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Everything posted by SouthernMan

  1. OR Sean Connery: I'll take "catch the semen, Alex" Alex: That's "Catch These Men." Believe it or not, I answered the question (or vice-versa) in final jeopardy before they revealed the question/answer. The category was "The Olympics" or something like that. I immediately shouted "Mexico City" I don't even know why, but it's not the first time I've had a quasi-psychic moment. Don't believe in psychic stuff, but I seem to have a lot of coincidences like that. Anywho, the answer revealed to the three contestants turned out to be "these summer olympic games in the Western Hemisphere were at 7000 ft elevation" Mexico City. I was right. The only contestant getting it right was the eventual winner of the match. I blew these kids away (College Tournament), answering all but one question correctly in round 1. And these are the ones going to edge me out in the job market because they have degrees and I don't. Sometimes, I think the most they ever learned in college is how to catch the semen.
  2. The Bills Fan/Jeopardy staff writer strikes again? Hmmm.
  3. Actually, I've noticed that the Bills come up on a somewhat regular basis on Jeopardy. Seen questions on Jim Kelly and Marv Levy before. They may have a writer who's a Bills fan working on their staff. Recenly mentioned here was the Frank Reich characterization and Bills mug in last SNL episode. Another connection? King of Queens and NYPD Blue occasionally "placed" mugs and other stuff in camera frame, showing the Bills logo. Nick Bakay was with K of Q. Don't know about NYPD Blue, seem to remember that producer Steven Bochco had some Buffalo connection. His previous show, Hill Street Blues, often had Buffalo streets like "Scajaquada" mentioned. The answer is: No jobs, bad politicians, no progress, and 1970's music and haircuts....... What is: "Why did everyone under 60 years old move away from Buffalo?, Alex"
  4. Last night, for $2000 in the Double Jeopardy round..... The answer: "The only number retired by this team is Jim Kelly's # 12" followed by dumbfounded silence from the three contestants. Not one of them rang in or even took a guess. I swear I'd kick ass if I ever got on that show. I'm real weak in the Mythology category and don't know squat about any current TV shows or movies. Other than that, I think I'd do alright. My wife suggests I try out, but my problem is I don't have any amusing anecdotes to share during the first round break that don't involve getting messed up or getting into a fight. "So Alex, back in '79, I was real fked up at Mulligans one night, and took some mushrooms and went down to the Continental, got into a dustup with some fool with Boy George makeup and a ring through his nose, etc etc" Or I could tell about the thousand times I shoveled my parents driveway, 5 minutes before the Amherst town snowplow shoved most of the street's snow back into the end of the drive. Great story there. At least I know who Jim Kelly played for.
  5. There were none. It started out with technical difficulties making it sound like Gailey was in the middle of a SCUBA lesson. It was all the basic canned diplomatic answers you would expect. Any one of us could have stood in for Chan and given the same answers. Somebody ought to manufacture one of those magic 8 ball toys with cliché coaches responses. Will Marshawn Lynch get into trouble in the off-season? "all signs point to YES" Will the Bills make the playoffs in 2010 "Don't Count On It" Will the Bills draft a QB in the early rounds? "Ask again later" Do you anticipate a good crowd in Toronto this year? "outlook not so good" And so on.... The closest thing to being substansive was when he answered the question about what areas he thought the Bills had some strength, and he indicated that he thought the secondary looked pretty solid. So, in a nutshell, we'll be drafting a corner in the first round. "Concentrate and ask again"
  6. Reverse engineering. Making the part fit the look. John Hamm, who played Reich in the skit, st times bares a strong resemblence to Reich (certain angles, smile, the hair, facial shape, etc). http://images.allmoviephoto.com/2007_Mad_M...mad_men_007.jpg So does Scott Bakula http://www.trekkerstore.com/assets/images/scott_bakula.jpg
  7. I seen to remember reading once it's designed so that QBs will have better rapport with neighborhood dogs if their hands smell like ass.
