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Everything posted by BuffaloRebound

  1. That was Wilson’s bad on 3rd down. He lost track of the play clock then had to snap it quickly
  2. It’s the rules not the refs. Those are unfortunately the right calls. In a game this intense, sometimes you have to use common sense. Refs not allowed to do that.
  3. 3rd round pick for clowney. We can’t have nice things because Whaley gave out some bad contracts.
  4. Yes. I’d go get Dalton. He doesn’t necessarily spell the end for Allen, but he can get you to the playoffs if the lightbulb never goes on for Allen. At a minimum, Bills need an upgrade to Barkley.
  5. It’s just frustrating to see the success that Mahomes, Watson, and Jackson are having. 3 guys we passed on while the Bills continue to struggle on offense and Allen looks like he’s more likely to bust than pan out.
  6. He’s charmin soft. Wilts in the face of the pass rush.
  7. For whatever reason, I dislike Rivers. Just seems like a wanker.
  8. I think point Whitlock was trying to make is if you’re gonna go chasing a prototype, better to chase guys who are Christian conservatives than these QB gurus. But in the end you shouldn’t go chasing prototypes of any kind. You gotta be a good coach and you gotta be authentic. I doubt Belichik has ever talked about god to his players. Wouldn’t be surprised if the guy is an atheist. He doesn’t seem like a particularly good human being, but he’s a great coach and he’s authentic.
  9. I don’t think we can score enough points to beat them unless our defense turns them over a couple times.
  10. Talk about a punch in the nuts, momentum killing turnover. Dude who dropped that punt should walk to the locker room and not come back out on field.
  11. Why would any seller accept a trade before the actual last minute if you’ve waited this long?
  12. Fascinated about how things actually go down. I wonder how much time teams have to give themselves to get the info to the league by 4pm. Do teams put an artificial deadline like 3:45 to submit your best offer? Must be a complete frenzy from about now until 4pm. We only hear about the finished deal.
  13. A 2nd for Green. A 3rd for Bell. No more excuses. Get Dalton in the offseason if Allen doesn’t show improvement with that supporting cast.
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