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Everything posted by BuffaloRebound

  1. Why are they trying to catch the ball???????????????????????????????????????????????????!???
  2. That’s a WEAK holding call. They could’ve called 10 of those on Arizona when Murray runs.
  3. Thank god Fitzgerald has the best hands in NFL. Any other WR and that hits the ground.
  4. You don’t let good O-Linemen walk. I’d happily cut half our overpaid D Linemen to make room for Williams and Feliciano. Same to Edmunds. Milano too.
  5. Seems like the type of guy who needs the right locker room to get the most out of him. Needs a Ray Lewis to challenge him to play hard every snap. I get why nobody wants to give him a long term deal.
  6. Wow. 3 minutes left and Vrabel is giving up because he knows who Tannehill is.
  7. Tannehill without the threat of Henry and play action is Miami Tannehill.
  8. Neither team has much margin for error with their methodical offenses. Difference is the Colts defense is much better than Titans.
  9. Surprised refs didn’t throw flag on that hit. Helmet to tannehills chest and he drive him to the ground. Definitely not dirty but in today’s NFL surprised no flag.
  10. Colts making Tannehill look bad. Not letting him have anytime on the play action. As soon as he turns around there’s a guy in his face. Play action is tannehills game.
  11. Tennessee playing the same soft defense they played against us. That’s the right play against at Allen. They’re doing Rivers a favor.
  12. I don’t understand why defenses don’t go after these old QB’s like Brees, Brady, and Rivers. Go cover 0 the entire game, get in their face, hit them, and force them to beat you down the field. Amazing how defenses let these 40 year olds sit in the pocket and carve them up underneath. If they beat you deep a few times, so be it.
  13. Colts have to be most boring team in NFL. Jets are like a car wreck you can’t turn away from. A lot of other bad teams have young QB’s that might turn into something. Colts are a mediocre team with an old QB going nowhere.
  14. Reggie White was awesome but he played in a 4-3 with All Pro’s all over that Philly D-Line. Bruce was a 1 man show.
  15. Not really a fair question. Ralph was in his 90’s and without a clear plan of succession, no good GM or coach was coming here when they didn’t know who their future boss was gonna be.
  16. Kind of natural when something becomes so dominant for it to fall back to earth. They had a great run. Hard to make everybody happy especially in country as polarized as this one. It still has no serious national challenger. So many ways for people to consume their sports content now. ESPN still the dominant player. Just a more fragmented market.
  17. The INT by Flacco was the killer. Up 7 with 5 minutes to go. Pats hadn’t really stopped them and Newton hadn’t shown he could drive the team down the field quickly. That was the worst possible thing. No time run off clock and you give ball right back to Pats.
  18. Gase approaching Richie Kotite level. Not sure how anybody gives him a job after he’s put out of his misery.
  19. OMG. Time to take a knee and play for overtime.
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