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Everything posted by BuffaloRebound

  1. If Diggs fights harder, he might get the call. He seemed to give up like the 3rd down in OT. That connection ain’t happening like it was last year.
  2. The offense has failed to punch the ball in end zone with chance to win in every one of those losses. That’s why we’re 0-5 in close games.
  3. Every year Daboll is still calling plays takes years off Josh’s career. Looked like his ankle injury isn’t that bad, but it’s only a matter of time before he gets seriously injured. We have to find a running game and we have to have a better short passing game. A good in-Line Tight End helps with both.
  4. Knox is good but he’s more of a gadget Tight End with good run after catch ability. I still think we need a traditional in-Line Tight End who can block and catch a pass over the middle in the end zone and in 3rd down. Go 2 Tight Ends more.
  5. F Daboll, McDermott, Beane and this damn offense. The fact that Josh is our only threat to run the ball going on 4 years is criminal. This was only a matter of time. If I’m Pegula, I’m beyond pissed that my $200m QB is the only guy who can run the ball consistently.
  6. Josh needs to throw his way more near goal line and in big spots. Dude came up huge. He actually fights for the ball and for yardage unlike our #1 WR
  7. He’s an OK mlb. Just never makes a game changing play. I don’t blame him for the last play. It’s usually not totally his fault. You just can’t pay him top 10 LB money. I’d offer him $10m per year max. Let him walk if he wants more than that.
  8. this times a million. Can’t score a TD inside the 10 yard line. Story of the season and why we’re 0-5 in one score games.
  9. That’s why you go for it. McDermott almost went for it and then he remembered he doesn’t have a pair.
  10. you really expect edmunds to react to the tipped pass?… he’s too busy tackling fournette after he would’ve got the 1st down.
  11. Epenesa has to be below 240lbs. Looks like Maybin out there. Just gets rag-dolled on every play.
  12. Then he needs to bring in somebody new who can bring in new ideas.
  13. McDermott ain’t going anywhere, but we need new coordinators. Need something new on both sides of the ball. These schemes are not working anymore.
  14. Edmunds literally wants to get blocked instead of tackling the RB. Runs right into the Pulling OL instead of tackling the RB right in front of him.
  15. Knock Brady to the ground a couple times. Some quick hit passes on offense, and convert on 3rd or 4th and short
  16. Whitehead being out could be big. Dude was awesome in the playoffs last year and made big hits all over the field.
  17. If Morse is so athletic and a good pass blocker, why not kick him outside to Left Tackle? Seems like Dawkins would be better suited inside at his current shape anyway.
  18. Agreed. This is the team he built. Can’t put all your resources on that side of ball into building a top notch passing game and then whine that we can’t run the ball.
  19. Not sure which play was worse… Claypool’s or Peterson letting the Pittsburgh WR get out of bounds with 3 seconds left.
  20. Sounds like he’s saying his team ain’t tough enough to run the ball. And the reason they ain’t tough enough is because they didn’t commit to running the ball earlier. That points to Daboll to me.
  21. Disagree on the Moss run. Judon tackles Moss for a loss if he bounces it outside. It’s kind of comparable to saying a WR is open after the man covering him has already reacted to the pass being thrown to somebody else. A dynamic RB that has speed and power to break an arm tackle might have been able to score if they bounced it outside, but Bills don’t have one of those.
  22. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/defenses-blunted-superstar-quarterbacks-season-083006493.html Extremely relevant article. Just feels like Bills organization was/is behind the curve on how NFL defenses have adjusted to the passing game. And now it looks like it’s too late to do anything substantial enough to address our weak running game.
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