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Everything posted by SouthernMan

  1. The name was Anthony, not Billy. I'll have to send you off to the corn field. Danger Will Robinson! Bill Mumy (the original actor)recently revised the role of Anthony in a new version of the Twilight Zone, playing Anthony as a grown man. Cloris Leachman revised her same role from the original as well. In the new version Anthony has a daughter with the same powers. The girl looked exactly like Bill Mumy at 8 years old. Checked the credits. Sure enough - it was his real daughter playing the role. One of my favorite all-time episodes. It was used in the movie version as well, though it wasn't nearly as disturbing as the original 1962 version.
  2. It's dinner hour. If you want massive response, you have to post during the day when everyone is gooding off at work. Their personal time is much more valuable. Spikes cut?!?!? Sure, why not. I'll be very surprised if he comes back this year at anywhere near 100%. I think he'll follow in the footsteps of Jerry Butler, Jeff Nixon, Robert James, Bryce Paup, Chris Spielman and other great Bills who never were able to come back from injury. I'd love to be wrong on this one.
  3. I'm thinking about starting a mock mock draft web site so I can predict what the mock draft sites come out with. If it proves to be successful...who knows? Maybe a mock mock mock draft site!!!
  4. When calculating the savings, you have to complete the equation by adding the dollar figure for the replacement. In other words, cutting Joe Burns doesn't save the Bills $566k. Say his replacement gets 350k - in actuality the savings is closer to 200k. NOW....the team has to make a judgement decision whether or not the 200k savings (chump change in today's NFL budget) is worth the break in continuity. Maybe Burns has good value as a special team player that would be missed. Who knows?
  5. Yeah, I figured eventually somebody would make that case, but the difference is that the in-season SHOUT! were somewhat time-bound, with previews, reviews, and so forth. When it arrives 3 weeks after the game it's commenting on, it's fairly irrelevant. Sports illustrated is better defined by it's feature columns and profiles which don't rely as heavily on time constraints. The other HUGE disadvantage SHOUT would have when compared to SI, is that they're serving a relatively small niche market.
  6. Or just maybe... the rapid growth of internet subscribers in the mid-late 90's had something to do with it. The vast amount of info available free and instantly via the web made mailed-out weekly publications like Shout obsolete. I know from personal experience and several conversations with the people at SHOUT!, that they were frustrated with the service provided by the postal service. There were times when I'd receive it weeks after the mailing date. Where it traveled to during those weeks is anybodies guess. Sometimes it didn't show up at all. Trust me - Tom Donahoe had more important things to deal with than shutting down SHOUT! These conspiracy theories kill me. Buffalo should be known as the City of Mass Paranoia.
  7. Kind of what I've been thinking. Exactly what are Moulds' options? Considering his age and stats, he's not likely to get a huge contract offer from some other team, or if he does get someone to overpay, it's going to be some crap team with tons of cap space and a need to sell seats. He may as well see if he can work out a deal with the Bills. I think he will. The Bills need him as well. Parrish is never going to be a feature WR, and Evans would get doubled and shut down without a dependable receiver to compliment him. Aiken, Reed, and the rest are role players, nothing more.
  8. Also: QBs Joey Harrington and Patrick Ramsey. I think there's another one I'm forgetting.
  9. Anyone remember who the halftime performers were during the Bills' 4 year run? I can't recall any of them.
  10. Can't sing but still great? How do you reckon that? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't his job title "singer"? That's like saying Josh Reed is a great receiver - can't catch a pass but he runs great patterns. Saying that playing loose and sloppy is "just their style" is about the stupidest thing I can imagine hearing. They're a lousy sounding live band who doesn't give a damn how bad they sound. They know the fans go to be part of an event rather than to hear good music, so I guess they figure why waste their precious time actually rehearsing the tunes when they could be guzzling Jack Daniels and chasing women old enough to be their grandchildren.
  11. Bingo. Give that man a cigar. I saw them at Rich in '75 and thought they were a great live act, generating a lot of excitement, though still diappointed at their half-hearted effort to make the songs sound right. Poorly executed harmonies, playing out of tune, off beat, etc. The message seemed to be "you should feel privileged to be in our presence - screw actually trying to play well". Not that many years ago, they did a tour where they did some bar gigs, small arenas, and large stadiums. They had a good backing band, singers - the works. AND....they actually played tightly in order to put out another live album. So, they can do it if they give a shiite. Instead, they thumb their noses at all the suckers putting down a few hundred bucks to see their sorry washed up asses. They're legends and have a fantastic catelog of work, but they're no longer relevant. Sorry, but for me, if the music sucks, the show sucks. Mick ain't quite so pretty any more that he can rely on his charisma to carry the band.
