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Everything posted by SouthernMan

  1. Exactly my thoughts. Jerry Gray was a d-coordinator who was touted to be the next great head coach candidate. Gee, what happend to that career path? Obviously, he was in over his head and is probably where he belongs at this time - as a position coach.
  2. First we have McKelvin's opening day F-up, with Jauron's rousing endorsement. Last week, Roscoe tried to out-McKelvin McKelvin with the punt flub. Yesterday, TE Nelson catches a ball 4 yards shy of the first down, is in the middle of the field and it's wide open straight ahead. Instead, he opts to run to his right and into the arms of a Jet defender, falling short of the first down. DUH! Then, we have Rhodes Scholar Marshawn Lynch's patented run that goes: 3 yards to the right, stop, 2 yards forward, tackled. He looks like the friggin' knight from a chess game. Later, the Bills are a the Jet 5 or 6 yard line (or thereabouts) with a 2nd and 1. They call a fade pass to the end zone. Incomplete. C'ome on! WTF?!?! Their goal should have been to run for that first down and a new set of downs. With 3 downs in their pocket, they didn't have enough faith in their ground game to churn out 1 yard and a first and goal at the 4 yd line? Naturally, they screw it up and settle for a field goal. The game may never have need OT if they had kept going and gotten the TD. On the other hand, they could very well have fumbled to the Jets, reverted back 20 or more yards from sacks, been penalized for 30 yards, or some other often used weapon from their 2009 arsenal whereby they pull defeat from the jaws of victory. This team just plays stupid. For all the Yale and Harvard credentials, they look more like Bryant and Stratton dropouts. One of the reasons the Pats have been so successful this decade is because they play smart. The Bills play weally toopid. Any chance they might add football to the Special Olympics?
  3. If only Fitzpatrick didn't throw like a girl, who knows how many points we could have scored? Really, he's got no zip on the ball and his accuracy on anything past 10 yards is pathetic (with the exception of the Evans on-catch).
  4. I don't think he's being judged on his history, but rather his current level of productivity. He's past his prime. I like T.O. and had hoped for great things this year, but to my eyes, he looks like he's only making half an effort. He's lost the competative edge that's necessary to be a top flight anything in the NFL. Hardy and Johnson are both hungry young WRs chomping at the bit to get some playing time. Let's give them some shots and see if they can contribute more than just being overpaid decoys.
  5. Maybe it mean they're finally going to give Steve Johnson some playing time.
  6. Good call. Highly recommend brining. A process that's too often neglected when it comes to cooking big birds. Brining is a great do-ahead that can really bring out the most of your fowl. "They" even sell some brining pot-pourri kinda mixtures, but they're sometimes kind of pricey.
  7. At first I thought, "oh, another Travis Henry thread". I was in my early 20s when they were all the rage. Wouldn't want one today. I'm now at the stage of life where the green weenie clashes with my blue balls.
  8. I don't care.
  9. That's right, because those bumbling farmers and country bumpkins are just a bunch of blank canvases, waiting for Rush to show them the way. Ummm...I don't think most farmers are just siitting with their families, gathered 'round the old Philco in their living rooms, waiting for Rush to guide their ignorant lives. Unlike a large portion of Obama's supporter, waiting for the next handout, those farmers are actuallu busy working. You strike me as the kind of elitist who assumes the salt of the earth middle American, church-going citizens are a bunch of Mayberry castoffs who couldn't find their pitchfork with a Garmin GPS navigation system. If that's your assumption, that's as ignoratnt as any ethnic or racial stereotype. You want to see duped? Look no further than the ignoartant masses duped by our new messiah or the maliable Acorn recruits voting for their amzing leader, but who couldnt' even tell you who the VP candidate was. You wanna see some real dumbasses?......click here:
  10. A couple of words to the unwised: dis placement Every year we hear the story of the half drunk yahoo that starts their house on fire by deep frying a turket on their deck, but they fill the oil level too high, forgetting about displacement, and once that oil hits the flame....run for your life. Before heading to the Ralph....at home. put the turkey in the empty deep fryer vessel, fill with water to the desired fill level for frying oil, remove turkey. Now you know how much oil to use. Wherever the water level is after removing the turkey is the level at which the oil will be before firing up the flame. BTW - use peanut oil. It's not too cheap, but get your money's worth and take a couple of turkeys and then after those are finished, do some wings in the same oil. Maybe even a whole chicken or two. If the temerature is right, a smaller-medium sized turkey will cook pretty fast - maybe ½ hour to 45 minutes. Take fryer thermometer with you. If you didn't get one with the deep fryer, you can get them at Home Depot. They clip rigth onto the side of the fryer. While you and the gang are devouring the first one, get another turkey going. Well worth it. I still enjoy a nice oven roasted bird, but the deep fried ones are pretty damn good too. If you don't fry the shiit out of it, you'll find it to be really moist and tasty. Now, about grease..... Throw it on your lawn or some nearby fields near the stadium. I'm not kidding. It won't cause any harm and it's 100% biodegradable. Really! Better still, bring a spare plastic receptacle and give it to someone in the lot who can use it for biofuel in their diesel vehicle. Why not?
