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Everything posted by SouthernMan

  1. quote: I live in Atlanta, and the reports are that she has had to retain an attorney in order to handle the book and film offers that she is receiving. Beware of "the reports". What source? The AJC? The talking heads at 11 Alive or Channel 2 Action News? Determined, Dependable, Delerious. These are the same knuckleheads who reported the 51 year old female deputy that Nichols wrestled the gun away from was shot in the forehead by him. Don't let facts get in the way of a story. She never was shot - just beat up pretty good trying to retain possession of the pistol. I know how these reporters work. State the facts then sprinkle with a dash of assumption to fill in the gaps. It's easier than good investigative journalism. They probably got the fact correct about her retaining an attorney. Do you think they ever bothered to ask her why she did this? If they weren't able to get an answer regarding the attorney retention, I'm sure it wouldn't take much to throw in the bit about book and movie deals, even if it never was mentioned by Mrs Smith or her council.
  2. Buffalo/46/Northern Atlanta suburb Love Buffalo area growing up, but the smartest people keep leaving for better opportunity and the area keeps getting stupider. For the first time in 20 years, I'm now leaning towards saying I'd never go back. When will they learn that unions and high taxes aren't the answer. You'd think at some point they'd say to themselves, "why is everyone leaving for the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida?" And believe me, it's not a weather issue for most people - it's economic. Think of all the thousands of graduates who pass through the area universities and what a small percentage stay to work. There's something really wrong, but the only thing anyone seems to be able to do is blame New York City for their problems.
  3. Man, are you ever jumping to conclusions. Now she's cashing in?!?!? She better retain an attorney. She needs some sort of professional council. There will be a lot of pressure coming from all sides (press, Hollywood, etc.)She's hardly prepared to deal with this on her own. If there is a book or movie deal, why shouldn't she sell her story? It's going to come out in some form anyway. If it were me, I'd want my own input to the accounts, rather than the embellishments and conjecture of some Hollyweird writer.
  4. Yeah. He started coming back to reality after entering her apartment. First he took a shower. Then after talking with her for a while, told her he had the truck that he'd carjacked parked outside. He had killed his fourth victim getting the truck. He asked Ashley to get in her car and follow him in the truck so he could get rid of the truck. As part of gaining his trust, she did exactly that. She was in her car alone and may have been able to take off, but it was more important for her to maintain the trust she was building with him. She didn't want to risk setting him off and possibly having others killed. He got in her car after dumping the truck. They went back to her apartment, talked and prayed, and before leaving at 9am, she fixed him breakfast. I think he had by this time resigned himself to becoming a prisoner, and was humbled with the realization and cruelty of his acts, and was savoring his last few moments of freedom with Ashley Smith, before he would likely become institutionalized for the rest of his life. Before she left at 9am, he gave her $40 and asked that she visit him in prison. Hell of a story. So sad for the families who lost loved ones. Ashley Smith may have saved lives through her brave act of kindness. She and Nichols both believe their meeting and subsequent events were the work of God.
  5. She wasn't rescued. That implies that the cops tracked him down. They had no idea where he was. The cops never would have found him without her phone call. She was in her car, by herself, when she called the cops. After spending 7 hours calming Nichols and giving him some solace, she left her apartment (of her free will) at 9am to get her daughter then she called 911 from her cell phone to let the authorities know he was at her apartment. She convinced him to give up without putting up a fight. He let her leave knowing full well she was going to make the call. The Fulton County authorities blew this one in so many ways, there's no way they aren't going to pay out the reward. The woman, Ashley Smith, was widowed 4 years earlier when her husband was stabbed to death and died in her arms. She gained Nichols' trust, saying she didn't want her daughter to have no mommy either. She showed Nichols murder scene and autopsy photos and explained how difficult it had been for her and the daughter after losing her husband. He was able to think more clearly and sympathically about the pain he had caused to the families of his victims. She pleaded for him not to harm her or anyone else. She even scolded him at times. She told him he must turn himself in. They prayed together. They watched the news reports together. He kept saying, "that's not me, that's not me". He couldn't believe what he had done. He was being "humanized" by Ashley Smith. He later called her his angel. Nichols was not a "gangsta". He came from a good family, had a decent job and education. He was being tried on charges following his abduction and rape of a girlfriend who'd been cheating on him. Obviously obsessed and possessive. This doesn't excuse his actions but points out that he was not a career criminal. He snapped and one thing led to another. He'll probably go for temporary insanity or some kind of psychological defense to avoid the death penalty. Ashley Smith is a hero. She prevented any further violence. She's a single widowed mom trying to make ends meet. It would be a huge PR blunder not to pay her the reward she more than deserves.
