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Everything posted by SouthernMan

  1. Who's going to flag it? I believe it can only be flagged if it was borrowed, used in a public restroom, and returned to the clerk's desk. At least, that's my understanding of the process. Go on enjoy the smell and sounds of taking a dump while reading the Bills media guide. Think of it as Bills Media Guide in scratch and sniff 5.1 Dolby Surround. It just seems like the most appropriate soundtrack and multimedia companion to the upcoming Bills season. Then, flush it all down the toilet along with our high hopes for an entertaining and competative season. Perfect!
  2. You sound like one of those wacko right-wing conservatives trying to be all logical, rather than using emotion to form your position and reactions. I'll bet you voted for a Bush at least once! Aghhhh...what to do. Excellent post BTW - spot on. Side note: As an illustration of the left wing agenda and Hollywood's stance on guns, read the Grisham book, Runaway Jury, then watch the movie version. The basis of the book was a lawsuit against big tobacco. Hollywood loves tobacco and hates guns (in theory). So what do they do in the movie version? Completely change the premise to a lawsuit against a gun manufacturer. Ironic, considering the way Hollywood glorifies gratuitous use of handguns. Could it be they don't want to bite the hand that feeds them? I swear that movie budgets are subsidized by Phillp Morris or Reynolds, since they can no longer advertise in print or broadcasting. There's constant cigarette smoking by lead characters for absolutely no reason, other than to promote the use. Just to play devil's advocate for a second....Goodell was being politcally correct and covering his arse. There's little chance Vick will be involved again in the doggie business. On the other hand, if somewhere down the road, Lynch were to get into another bad situation involving a gun, the outcry would be, why didn't the NFL do more to prevent it after the first incident. Should dumbass Lynch get all trigger happy one day, at least Goodell and the NFL can say they addressed it with a reasonable suspension. Bottom line: guns bad. They go out of the house (or glovebox) on their own and randomly kill people.
  3. Is there a discount for saying "loins" also? Just wondering.
  4. For the sake of the kicking game, take Rian Lindell to see Deep Throat. The lesson there is: you don't blow the short ones and you don't choke on the long ones. For the rest it might be: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly or Help!
  5. Just as I predicted about 4 weeks ago. Previously I said that Walker will go to the right side, Butler to guard, and Levitre will sit and learn in a reserve role. Watch.
  6. I think we're on the same page. I'm all for being enthusiastic, but the "in your face" attitude shows a complete lacl of class and sportsmanship. If that continues, I suspect your 3-year-old will be seeking out an imaginary father. You hit the nail on the head. Again, I'm not such a stuffed shirt that I don't expect some well earned excitment, including some hoots, hollering, jumping up, fist pumping, fanny pats, high fives, head hugs, or whatever..... but it's the protracted, over-animated, "LOOK AT ME - LOOK AT ME" attention drawing shiit that drives me nuts. It's like the grammer school smartass forever seeking out attention. It's funny at first, but the act gets old quickly. It's a bloody team sport - you're just a cog in the wheel. I'm surprised that there are so many responses from y'all who enjoy watching them make fools out of themselves. Just to reiterate - I'm not against celebration, just the constant call to draw camera time to themselves. The interception? Yeah, we saw it, ok?
  7. Following McKelvins first INT, he was chest beating, strutting, and posturing towards the sidelines like he just made the play of the year that preserved the superbowl victory. I'm thinking, "Jesus, you did your job. Swell. Good for you. Act like you've been there before. Now go sit down". Am I just an old stick in the mud, or do you think his reaction is a little over the top? I mean, c'mon, it's a friggin preseason game already. Get over yourself McLovin'.