  11. With Tampa as a title, it's probably '91, the year we played in Tampa, 8 months after the superbowl in the same stadium. I was there (for the winning game)! I have a tape, gotta be '92. Oilers: Walking on Warren Moon to the tune of Police song Walking on the Moon Raiders Suck (to Radar Love) The best one may have been "Miami", a reasonable replica of Pink Floyd's "Money". At the fade out portion in the Floyd version, you hear a british gent speaking the words, "I certainly was in the right". In the Snortin Norton "Miami" version, at the same fade-out portion of the song, a similar voice is heard saying, "it certainly was wide to the right". Classic. I have another tape done by somebody else, but it's a cheap knock off with inferior music. See, when your team is doing well, this is the sort of mania that prevails in the community. You get a lot of this rah rah crap. I miss it. Anyone want to join in a chorus of "We're Gonna Win that Cup"? Extra credit if you remember the original singer.
  12. You're right. I've personally lost quite a few friends and family members within the past 10 years - many of them relatively young. Went to Bills opener with TBD party in 2005, took pre-teen nephew along. Gone 8 months later. Finally went again in 2008 to opener. Went with childhood friend of 40 years. Gone two months later. My brother, early 40s, gone just before 9/11. His first HS sweetheart - gone this past weekend. Lost at least 3 other friends in their early 50s in last 7 years. Have a photo taken in 1987 at a birthday celebration with 8 of us in the photo - me, my wife, and 6 other friends, mostly in our 20s and early 30s. My wife and I are still here. 4 of the other six - gone. One of the other six still a cancer survivor. His wife - double mastectomy as preventive measure following biopsy and with family history a consideration. Singer/poet/basketball star/heroin addict, Jim Carroll, had a song in 1980 called "People who Died", which chronicles a rash of friends who died - later made into the movie, "Basketball Diaries". I was in Fla for my Mother-in-law's funeral a few weeks ago, and in the course of running errands with my stepson, he played the Jim Carroll song, "People Who Died" from his ipod. I was surprised he knew the song. Hadn't heard it in years. We had a discussion about the song and it was only later I realized that Basketball Diaries with Leonardo Decapitate was about Jim Carroll's life. Still haven't seen the flick. Anyway, it was interesting that it was a topic of discussion, especially since just days after the talk, my stepson calls and says, "guess who died?" - "Jim Carroll". Ironic. I'm not too much of nutcase, but I truly believe there is a government conspiracy leading to food additives that cause obesity, cancer, and whatnot. In my niece's high school, there have been several cancer cases or blood-related diseases and deaths over the past 3 years. I don't remember a single one in my 6 or 7 years of high school! Maybe it's part of our government's solution to too many elderly collecting SS. Knock 'em off early! You think government-run health care is the answer? Yeah, right. Wait'll you're ranked by your contributory value to society. Go to the back of the line. Good luck getting treatment when you've already lived 60 or 70 years. Is if that's not enough. The Bills have sucked ass for the past 10 years also! What the hell is going on here?!?! Is there a doctor in the house?!!?
  13. In regard to the ongoing "Jim Kelly investment group buying the the team" rumors - I've always had this vision that Jim's old pal, Bill Polian, could somehow be involved, should that scenerio ever come to pass. Wouldn't it be perfect if several of the old superbowl Bills had some ownership rights with Polian steering the ship, and in some wonderful Hollywood ending, they all got their belated superbowl rings together?!
  14. Thank you Mrs. McCoy, But the Bills won't be needing your boy. Yeah, that's what we need, a 6-2, 210 lb QB who'll be 24 years old at the start of next season.
  15. Which brings me to a pet peeve of mine.... Why, with wide screen technology, can't we at home get a more expanded view of the field? At the very least, show some end zone views on replay. On passing plays especially, we almost never have any idea what's going on 20 yards past the quarterback, at least until the ball is in the air. I have no idea where T.O. and Evans are until the very end of a play in which their involved. We're unable to see the play develop from from the field position of the QB to that of the WRs. We see the WRs leave the LOS then all we can do is guess what they're doing down field. As TV viewers, it'd be great to get better field perspective on where the wideouts are and how the coverage is reacting and to see if they are in fact open! I feel like we're missing half of the game when we have to watch on TV. A few years ago there was some talk of using digital technology to give the TV viewer more options, including being able to use their remote controls to play director and toggle between camera angles. I wonder what ever happened to that concept? Why are we still stuck with 1960's camera perspective for 99% of the game action? I'd love it if that overhead camera on a wire was used more often to see the whole thing, as viewed from behind the QB. They used to use it frequently on MNF. They may still, I dunno. Makes you feel like you're right there hovering over the play instead of sitting in section 322, row 20. For those of you who have been able to be at the game, how open have our receivers been? Is Edwards turning into our next Rob, Drew, and JP - scared to launch it and let the receiver fight for it? Always looking for the sure thing? Or are these guys unable to get open sufficiently?
