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Everything posted by BuffaloRebound

  1. Almost a must in today’s NFL to have defenders that have some ball skills. How that tipped ball wasn’t intercepted is beyond me. Went through 2 Seattle defenders hands. That’s a 7 point turnaround.
  2. Gotta tip your hat to McCarthy actually not clamming up and going conservative once they got over the 40.
  3. Time for McCarthy to play for the 60 yard field goal here.
  4. That holding call on Dallas was so huge. You can’t tell me the refs couldn’t flag that on every play.
  5. Absurd that Dak wasn’t in on 3rd down. How did they mark the ball where they did? Half his body was in end zone
  6. Wow. Flores should be canned. If he calls timeout with 10 seconds, Jax forced to punt.
  7. Why did Flores not call timeout earlier? Force Jax to punt
  8. Meyer is so over-matched as a coach in NFL.
  9. Difference in game is Miami’s defense is NFL caliber. Both offenses not good. Jax defense is not good. So many wide open Miami WR’s and TE’s and no pass rush.
  10. Meyer should’ve stayed in the TV booth.
  11. I don’t know. I think it’s entirely possible that Gruden was only person dumb and arrogant enough to send these type of things to a guy’s workplace email account. By 2010, anybody with a brain knew you couldn’t send stuff around like that to a guy’s workplace email account. Most workplaces would’ve flagged those emails immediately, which shows what type of organization WFT was running. Wasn’t Whaley fired from Steelers for sending porn from a workplace email well before 2010?
  12. An argument can be made that Sirianni is doing exactly what he should do with Hurts. Find out if he can be an elite QB. They aren’t going anywhere this year. Most important thing for that organization this year is to find out if Hurts can be an upper echelon QB. Running a gimmicky offense will just cloud the picture and maybe get you 8 wins at best. With 3 first rounders next year, better to find out now what you got in Hurts.
  13. Everybody should know by now the League is serious about cleaning up taunting. Compared to what’s been called through the first 6 weeks, that was one of the easier flags to throw. That Philly LB is an idiot.
  14. Who’s banning him from anything in the future? America is the land of 2nd chances. Even if he doesn’t show remorse, it seems like he’s the right wing’s new fanboy and has a future in politics if he chooses.
  15. Was it leaked before the vote took place? Seems like it might’ve cone out after.
  16. Nah. Divorced maybe though. Racism, homophobia, sexism in my opinion is a disease of the uneducated. Obviously there are exceptions to everything.
  17. Too much content. If there’s a market for it, it will be made regardless of how bad the content is. People have more free time and are always on their devices. Also harder to read longer articles on a smartphone. So now it’s all clips, blurbs and hot takes, and we’re all dumber for it.
  18. Yep. Ravens had no business winning that game. Colts were the more desperate team and playing like their season was on the line. Ravens hung in their long enough before Lamar put them on their back. Lamar is hard not to root for. Similar to Josh. So many doubters because they don’t fit into the cookie cutter mold of what a successful NFL QB is supposed to do. They just go out there and ball and do their thing. And they both got picked by exactly the right organizations.
  19. I don’t know. Maybe you and me. But most people who are famous or work for a large multi-billion dollar company aren’t dumb enough to send emails of this nature even if they privately believe that. Even with 500,000 emails, Gruden is probably only one dumb enough to put this stuff in an email.
  20. Lamar is fun to watch. NFL version of Allen Iverson. Unique player. Baller.
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