  8. Been there many times on this board. Seems to be a lot of users with reading comprehesion problems - or maybe it's just the ones who shoot from the hip and don't take the time to comprehend. Reminder: the topic was about the jerks that stand and carelessley obtruct other's view from start to finish. I'm with you 100%. Touched a nerve with this topic. It's expected that during moments of exhaltation you're going to rise from your seat. It's a completely natural reaction. The problem occurs when some hyperactive or attention-seeking nitwit stands throughout the event, with no consideration to the women, children, elderly, short of stature, less able-bodied, or anyone else seated behind them, to whom they've created an unwelcome inconvenience. If you want to stand so bad, get seats in the last couple of rows. They're ususally the last to be available. I was at the opener last year. I'm in the second row of the upper deck at The Ralph. I'm with my 9 year old nephew, who is struggling to see past the three foul-mouthed "gentleman" standing up nearly the whole game - in the front row of the upper deck! Here we are, trying to pass on our love of the Bills experience to the next generation, and instead, it becomes a day-long struggle to look between their gyrating torsos. Our only other choice is to watch the big screen. Could have stayed home and gotten that experience with less headache. It's the same wherever you go. I stopped going to see rock shows because it seemed no matter where you sat, there was bound to be some obnoxious drunk or stone a-hole in close proximity. I'm not advocating Sunday church pew silence and attention - just a little consideration. It is possible to be exhuberant andstill be civil and respectful to the people around you.
  9. The beauty of that plan would be the "killing two birds with one stone effect". Suddenly, the nemesis of the division would lose their leader, concurrent with the Bills finding one. My only worry would be (my coined phrase) "The Scotty Bowman/Buffalo" effect. In the mid 70s, Scotty, as the Muntreal Canadians HC, won several Stanley Cups. Additionally, in his first 3 years as a young coach, he took the St Louis Blues to the cup finals, losing each one (perfect fit for Buffalo - eh?) He also earned Lord Stanley's cup as coach of the Penguins and Red Wings. Bowman's teams won 9 Stanley Cups, altogether. Though never in his 5+ year as the Sabres coach. Amazing. My gut tells me if Belichick were ever to come to Buffalo as a head coach, he'd suffer the same fate as those before him. As a consolation prize, Amherst got Scotty as a permanent resident. Yippie!
  10. I'm not going to go through the agony of watching a boring re-run of a preseason game again, just to anaylse Bell's play, but during my (partial) second viewing, I specifcally watched Bell. I'm far from an expert and not sure exactly what criteria the coaches use for grading, but all I can say is he held his own. I didn't see him get man-handled or look lost. He held his ground for the most part. He also hustled to block somebody, even after the play had turned upfield. I may have missed it, but I didn't see a single instance in the first half where he was outright beaten, or where his play jeopardized our QB. If anyone is expecting perfection, they're being overly critical. The greatest OT ever to wear an NFL uniform, Jason Peters, resembled a swinging door several times last season. The excuse for him was that he had to work the rust off (12 games into the season?). This was the first preseason game, and all things considered, Bell looked quite good. It was easier to judge his skill on passing downs, on which he did well. Running plays, it's a little more difficult for this layman to know exactly what everyone's assignments on the line are, and where any breakdown may have occured. Can he step up this year and be an adequate or better left tackle? Not sure if they'd move him back to the left side, so I'll address as a tackle in general. Hard to say after one preseason game, but assuming the progress continues, I'd say he has a good chance of starting soon, as I predicted initally in this thread. Stay tuned. Hopefully, we'll get a number of looks Saturday night and have more to draw on in making an assessment. #77 in your program.
  11. If a few million is the difference between getting someone like Cowher, or not getting him, all the Bills need to do is look at the millions flushed down the toilet on the likes of Rob Johnson, Drew Bledsoe, JP Losman, Mike Williams, etc., over the past 10 years. What have we got to show for it but a lot of frustration and broken remote controls. At least with someone like Cowher, you know exactly what you're getting - someone who actually can you get you to the promised land. If a 10 million dollar* a year coach can get a few million worth of effort out of a lower draft pick or journeyman player, hasn't he justified his salary? He just substituted a low dollar player for an overpaid one, and got the same results. Isn't that essentially what Belichick does? Even when he had an injury-riddled team (often the excuse for Jauron's failure) a few years ago, he was able to continue winning using backups. When a player on his team demanded too much $$, they were allowed to walk, and yet they continue to win. *I have no clue what top coaches get these days.
