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Everything posted by BuffaloRebound

  1. Here's what SD should do: tell Brees they'll sign him to a long term deal but he ain't getting a signing bonus since the reason they took Rivers is that Brees sucked for 3 years. Trade Rivers and eat the cap hit, and everyone's happy.
  2. Fair enough about the shoulder injury thing and not being able to work out. But he still would have been the #1 pick. I think the guy has all the tools as well, but going to a supplemental draft now when your OC leaves seems awfully wierd.
  3. I wouldn't want a guy who changes his mind because his offensive coordinator leaves. When you are the #1 pick and you go back to school, that is enough of a head scratcher unto itself. Throw this one on top of that, and Leinart is either flaky or scared of something.
  4. San Diego is crazy if they trade Brees. It has taken them 20 years to find a good QB and they find one who happens to be 26 years old and they trade him? Who the heck knows how Rivers is going to turn out. If anything, trade Rivers for a 1st rounder and eat the cap space (which they have plenty of). If they aren't enamored with their 3 first round picks, trade one or two of them for Orlando Pace or somebody else to fit their fancy.
  5. No one is giving Drew a starting job without a high-caliber young QB waiting in the wings. Cleveland is the only AFC team I can think of but you gotta think they will go QB in the 1st round. They are miles away from contending so I can't see why they wouldn't take their lumps getting the rookie ready. There's Chicago and Dallas in the NFC. Testaverde is better than Drew and I can't imagine they would trade one re-tread for another and waste another year at the position. Chicago might work for Drew if they are writing Grossman off. But I would rather find out what I have in Grossman once and for all then waste time with Bledsoe on the field. There's Arizona but I don't think Green is lying that he's not interested. Maybe San Francisco. The owner is cheap and Drew might put some people in the stands, but if they go QB in round 1, see Cleveland above.
  6. There really is not much to lose and much to gain replacing Drew with Losman. It is obvious we were never going to win a championship with Bledsoe. Groundhog's day had to end. And what is with all the 'we better make the playoffs'-crap? That is just a loser mediocre attitude. That's all people want to do? What more evidence do people need we will never sniff the Patriots in our division or any of the other elite teams in the AFC with Bledsoe at QB?
  7. Willis made something out of nothing the whole year. That is why he unseated Travis in the first place. Whether it was the passing game not getting respect, the O-line not opening holes, or Bledsoe's lack of mobility allowing teams teams to not have to account for that, it certainly wasn't Willis not finding the holes.
  8. The guy might not be a top 10 LT, but it's looking like we have to re-sign Jennings. We can't have a below average LT out there with a rookie QB. With Pace and Jones off the table, who out there is better than Jennings? If Jennings is looking to break the bank, it might be smart to franchise him and either pay him the one year franchise # or get a #2 or #3 from a team in a sign and trade. To lose him and get nothing in return when he is probably the best LT out there would be doubly devastating.
  9. Smerlas and Haslett used to have their own show on WBEN in the early to mid 80's the day after the game where they used to take call-ins. It provided for some of the most comical radio ever. Annoyed fans would call in and rip apart the team for being 2-14 and Smerlas and Haslett would get all defensive and threaten to find out where the caller lived and inflict bodily harm.
  10. Couch short-arms the ball and will continue to have arm problems even after surgery unless he completely changes his throwing mechanics. I'd prefer Fiedler over Warner because he seems like more of a team guy and is less wacky.
  11. Listen, I hate Brady as much as any Bills-loving fan, but these posts are ridiculous. Bellichek was simply an above average coach before Brady took over. He makes that team what it is. All the big throws he makes takes the pressure off of every other aspect of their team. To compare him to Trent Green is laughable. That team was awful in 2001 before Brady took over. To say that he didn't desrve the MVP in last year's Super Bowl is ignorant. Monatana only had the greatest WR to ever live playing with him. And Elway couldn't win any big game before Terrell Davis. People here are just letting their disdain for Brady cloud their judgement.
  12. I actually think he is top 2 with Montana. Elway had the best physical tools of any QB ever, but he didn't perform consistently in the big games like Montana and Brady. Brady is simply a machine - it is unbelievable how many big throws he makes.