  8. Anyone else get tired of hearing these multi-millionaires griping about having security for their families? Wilfork signed a contract that had the potential to give him $18,050,000 if he reached all incentives. Even after agent commissions, taxes, etc., I don't think he's cutting coupons to save fifty cents on Progresso Clam Chowdah. Even if he was only able to pocket 20% of that contract, that's something like $3,600,000. That's more than most of us will make in our working lifetime. We'd have to gross about $120,000 a year for 45 years to equal his take by the age of 28. Remember too, that he's already got it in his bank account, and can invest it and get interest, so that 3.6 mil take homes pay oughta yield a good bit more by retirement age. So even if he never works another day in his life, he should be able to live fairly comfortably. Boo-hoo. Can his adult family members not get a job? Does he expect his offspring to live off his football salary their whole lives? With his current assets and cash, (not to mention prestige and influence as a former superbowl champ member) could he not start a business? What? Considering the struggles and decisions many Americans are now facing, looking to the fanbase for sympathy is misguided. That said, the Bills best defenses in recent years can usually be traced back to a dominating tackles in the middle of the defensive line. Think big Pat, Ted, Sam Adams. Even as far back as the Chuck Knox/Fred Smerlas era - it was the ability to stuff the run that made the defenses dominant. If we can get Wilfork as an anchor in the middle, I'm all for it. It's have the double-edged effect of weakening a division foe in addition to strengthening the Bills D-line. If Pat Williams or Ted Washington are any measure of a nose tackle's longevity in the league, Wilfork should be just reaching his prime playing days. Open the vault Ralph.
  9. I had to read this twice... Quote: "In 1971 Mitchell became the first African-American to play football for the Crimson Tide" That's amazing. It's hard to believe this is within my lifetime! We're talking a mere 12 years before Jim Kelly was drafted. If it said "1951" it would have been more believeable, but "1971" ?!?!?
  10. Agree 100%, and have often had the same thought. Assuming the player is in his prime, not in the final year of his contract, not a head case some other team is looking to unload, and has commensurate value to the #1 - I say, why not? In fact, it makes an awful lot of sense on two fronts: First, the learning curve is in the rear-view mirror - the guy is NFL seasoned and ready to go. Secondly, the risk of being a bust or of the player not able to compete at the NFL level is no longer a factor. Look what the Eagles got last year for a late 1st round pick - a pro bowl left tackle. Four teams took a OT in the first round before the # 28 pick that the Eagles eventually traded to the Bills. Guaranteed each one came in fairly green and will take at least a couple of years to be at the same level of Jason Peters. None made the pro bowl. None started 16 games. So who got the better value for the 2009 season? The Eagles, or the 4 teams (3 within the top 10 picks). For my money, unless you're forever planning for future years, or in rebuilding mode (see Buffalo Bills), I believe the trade scenerio could actually make a lot of sense. I'm surprised it's not a more prevalent occurance. If the Bills could get a need position for a player that still has at least 4 years of prime playing time on him, has 1st round value, or can be depended on as a team leader that wouldn't be out of place on a superbowl caliber team - why not? Better than having another average or less than average money sponge like John McCargo, Mike Williams, Erik Flowers, Donte Whitner, Losman, McGahee, etc etc etc.
  11. Yeah, I've never understood the whole penny-pinching thing when you get to that level of wealth. Maybe money itself becomes the obsession rather than the power to use it in some satisfying capacity. I mean, at say, 100 million, what can't Ralph buy that he could actually use? Armani styled Depends undergarments? Why not spend more for better coaches, players, GMs, etc.? Is it based on principal or some kind of pissing contest - "I'm not going pay that so-and-so top dollar. That's outrageous. Why, in my day...." yada yada yada. Is he cutting off his nose to spite his face? Maybe ol' Ralph thinks he can take it with him. The Wiki link I saw shows December 21, 1997 as the hire date with the Colts. I'll assume you're just having a Ralph Wilson moment - or maybe that you are Ralph Wilson.