  12. It wouldn't surprise me if Bobby April were given a shot, though I would hope the Bills would make a decent offer to a proven head coach with a pedigree. Enough with letting these guys learn "on the job". The Giants went out and hired retread Coughlin a few years ago, and I don't think there've been any regrets. Rams did the same with Vermeil and got the trophy. Find a winning coach who already knows the ropes, has had time to recoup and assess himself and past tenure, and make a decent offer. The Bills have a young core of what could be a great team in a year or two. This reminds me of the '86 season. I would think the current roster and potential could be very attractive to somebody like Cowher or another equally talented coach. It's not like it'd be a 3 or 4 year rebuilding process. Stock up in 2010 and 2011 and make an extended playoff run. Like JP Losman, I have no personal dislike of Jauron, but his record speaks for itself. He's gotta know this is it for him. Playoffs or the unemployment line. And considering the schedule before them, it's a safe bet that he's 4 or 5 months from being out of work.
  13. Bingo. Hit the nail on the head. I don't believe we'd hear a peep from the loyal throng at TBD about the shady nature of the play, were it the Bills who got 6 points out of it. The Bills got burned because they got caught with their drawers down. Is that supposed to fall under poor sportsmanship? As I said earlier, Fisher and the Titans operated within the parameters of the rules. And yes, it was executed about as well expected when it was drawn up on the white board. Nice work. Trying to take a positive from it...maybe it'll be a good learning experience from which the Bills will be able to prevent a 1st down or TD when the games really count. One play can make the difference between a win or loss, and one win or loss can be the difference between playoffs or packing it in after game 16.
  14. No. The idea is to score points within the parameters of the rulebook. Got no problem with it. If the Bills defenders weren't faked out and didn't over-pursue, the Bills could have prevented the TD and possibly the 1st down. They blew it, plain and simple. Don't see anyone from this board pointing fingers of dissent when Moorman takes off with the ball on a fake punt.
  15. I hated this guy when he stomped on the Texas Stadium mid-field Cowboy's star emblem (although it could hardly happen to a nicer team). I thought the Sharpie incident was uncalled for and that he was a dick. Still, I like him an awful lot. He's an enigma. A shy, highly sensitive person with a single facet of his personality geared towards being a showman. One thing you can't take from him is his complete dedication to the game and his personal conditioning. OK, he's something of a prima donna, but hell, he's earned it and at least he can back it up. There's almost nothing more annoying than a bigmouthed showboat who's not even a very good player. I'm just glad T.O. is on our team and not with the Patriots, Jets, or Dolphins. Which makes me wonder if part of the reason for getting T.O. was preemptive as well as proactive.
  16. You're welcome. F uckinada, I don't even remember what the point was!!!! Oh yeah..boo hoo Michael Vick. Let's all give him a big virtual bear hug, kiss on the forehead, and integrate him into our whacky new wildcat scheme. Bring him on I say! As the late John Butler would surely say, "he's a fine yong man".
  17. The other poster intimated that he was treated poorly by Malone. Too me, that's Joe Jackson, not Karl Malone. He simply didn't ackowledge him. No different than many other NFL players lack of relationships with their spern donor father. TO lived across the street from his old man and didn't know of the link until he was 9 years old. It's not like was exactly Father of the Year. T.O. didn't know him in any kind of father/son kind of way. Bell's parental situation is far from unique. My point is that if Bell lives up to this praise throughout preseason, maybe it would provide an opportunity to juggle the line, have Butler at guard, and get the all too green Levitre time to get acclimated. I don't think anyone is suggesting a Butler for Bell swap. Yes. Yes. Finally, someone who's thinking like the innovator we need on this team. Let's take it a step further and line up 5 kickers on kickoffs! They won't know what hit 'em. Whatdya say? Jeff Fisher - eat my shorts. Thanks you thank you. I'm getting all flush (uses hands to fan his face). You like me. You really like me. (throws kisses)I love you all. Thank you so much. (tears of joy)
  18. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? The political angle or PETA never even crossed my mind! Jesus H Christ on rubber crutches! The original point was about spending way too much air time talking about Mike Vick, rather than so many other things that could have talked about on such a festive weekend - including....THE FRIGGIN GAME that was taking place within their view. I don't give a crap about him. He plays. He doesn't play. I don't care! It's been talked to death. My problem with the whole thing was putting Dungy out there to play "good cop" and paint this glowing picture of Vick, who is such a benevolent and caring man now that I expect to come to my door Halloween night with his penny unicef carton and Tiny F'king Tim on his shoulder. Why is somebody always trying to turn this into a political thing? The issue was too much time dedicated to this worn out topic. Welcome Dungy to Sunday nights and log off. Christ.