  6. Now it's a math debate?!?!?! 1963 through 1977 - 15 years!
  7. I knew I forgot a couple. Kentucky Rain and Don't Cry Daddy made the national charts and were given a fair amount of airplay on rock radio. Still, he was not a rock pioneer in any sense of the word after 1962. He had become a parody of himself. Same with MJ.
  8. That's right. I used the term "big" hits. He may have made a few minor dents in the Billboard chart because of sales to Elvis loyalists. Suspicious Minds, In the Ghetto, and Hunk of Burnin' Love were about the only original big hits after 1962. Can you name some others? These three all came in the late 60's and early 70's following his 1968 comeback special. He had some minor short-lived movie hits like Viva Las Vegas in the early to mid 60's, but hardly anything that became a rock classic. Go ahead. Try to name his "big" post-1962 hits.
  9. Some friends of ours got a dog breed called a Vizsla a few years ago. I'd never heard of it before. Turns out to be a perfect dog. I understand the breeders are very selective about who they sell to and frown on and discourage random breeding by owners. They're short haired (no shedding and don't cause allergies), smart, trainable, and obedient sporting dog, not too big but no lap dog either, good looking, great with kids, even tempered. Here's a link: http://clubs.akc.org/vizsla/history.htm You might want to look into it if you're going for a pure bred pup. Otherwise, the local animal shelters are full of homeless animals waiting to reward their rescuers with a lifetime of loyalty. Best of luck.
  10. Isn't that a terribly uncompassionate thing to express? Why would the world be better off if he killed himself? How is your world affected by him? He's nothing more than an entertainer who only enters your life as an occasional news headline. For that you want him to kill himself? His elevator doesn't go to the top floor, but why would you wish him (or anyone) harm? I have to wonder if he wasn't a molestation victim by his father or other adult figure during his rise to stardom as a child. I can almost imagine his overly ambitious father allowing some pervert promotor or nightclub owner to have a private night with little 10 year old Michael. If MichaelJackson is guilty of the crimes he's now accused of, he should pay the price, but that doesn't mean I wish he felt so terrible that he could kill himself? He's really a sad, pathetic figure who should be getting your prayers, not your wishes for further pain. I've thought about it in the past, and always hoped MJ would live to a ripe old age. It's the only way he can avoid martyr status and be glorified following death. Think about Elvis, Monroe, Cobain, etc. - All self-destructive individuals who were human beings and nothing more. But their untimely deaths have kept them forever young in some fan's minds. If Jackson suddenly died, he would be an icon for generations to come. Elvis Presley has attained Christ-like status to children who weren't even born when he died. The myth is bigger than the person ever was. These half-baked pilgrims go to Graceland on his death date anniversary and cry for him. HOW CAN THEY MISS SOMEONE WHO NEVER EXISTED IN THEIR LIFETIME!!!!? Elvis didn't have more than maybe 3 or 4 big hits over the last 15 years of his life. In his final years, he was living off the reputation he cultivated in the pre-army days. In a similar pattern, Jackson had the huge hit Thriller album and videos, but has done with any artistic relevance since then. I believe he had huge cash advances and he's actually lost money on the last couple of releases. I think he still owes Sony some money. If Jackson died some tragic death today, you'd see more of him than ever on every anniversary, etc. There's probably be a whole cottage industry devoted to Michael Jackson imitators. IS that what you really want?!?!? Long live Michael Jackson.
  11. Soprano. Because of the high voice or because like Tony, he's gotta gun.
  12. The one thing I've always thought would be a great compliment to the new uniforms would be metal flake candy apple red helmets with the charging Bison metallic as well. The current red is kind of old fashioned.
  13. Have to disagree about the actor playing Baldwin. He's just ok as an actor. Not even in the same league as Franz. There's been some great acting in the roles of Russell, Kirkendall, Connie, Andy, Danny, Bobby, Lt Fancy, and even Greg. Nothing special from Ortiz, Murphy, Jones, and a few others. Just my opinion. Some of the greatest acting jobs have been by the actors playing perps. Interesting how many actors played multiple roles. Charlotte Ross, played a hooker several years ago, came back as abusive cop's wife Lori Richardson in a different story line. and later in a permanent role as Det. Connie McDowell. She's a very good actress and isn't too hard on the eyes. Mos Def played a couple of different characters. I may be in the minority on this one....I loved the shows with Jimmy Smits, but I actually think it was just slightly better with the Danny Sorensen character. Like Dianne, he'd been fighting and was tormented by demons since childhood. He found a kindred spirit in Diane, became obsessed with her, and it indirectly led to him getting caught up in a situation that caused his demise. No other shows has had such intense character portrayals. It was dark, and often funny as well. The quality has been lacking with Diane and Danny "in the wind". At least the build up between Connie and Andy kept it entertaining up to this year, but this season has been dull in comparison to past years. Best drama show ever in my estimation. Actually the only current dramatic network show I watch regularly. That my 2 cents on NYPD Blue.