  12. We must be getting old! No....on second thought, society has gone haywire. America has ADD! For our anniverary, my wife and I went to a show at the Fox Theatre (little more upscale version of Shea's for you Buffalonians). Teenage girls, probably forced by parents to attend*, are sitting next to us are texting (I presume) or engaging in some electronic I-pod sort of activity. What the hell?!? Can they not enjoy the experience, the show, or at the very least, appreciate the company of their family for 2 hours? Another time recently, we went to a local steakhouse for dinner. In walks a family of 5. The parents and 3 kids, approximate ages 4, 9, 11. Sitting across from them on the waiting area benches, I saw all but the 4-year-old with their eyes plastered to their little electronic devices, thumbs all-a-flicking. A family out to dinner, and not one of them is interacting with the other. They have to look to the "outside world" to find satisfaction. The 4-year-old had to just sit there and stare into space while the rest of the brood ignored each other. I looked at the little one and said, "what'sa matter - where's your cell phone"? I said it loud enough for the parents to hear me, at the same time giving them a little dig. I have no doubt they soon reconciled the situation by getting her her very own cell phone for Christmas - ordered on-line through their I-pod! Lord knows what this culture will look like in 20 years. * I have a very intelligent 17 year old niece, but she's practically become a recluse, hating to leave her bedroom. The virtual world of the internet has become her reality. Sad. Instead of developing social skills as relationships, they hide behind the supposed safety of their computer screens. She and a lot of her friends can barely pick up the phone and carry on a normal conversation. Fear!
  13. I believe that's got to be the Miss Buffalo finalists. Eeeek.
  14. Perfect analysis. They draft players, develop them, by the time they get to a level of starting caliber, it's contract time again and the Bills don't compete in the market. With that approach, the only way they'll ever field a competative team is if they get very lucky in 2 or 3 consecutive drafts, hitting a lot of home runs with later rounds, and if they can keep the roster halfway healthy. Despite all the badmouthing over the Bills personnel department, they actually had what looks like a damn good draft in 2009. If only they had scored an immediate starter/impact player with the Maybin pick, it might have been one of the Bills best ever drafts, or at least one of the best since the Chuck Knox or Bill Polian eras. The big knock on the personnel people is their amazing ability to blow it on early round picks that should be low risk, high probability draft choices. Yet oddly, they make some great later round choices. Think about it.......could it be someone (e.g. - Ralph Wilson) has undo influence for the early picks (translation: high $$$$ players), and then steps back after the blue chippers are off the board? Makes me wonder! Gee, all the positions the Bills have frequently expended high picks on on recent years. 3 defensive backs! BTW, add Saints DB Pierson Prioleau to the list of former Bills. Heck, for all the wasted first and second round picks over the last few years, maybe the Bills could have had a Drew Brees, Brett Favre, or Kurt Warner (via trade). Instead, they'll spend the 2010 1st rounder on a QB who might be ready in 3 years - or just before the contract is up!
  15. That can't possibly be true! That's so far out of the realm of reality! Add me to the list of board members in disbelief. Polian? Go to his kid's game? You mean like an actual person?!?!?! As if that weren't unbelievable enough, on top of that he acted in a real cool way! Man, you must live in a fantasy world. Get some help, please. What's next - you saw Jill Kelly at the mall?!?!?!?
  16. I'm assuming this is related to Archie Manning's situation. First, I think every parent will always root for their kid. I mean, how much loyalty does the Bills organization really give to it's fans anyway? Not much unless they think it can benefit their bank account. When Ralph mentions his demise and the words "highest bidder" in the same sentence, it's obvious it's nothing more than business. Seriously, if it were me, I'd leave each of the two surviving daughters 10 or 20 million, (I'd think they could manage on that for the rest of their lives), and leave the team, debt free, to Erie County. Even if Erie County had to put up the 10 or 20 for the daughters - so what? Back to the point.... ...the children will always be first. Archie Manning's situation is win-win. He's seen each of his two NFL sons win the MVP award and the superbowl over the past 3 years. BUT...the pro team that has a special place in his heart will always be the Saints - the same team that Peyton and Eli grew up rooting for. If the Saints win, it'll be the holy trifecta for Archie - both of his boys and his beloved Saints winning 3 of the last 4 superbowls! But, if the Colts win, it's another historical footnote to the HOF career of Peyton, and still the hope that the Saints, a team on the rise, can come back in the near future. As much as the kid's accomplishments will always be first for a parent, I'd bet secretly, Archie wouldn't mind seeing the city of New Orleans get a superbowl trophy as the icing on the cake, following the massive post-Katrina rehabilitation. It would probably mean far more to Lousianans that it ever could for Peyton, who's already achieved everything he could, and secured his place in football history. But to answer the question - I'd have to go with my kid if he were playing against the Bills.
