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Everything posted by BuffaloRebound

  1. Joey Bosa supposedly gonna holdout. I’d trade multiple 1st round picks for Bosa. I’d trade a 5th rounder for Olsen. Not sure Knox is ready yet. In the 2nd round, I draft the best WR/RB available.
  2. Tampa makes way more sense than Miami. Tampa has more pieces in place and Miami seems pretty enamored with Fitz as their bridge
  3. He played like he didn’t want to get hurt towards end of season. Football is a violent game. Once you lose that edge that borders on being crazy, it’s time to move on. If you can’t give up your body in a playoff game, that says it all.
  4. Wow. Awful decision. He’s not improving his draft stock and no position has a shorter shelf life than RB.
  5. I’d rather a guy like Olsen who can give you 1 or 2 good years then throw big money at a Hooper. And Olsen’s a veteran presence for Josh. Trade Carolina one of our extra 5th rounders.
  6. Hard to find a kicker and Hausckha redeemed himself at end of year. Can’t see them cutting him.
  7. It’s definitely captivating but leaves a lot of holes. No family members are interviewed. Just a couple dudes he went to high school with and a guy who was a friend of the guy he killed. And some lawyers. Not as deep of a dive as most of the OJ specials. Captivating nonetheless. Didn’t know or forgot the Patriots hooked him up with an apartment away from his fiancé and baby daughter where he could hide out from people he thought wanted to kill him.
  8. I know he’s old, but I’d go after Gregg Olsen. I think he could still be a great security blanket for Josh and with Gire most likely gone, it’d be good to have a vet in the offensive huddle who commands respect.
  9. Makes sense for him to finish up his career somewhere else. Creates distance between himself and that cheating organization for his legacy’s sake. But you will still never be able to separate the 2.
  10. Goodell is essentially like the head of the NCAA. The owners in the NFL are a cartel like the big sports factory Universities and when they tell him to jump he jumps. When people need someone to get mad at, Goodell and Emmert or whoever heads the NCAA now are essentially paid to take the heat. That’s their job description. Don’t rock the boat and take heat for the owners. The NFL has gone downhill since the Jerry Jones’s and Kraft’s became the most powerful owners instead of Rooney and Mara.
  11. 49ers gotta a good D, but Cook is running the opposite of hard in this game. He’s either hurt or his wife thinks he deserves a new contract.
  12. A top 5 WR will most likely fall. QB’s and Linemen always get pushed up the board.
  13. Hopefully he never has to pay this and NFL is just doubling down fur show. What a joke the NFL has become.
  14. Haha. The NFL has become a complete joke. They monitor what players say on Twitter for rules violations and over-rule their own rules on the field of play in a playoff game.
  15. Rhule certainly did well in college, but Temple and Baylor were both low expectation turnarounds. He seems a bit unhinged. That might play well for 20 year old college kids who had a chip on their shoulder because the top schools passed them over. Not sure how his act is gonna play in an NFL locker room.
  16. Not so sure that what the official signaled was irrelevant. What other official was close enough to over-rule what the official in the end zone saw? He was staring right at the returner the entire time and was 5 yards away. The next closest official was at least 20 yards away and may not have been even watching the returner. They were interpreting what the closest ref saw. It should’ve went to replay with the call of touchdown being reviewed.
  17. 20 plus years ago I might’ve agreed with you. But wankers like Belichik spend thousands of hours reading through the rule book looking for an edge. You can’t use judgement when not allowed even when it looks obvious because d-bags like Belichik will exploit that and have his returner fake the handsign to his team and return the kick.
  18. Your argument if you want to call it that has a thousand holes in it. There are clear rules how you give yourself up and he did none of those. When he catches the ball the play is live. It’s the same thing as not taking a knee on victory formation and tossing the ball to the ref. It’s a live ball and the ref on the field got it right.
  19. The arguments if you can call them that for over-ruling the ref on the field are incredibly weak. Common sense and the player didn’t mean to do that about sums it up.
  20. It wasn’t 1v1. Edmunds had already engaged and slowed him down.
  21. The first 2 point conversion changed the entire game. Still being up by 2 scores with a quarter to go means your still comfortably in control. And all Poyer had to do was lower his shoulder to keep Watson out of end zone. You’d think he’d man up there after Watson dragged him 8 yards for the TD.
  22. People ready to give up on him are morons. He’s right up there with Lamar, Mahomes, and Wilson as the most talented QB’s in the NFL. Improve the run game and give him some more weapons and watch him continue to blossom into a top a QB as he cuts out the stupid mistakes and learns when to take his shots.
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