  13. It was a great play call. I also love seeing Cowher getting his butt kicked. He wouldn't even acknowledge that New England flat-out handed it to them all game. Cowher is of the same ilk as Schottenheimer, just a tad better. I could see Cowher taking some time off after this one. His ego might not rebound for awhile.
  14. I hope he has a bad thumb, because his throws have no zip. That pass to the sideline that Harrison picked took about 4 seconds to get there. Losman has much better physiacl tools from what I can tell - better arm and way more speed and quickness.
  15. Didn't see much of Indy this year, but when I did, he consistently got bad penalties and dropped passes. He was the worst TE/WR they had on the field.
  16. Travis Henry is not a Dennis Green-type back. Green goes for the more explosive play-makers at the skill positions. I don't see Green giving up a 2nd rounder for Travis.
  17. Agreed. A park along the water doesn't cost a lot to build, and surely doesn't cost anything to tear down. It also isn't a constant empty reminder of wasted tax dollars. There is always demand for a nice park. Is there any demand in Buffalo for more housing along the waterfront? Take the $300m and knock down all the old vacant factories along the water and throughout Western NY and build parks. This is just another in a long line of spending disasters in the Buffalo area.
  18. I don't know the history of their contract negotiations, but if the Jets aren't making him a competitive offer and he has the risk of further injuring himself, I can't really fault him too much for sitting out.
  19. The only reason Spikes wasn't franchised by Cincy is because Marvin Lewis just got the job and needed to significantly change the roster. Spikes franchise number on their cap would have prevented the Bengals from signing anyone of significance, plus Spikes didn't want to be there. Lewis didn't want to start his tenure under those circumstances.
  20. Comparing the Cincy QB situation last year to San Diego's this year doesn't paint an accurate picture. Carson Palmer is twice the talent of Rivers and Brees is not a re-tread QB. Everyone who is saying Brees will only have one good year are the same people that said Brady would only have 1 good year. Brees has improved dramatically from his first few years in the league and even from college. He was always a smart QB but inexplicably now has the arm strength he never had. I don't know if it is mechanical or if he is just stronger, but the guy now has very good zip on his passes and is the difference for him being sub-par and now a Pro Bowl level QB. It would be such a poor decision to get rid of Brees and hand over the reigns to Rivers. But it's the Chargers, so anything is possible.
  21. You can't trade Brees right now. San Diego has been awful for 10 years, and then they finally have a good season and have a 25 year old QB that played at a Pro Bowl level, and you're going to trade him and start all over again?
  22. San Diego can't trade Brees after what he did this year, and you can't get rid of Rivers after Brees played well for just one year. They are stuck with both for next year. You would also figure they have to lock up Gates long-term. I see them trading at least one of their 1st round picks. The more I think of it, we should really franchise Jennings and get something for him. Maybe a team like San Diego or even Dallas wants to unload one of their 1st round picks and becomes smitten with Jonas. Jonas is really the best young LT available this year. It would a shame lose him for nothing.
  23. Watched Walter Jones exclusively yesterday. Awesome, awesome pass blocker and nice run blocker. Seahawks have 9 starters they have to re-sign. Holmgren stated in his post game news conference, the off-season goal is to re-sign his players on defense and try and keep his core players (Hasselback and ALexander) on offense. Jones will absolutely be available this off-season. Maybe Takeo can get in this guy's ear in Hawaii. Dominant LT's are difference makers. If we are sticking with Drew or even if we go with a JP, upgrading the O-Line is the #1 off-season goal.
  24. How is this kid an unknown? There is just as much pressure if not more to make kicks at Ohio State than to make them in the NFL. Big 10 kickers also have experience kicking in crappy conditions. Nugent is as close to a sure thing as there is. That said, no way TD uses a 2nd or 3rd rounder on a kicker unless we get a 2nd for Henry and an extra 3rd for Winfield.
  25. What could be Donahoe's motivation for saying what he did?: (1) lets Losman know if he works his butt off this off-season the job could be his (2) lets frustrated veterans on the team know that Bledsoe will not be given a free pass (3) lets Bledsoe know he will not be given a free pass and better show up this year ready for a competition (4) less likely - puts feelers out to teams that might be interested in going after Bledsoe this off-season (i.e. Cowboys)
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