  16. If you really want folks to join you for the tailgate party, I don't think I'd be advertising "dressing up" like popcorn or a giant bird. If acting really gay is your thing, I can think of better places to do it besides the home stadium of the of your team's arch rivals. BTW - went to the Bill/fins Sunday night game a few years ago, and the tailgating was actually pretty good, and the crowd was great. Lots of good natured trash talk with the fans surrounding our seats. All in good fun. Upon leaving, and wearing my Bills jersey, I got some crap coming coming down the ramp after the Bills blew another one, but it was nothing I haven't seen at the Ralph. To be expected when visiting hostile territory. However, I think I did see a guy dressed like a box of Cracker Jack get beat to a pulp!
  17. I'll try to make some sense of it by quoting the famous spaghetti's bird address: 4 squirts and 7 years ago, our farters brought forth upon incontinence, a nature conceived in liver tea, and defecated to proposition that all men are secreted equal. Goo goo ga joob!
  18. Considering Roscoe's total lack of production relative to his high salary, I wouldn't be shocked if Roscoe gets moved. They may have to settle for a mid-later round draft choice, but at least they'd have some say in where he goes (as opposed to an outright cut, leaving him to sign with anyone willing to take him).
  19. This thread gets more retarded by the second. The story of Thurman being released from the Bills, back in 2000 (or whatever year it was)was broadcast on Sportcenter. Thurman saw the story on his home TV. Later, the Bills call to tell him of the move. Thurman mad. Clear now?
  20. My apologies if these topics have already appeared in other recent threads. Too disgusted to go through all of them at this time and couldn't find anything doing a search. It must have been mentioned somewhere, though I didn't find any discussions concerning the poor snaps. Anyone know - what was with the multitude of bad snaps out of the shotgun. Did Hangartner injure his right hand sometime during the game? Also...how is it that other teams don't seem to have any trouble with their QBs and wideouts finding gaps in our pass coverage, and yet, for the Bills, other than their patented 5 yard quick outs or crossing patterns, they can't seem to get the ball to a receiver ? Is the Bills secondary and their Tampa 2 defense so incredibly predictable that opposing offenses, after a few days of film study, have little trouble finding the openings, making the Bills susceptible to QBs with decent accuracy? Seems odd to me how the Bills have expended so many high draft choices (and mid round for that matter) on DBs, and still can't cover worth a damn. Might have been better off using every high pick to build a fearsome front 4 that could pressure a QB into making bad throws. You don't need over-priced DBs in that scenerio.
  21. Bills 23 Saints 17
  22. Little history lesson for you: Shula and the 'fins had good teams, to be sure, but they also had the officiating crews in their back pockets - I have no doubt about that. None. Shula was on the rules commitee at the time, and I'm sure he was quite cozy with a number of the officiating brass in NY, and in the course of meetings or comferences, may even have thrown back a martini or two with members of various officiating crews. Wink wink. I'm not paranoid or a conspiracy theorist nut, but if you were around to witness those 70s games, it was soooo obvious that any marginal calls always went in favor of the Dolphins. There were at least 2 Bills/Dolphins games during that 20 game streak that the refs decided in favor of the Dolphins. And I don't thing it was because of incompetance on their part - it was outright game fixing. BTW - In case you don't know it, the much revered Don Shula is a bit of a dick. If anyone has the tape of the HOF ceremony for Marv, just take note of the shittty look on Shula's face throughout the whole speech. That's right a-hole - Marv owned your ass for 10+ years. The last time you walked off the field as a head coach was in a playoff loss to Marv & Co. I guess that bitter taste will forever linger in his mouth. Back to the Saints. Why be scared? Maybe playing scared is contributing factor to losses. Winning teams usually have swagger. There, I said it.
  23. Here's why they don't scare me.........they don't even know I exist! So it goes. Seriously though, they're just a bunch of guys. We have a bunch of guys too. If Fewell can get his DBs to quit playing 10 yards off the wideouts, and quit leaving the middle seam wide open for receiver/LB mismatches, we'll be fine. But really, the best defense maybe a ball controll offense. Time of possession hasn't exactlly been the Bills fórte so far.
  24. well at least he'd have his gayass blanket handy for first aid. Just sayin.
  25. Didn't y'all wish that just once, old Charlie Brown would run towards the ball, change direction slightly, and just kick Lucy's vag wide open. That'd show her.
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