  17. I live in Georgia. I'm not phased by or have any bias regarding southern accents. For years, I've noticed the prejudice that comes from some Buffalonians (even some family members) regarding their preconceived ideas about people who have southern accents. All I've heard since the Gailey press conference, on the blogs, WGR sites, here, etc. - is about the way he speaks. I don't think the WNY natives south of the Amherst-Cheektowaga border have much ground to stand on regarding their speech patterns. Not jist chick-a-tow-aga, but dem der sowt bufflo types sound real intellgint when dey're "mocking out" doze suddern people. Yeah, I know, you don't think youse have an accent. You do. And it doesn't sound any closeer to da queen's inglish den someone from Alabama. Only difference is dat Chan Gailey has grits for breakfast (as i did this morning), and y'all are eating leftover perogis and Mighty Taco.
  18. I think the real crisis will occur when 12.22.12 comes and nothing has changed, and all the doomsday believers will be scrambling to get their Christmas shopping done in 2 days. Good luck with that, suckers!
  19. Just curious....at the "uncle's" house, are there frequent drunken guests who swear in front of the little ones, spill drinks on everybody, and then piss in your uncle's sink and all over his floor?
  20. The Bills desparately need help at the linebacking position. Their run defense looks like Swiss cheese. Run support from the linebackers would help a lot. Spikes would be a great choice. He could play inside and they could move Poz to the outside. After that, only one more OLB away from a fairly formidable defense. The Bills D-line is not that bad. Kelsey and Schobel played their positions at a level that doesn't require immediate attention to the DE spot, especially if Maybin adds some muscle and develops as hoped. Kyle Williams has really come along. No problem there. Stroud may be nearing the end, but if he can stay rested with a decent rotation, he could be solid for another year or so. Unless they hire Jauron back as a consultant, I don't see them drafting a DB in the first round. Linebacking is the most glaring need. Some will argue that OT is a huge need as well. It will all depend on how the Bills forecast the continued development and stability of Butler and Bell in the tackle positions. I think Spikes would be a good fit. If the Bills think they could convert Maybin to OLB, maybe a DL would be in order. If they don't see Bell as a solution to the LT spot, then it'd be worthwhile to draft the last piece of the OL puzzle, as there should be at least one blue chip prospect at that position. IF they can draft an impact player with the 1st choice and have as successful a draft as the later rounds of 2009 brought, they could have the makings of a damn good team. All they would need is to stay healthy and get someone under center that can be a good field general and leader. If they go QB in the first round, that would be a concession to it being a rebuilding year. I don't think it has to be. Fill the QB spot with a FA - a la Favre, Warner, etc. Spikes looks like a good possibility as a 1st round choice. Who knows, maybe that can move down a couple of spots and parlay the #9 into another pick or two.
  21. WNY-ease? How about a previous post in this thread - "I'm damned to being a smartass if I mock you out for this retarded error" Ironic that they use the term "retarded error" in the phrase. Nobody outside of WNY says "mock you out" or "mocked out". In the rest of the English speaking western world it's simply "mocked". How that got started I don't know, but I can almost hear the newly arriving Polish immigrant fashioning that one in Buffalo. e.g. - "Ma, dat der Irish kid down da street der was "mocking me out" for wearing doze side-buckle rubber boots an' a ear-flap hat when it's 40 degrees der. I tole him to go shovel his driveway. Dat was before I noticed it was melted der" And yes - Catch-22 was a phrase popularized after the Heller novel and subsequent 1970 movie by the same name.