  14. Easy Blue. Don't take it personally. I'm not trying to cause problems. I just wanted to provide some perspective. In the big scheme of things, it really does come off as being silly. Sure, maybe not to you! I can respect that. But to this woman who has been kind enough to volunteer procurement and delivery of this sacred Tulane game, it probably isn't at the top of her priority list as she makes her way out in the morning. If you're that desperate, negotiate. Make it worth her while so that it's as important to her as it is to you. It has to balance out. Money talks. If you come off like a nitwit pest, she's just as likely to think along the lines of, "screw you. why should I bother. Hell, I was doing you a favor". Keep an eye out on ESPN2 or classic for a Tulane game with Losman at QB. In the mean time, maybe you can get your cajun fix with the classic 'A Streetcar Named DESIRE'.
  15. This is the second time this week I've heard the term "person of interest". Is that the latest politically correct term we now substitute for "SUSPECT"?!!!! Give me a f'ing break.
  16. FWIW.... Here's my top 8 power ranking. I was gonna pick the top 3, but after only one week of actual competition, I'll need to hear a few more performances. You never know how the public will vote. John Stevens had great regional support from WNY last year. His voice is o.k., but he wouldn't crack the top 24 this year. Scott Savol, David Brown, and Anwar Robinson are all better singers than Anthony Federov, but I think there's a faction of the audience making 'Clay' comparisons and they'll like Federov more. I think the top 8 will look like this. It'll be a toss up between Mario and Carrie for the top spot, but I think Mario has better stage presence and will edge her out. 1. Mario Vazquez 2. Carrie Underwood 3. Nadia Turner 4. Anthony Federov 5. Aloha Mischeaux 6. Anwar Robinson 7. David Brown 8. Scott Savol Write it down. BTW - I think the producers deliberately attempt to sway the voting audience. The first one given the boot, the stunned Melinda Lira, made the statement that the audience didn't know her as she hadn't gotten any face time on the shows leading up to the first week of competition. She was absolutely right. Prior to this week, I can't remember ever seeing her. Several of the other contestants were regularly featured in spots. Every week they make sure to show the freakish, out of control Barbra Streisand-Fran Drescher hybrid, Mikalah Gordon. She definitely has a TV presence, so they give her plenty of face time. She's a cute kid and all, but I'd have to have her seated at the kids table for Thanksgiving. She could get on my last nerve in no time.
  17. Just heard a similar thing from my sister. She'd told me a little while ago about her 12 year old daughter being interested in some boy. How cute. She, like your daughter, is extremely active in school functions - chorus, band, swim team, and variety of other clubs - including one that promotes abstinence. My sister just told me why they 'broke up' - or rather, stopped talking. The boy tried to go up her shirt and then wanted her to give him a 'blow job'. Of course she was grossed out by this idea and that was the end for those two. Seems a lot of the other girls engage in this sort of sluttery. Some even think it's a safe alternative to going all the way. I hate it too that the innocence is lost so early. I'm sure she was very hurt by all of this. I told my sister that she probably needs to explain to my niece that boys think about sex entirely differently than girls at that age. Boys are naive at that age and don't have any idea about the emotional and romantic attachments to physical sex that most respectable girls have. With boys it's all physical. Anyway, I agree, it's very sad that kids are exposed to so much at such a young age. Anyone who doesn't think the sexual cultural bombardment by Hollywood doesn't have an impact is nuts. It's a constant battle by caring parents to protect their kids from images they're not prepared to fully comprehend.
  18. Kind of sneaky how they always come out right about the time the weaker dieters are becoming bored with their diet and excersize routines that were designed to shed the holiday pounds. The addiction is enhanced by the brilliant packaging. Two tubes of cookies per box. The tubes are just the right size so that me and the wife can have a couple of handfuls of our favorite flavor. BUT....after those couple of handfuls, we always need "just one (or two) more". Mmmmm. After all (we rationalize), girl scout cookies sales is a seasonal event that comes only once a year. At this point, there are like only three cookies left in the cellophane wrapper. What the hell? Who in their right mind is going to put back three friggin' cookies with seven inches of excess cellophane wrapper?!?!? May as well eat the fuggers right then and there, right? One problem. There was an odd number cookies and two of us. Only one way to solve that mess. Get the box and open the other tube.
  19. When the woman was asked why she flushed the member down the toilet, she explained that she didn't have the balls to keep it.
  20. My mom always said I was my dad's little squirt.
  21. Don't know if this is what you're looking for , but try this: Click on the desired cell, then type in =SUM(B1/A1) That's the 'divided by' symbol from your keypad seperating A1 and B1 in this case. Hope this works. There may be other ways to get the same formula, but I use the =sum , parenthisis style and it always seems to work out fine.
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