few bandwagon jumpers from Ontario and some half-retarded kids who happen to like aqua and orange. Wouldn't it be more fun if there was the annaul home and awy series with folks from Pitt, Cleve, & Detroit - cities with similar blue-collar people and ethnic origins?
Another bonus - I think it would have made it a lot harder to move a team like Buffalo to another city, far from the division.
Man, the NFL missed the boat on making the best divisions possible. There could have been some great fist fights in the stadiums of the Great Lakes division!