  22. The NFL scrap heap is littered with "can't miss" QB high draft picks. Ryan Leaf will always be the poster boy for this phenomenon, but all you have to do is go through the 1st round QB picks over the last 15 years and it's like a who's who of "can't miss" busts. For every 1st round success like Kelly, Elway, Marino, etc., there are 5 1st round busts who never lived up their exhalted status. There's no guarantee for other positions (can you say Mike Williams?), but the glamour of the QB position too often puts stars in the eyes of the fans who've seen them tear up some Div I stiffs. I could be wrong, or course, but I don't see Colt McCoy as ever being a force in the NFL. Here's a list of some of the "can't miss" first round busts: David Carr, Akili Smith, Rick Mirer, Heath Shuler, Andre Ware, Joey Harrington, Byron Leftwich, Alex Smith, Matt Leinart. Some of these were "ok" QBs. but none warranted their lofty draft position or the paycheck that accompanied it. Some that weren't necessarily "can't miss" players, but still 1st round busts include: Kyle Boller, Rex Grossman and our very own J.P Losman. Oh yeah.....the Bills need to continue building from the inside and bolster their O and D lines. The skill positions will function at an amazingly high level if given the support from the beef ont he trenches. That's how superbowl teams are built.
  23. Oh no? Then how do you explain the Bills' 1992 playoff game against the Oilers - you know, the "greatest comeback ever" - not selling out? That was the incredible irony of the game. One of the all-time great Bills games, and most of western NY only heard the radio broadcast, or more likely turned it off early into the 3rd quarter, and only heard the amazing results an hour or so later. Even for the playoff games in the 90s that were sold out in time for the blackout to be lifted, often they just barely made the deadline, or it was extended, or somebody with deep pockets helped out. The local economy has always struggled, and playoff game tickets don't usually come on the market until mid-late December when a playoff spot is clinched,. By then, the Christmas money is already spoken for, others are now spending family sports entertainment dollars for the more cozy confines of the Sabres arena, and the causal fans have already made their good-weather, one or two games a year trek to Orchard Park. Your memory is failing you if you think the Bills have not had difficulties selling out in the later part of the season - even during the glory days of Bills football.
  24. On a similar note...where's Steve Johnson. Another guy who showed good potential in limited playing time. Oh that's right....it's the Bills! They subscribe to The Marcellus Wiley Plan. It's more commonly used for defensive backs in the Bills system, but it can be applied to almost any player. That's the one in which they spend all the time and money bringing raw players up to their own lofty standards, and then generously set them free to the free agent market once they're bonafide starters. They restock in the next draft and the cycle starts all over again. Quite ingenious. They'll"ease" Steve Johnson into the lineup, finally get some regular playing time next year, and if all that protracted grooming pays off and he shows some talent, he'll be ready to hit the free agent market in the following year! Brilliant! Same with Hardy. They'll spend millions on him, get him all rehabbed and groomed, and it's off to FA-land. Ellis may be in that same program. God bless the Buffalo Bills.
  25. I think everyone is missing the point about Kelly's Cailfornia Qb comments. It has little to do with weather. As one of you posted previously, there are maybe 2 "winter" games each year in Buffalo. It'd really be interesting to debunk the myth with some facts, and see how much worse the Bills' playing conditions have been as compared to other teams. I'd bet it's negligible. Teams from San Diego still go to Cleveland. Arizona goes to Philly, etc. Looking at the NFL schedule, how many teams actually avoid any chance of a winter outing or two in any given year? Probably very few. I suppose if it's a year when the AFC West is matched up against the NFC West there may be little chance of a snow bowl. I think what Kelly really meant, and has been sidestepping since he was questioned on the comment, is that the Bills have had 3 California QBs this decade and they were all "soft" - lacking the mental toughness more common to the QBs hailing from his native Western PA. Yeah, it's painting with a broad brush. Stereotyping. But, it was another of Kelly's lame attempts at humor. In almost every interview situation (unless it's a charity thing), Kelly's always trying to be funny and makes stupid wisecracks. He lacks the charisma to pull it off. I don't think he's actually as stupid as he appears, but he frequently comes off like a total bafoon while exchanging "clever" banter with the likes of Marshal Faulk - himself no Rhodes Scholar. Anyway, I think Kelly was simply citing the streak of bad fortune the Bills have had in recent years with California QBs. It meant nothing really. Of course he failed to recognize the fact that the only league championship the Bills have ever won came under the guidance of a QB from California!
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