  12. Two years ago at this time the Steelers were coming off a 6-10 season. It doesn't have to take 4+ years to turn it around on today's NFL. The good news is the Bills should not be in major rebuilding mode - yet. They aren't in a deep salaray cap hole so they have room to sign players, and they have several draft picks out of the first 100. They still have some good players who they can continue to build around. This year, with a good draft and signing of a few decent free agents, they may be a contender for a playoff spot. After two years of good drafting and good signees, anything can happen. I'd say it's unlikely they could get to a superbowl in the upcoming season, but it wouldn't be unhead of to be there in two years. Of course, a lot of things would have to fall into place....Jauron and staff will have to prove they're worthy, the team will have to avoid the injury bug, and Marv and Modrak will have to find the right chemistry of player to make it a good team fit. and JP, Holcomb, or someone else will have to take the lead and show they're the QB of the future. And it would have to be timed so that the current NFL powers are all on the downslide while the Bills are ascending. If all these elements fell into place, the Bills could be back there in 2 years. Is it likely? No. But, not impossible.
  13. Even if Rothlisberger isn't given the TD, the ball is at the 1 inch line and more than likely they're gonna get it on the next play. There were a few times where I thought that Seattle was getting some marginal calls, but they had too many dropped passes for me to put the blame on the shoulder of the officials. The Steeler's 75 yard TD run and later a TD pass by a wide receiver had nothing to do with officiating. The officials weren't the deciding factor. The Steelers out-played and out-coached the Seahawks. Anyway, the replay showed the ball crossing the white endzone line.
  14. Seattle 16 Pittsburgh 10
  15. This, coming from a guy named "Beerball". It is certainly valid but is not enforceable. At least I don't see how it could be.
  16. It is certainly valid but is not enforceable. At least I don't see how it could be.
  17. Don't understand why. If the Dolphins were to play again in 2006, it would be their 3rd Turkey day game since the famous snow-in-Dallas game of 1993. It was only three years ago (2003 season) when it came down to the Bills or Dolphins playing T-day in Dallas and Miami played in that game? I think it's the Bills' turn this year. I don't believe they've played on Thanksgiving since the early 90's. Have they ever played the Cowboys on Thanksgiving? I don't think so. Thanksgiving is, in my view, the perfect holiday. No pressure to find that special something for your wife or girlfriend, great food, company, football, and for most of us, a four-day weekend with Christmas on deck. Only thing that could be better is if one of those football games involved watching our Bills while the aroma of roasting turkey fills the house. Anyone have a link of all-time Thanksgiving Day games? I couldn't find one.
  18. JP has more in common with Jim Kelly than with Fouts, Plummer, and the others you mention. I don't think either of them could grow much of manly beard. They'd both have one of them "14-year-old trying tp look older" messes on their faces. Hell, JP's voice hasn't even changed yet! He needs his nuts to drop into their sack before we can start talking beards.
  19. "Dick to get head job in Orchard Park"
  20. Good sights. When I was a kid I was so impressed with the Buffalo skyline - and I think that's before Marine Midland Tower went up. What a joke of a skyline. There are all of about 6 skyscarpers and they're mostly empty or have ridiculously low lease fees!!! All the businesses are now spread out throughout Amherst and other suburbs. Columbus, by no means a huge metropolis, puts the Buffalo skyline to shame. And yeah, that picture from buythebills looks like Atlanta from about 10-15 years ago.
  21. Haslett's agent calls Ralph, says, "Mr. Wilson, I'd like my client to get an interview for the vacant coaching position". Wilson replies by spitting up a phlegm ball before hanging up. Haslett's agent takes it as a "maybe". Eyewitness News has their top story.
  22. Soooo..... in other words, it's actually nothing at all like the end of SB XXV.
  23. Our own Energizer Bunny....Chuck Lester. He's damn well earned it by god. I'm still waiting for his autobiography. Since Marv already used the title "Where would you rather be", I think career-gopher Chuck might have one called, "Was that two Sugars and One Cream or the Other Way Around?" No offense Chuck - just trying to lighten up the mood
  24. I wonder if there's another coach out there that looks like just like Stan Laurel? Wouldn't that be cool to see them on opposite sidelines wearing bowler/derby hats?
  25. Stupid statement considering that Drew's team, The Cowboys, with their 2-time superbowl winning coach, aren't playing this weekend! Does Sam think the Bills personnel, apart from the QB poistion, is so superior to the Cowboys? See ya Sam.
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