  19. My god - what is this, some holiday where dummys are let out for a day? Another need for remedial reading help. "liberal flavored" - meaning a real bleeding heart, poor Mike Vick diatribe. Used to decscribe those who feel it's their duty to champion the cause of the downtrodden (translation - inferior). The same kind of thinking that has NY State SSI funds providing food stamps, monthy rent and, daily methedone treatment to heroin addicts to help them get help with their "disability". WTF does Tony Dungy's conservative background have to do with anything? I like Dungy. I certainly wasn't commenting on him at all. The topic was the amount of sympathy and "understanding" were supposed to heap upon Mike Vick. I think you saw the word "liberal" and went nuts, didn't you Janeane Garofalo. Don't think - react. That's the battlecry. Newsflash: it was a word in English usage long before it came to describe academic elitists who can't see the trees for the forest or ugly college chicks who try to define their identity through supposed intellect and diplomas. Let me educate you a little. Conservative and Republican are not interchangeable. Democrat and liberal are not interchangeable words. Dungy's poltical affiliation, life philosophy, and religious faith are of no interest to me, nor do I have any inkling of where he stands personally. As stated, he's generally seen as a real standup guy, regardless of any personal beliefs. So go sit the Fk down Janeane.
  20. Ummmm...I didn't quote that post. Check again. The full quote I responded to is in the reply.
  21. How so? I believe he was estranged from his father, but that's hardly unusual. Did the old man practice 3 pointers off his head or something?
  22. Sorry if I'm getting redundant with my praise of Demetrius Bell, but from what I saw again last night, I still think he's gonna be a good one, maybe sooner than some thought. Just reviewed the first couple of offensive series, and the guy looks decent, especially in pass protection. Very good footwork. Playing against the Titans first team, he doesn't appear at all out of place. With a little more playing time and live game experience, we might have solved a whole litany of problems on the O-line. Did he look like an all-pro? No. But he also wasn't being pushed around, and additionally, the guy hustled to make plays outside of the wedge. If he does take that next step, it could free Butler to move back into a guard position, and give Levitre, who stuggled last night, a little more time to develop his techniques before he's thrown to the lions during the real season. Unless it was just a case of baptism by fire and nerves, Levitre could be a real liability, compromising the structure of the whole line. This could lead to Edwards being sidelined. I think the coaches might backoff on their previous commitment to the five O-line personnel they've all but penciled in. Maybe at some point, Bell could move into the LT position, returning Walker to his comfort zone at RT. Bold predicition: he'll be starting on opening day.
  23. I don't really follow the individuals at TBD. Is Crayonz a known nitwit or something? Maybe it was all that bouncing he endured riding on that "short bus" for 15 years. Should have left that hockey helmet on dude.
  24. I understand what you're saying and agree to an extent. I didn't think they necessarily had to give in-depth analysis of Bill's camp fodder, but there could have been more topical (e.g. Hall of Fame related stuff) discussion, or actual attention to the game being played, than the liberal flavored attempt to publicly rehabilitate Michael Vick's character with standup guy and ex-coach, Tony Dungy, acting as his designated apologist. You want to talk about Mike Vick? - Bring him in the booth then. Give us a chance to judge how remorseful he is with his words and body language. I doubt it would happen for the same reason that defense attorney's often don't let their client take the stand. Vick is a scumbag. He's had an opportunity that most of here can only dream of, and he compromises it by being involved in an "appalling", low-brow, loser activity that should be reserved for the MD 20/20 set, not a professional making millions.
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