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Everything posted by BuffaloRebound

  1. I’m usually in favor of going for it on 4th down, but your down 2 scores with 8 minutes left.
  2. Just looks like there’s something wrong with Wentz’s arm/elbow. His release is slow and he’s afraid to throw it downfield. When he does, it’s under thrown. Not sure if he always wore the sleeve on his right arm.
  3. Eagles probably gonna lose this game, but their defense deserves better. They are playing very physical.
  4. That’s a 6 point blown call by ref incompetence. The ball landed 3 yards short of LOS and the head ref tells everyone it went past the LOS. It would’ve been 2nd and about 35 at their own 35. Where were the black shirt dudes like in our playoff game who came running out to change the call?
  5. The NFL is a bunch of incompetent ball lickers from Roger to the refs to the clowns they have calling games.
  6. This defense is possessed. Metcalf running out of bounds. Doesn’t wanna get hit again.
  7. Trubisky had his face mask grabbed twice on the fumble but nobody really cares because it’s Trubisky.
  8. What’s the deal with the point spread now down to 4? Vegas know something about this game?
  9. This. Seemed like Marino was more than happy to rack up stats and do isotoner commercials. Bills were the tougher more blue collar team.
  10. Would agree with the fact that Belichik assistants finding very little success outside New England points to a combo of Brady and the cheating culture being almost impossible to replicate.
  11. If I were a Steelers fan, I’d be pissed too. This has very real likelihood of nixing Steelers bye in the playoffs.
  12. How’s this for a conspiracy. Ravens could very well be the 8th place team in the AFC. If the game gets postponed this week and has to be played in week 18, the League goes to 8 playoff teams per conference.
  13. Game must’ve been on NFL network. There’s no way CBS, Fox, ESPN, or NBC would be cool with this.
  14. It’s past time for defensive coordinators to stop playing traditional defenses against these old QB’s. Brady’s 1 weakness was always pressure up the middle but now he looks like an over-matched rookie when he can’t step up into the pocket. Blitz more guys up the middle than the Bucs can block. Brees and Rivers can’t throw the ball outside the numbers or more than 20 yards downfield yet defenses still play soft underneath against them. It’s like these defense coordinators are still game planning for these guys like it’s 2010.
  15. Yep. Can’t believe Brady threw that ball. Maybe he’s actually done.
  16. Rams gonna lose if they don’t generate some pressure. Brady will gladly take 8-10 yards.
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